Gu Qingyun: "..."

Even if you didn't succeed in evading while running, you still have to apologize to this little bitch?

Mu Changying spread her little hands, her fingers were slender and white, with distinct knuckles, "I'm a materialistic person, so I don't need to express my gratitude verbally. I'll just pay the consultation fee."

The people around didn't have any objections, but there were a lot of people who agreed. After all, paying for medical treatment, isn't this a normal operation?

Seeing that the other party was still taking no action, Mu Changying retracted her little hand and came to the rescue in a considerate manner, "If you don't have cash, you can also transfer money via WeChat or Alipay."

"I..." Gu Qingyun weakly covered her forehead with her hands and spoke weakly.

"What are you doing?" an angry male voice interrupted.

Rong Shichu squeezed through the crowd, blocked Gu Qingyun's face with his body, and met Mu Changying's eyes without fear.

After these days of begging, he finally understood that his father would never let him return to Rong Mansion.

Mu Changying's porcelain-white face held a warm smile, "Hey, a hero saving a beauty? Since you're here, let's pay the consultation fee."

Since he is the one who was taken advantage of, let’s kill him well.

She lowered her eyes and thought seriously for a while, then held her chin with one hand and rubbed her delicate skin with her fingers, "For the sake of you calling me mom before, I will give you a 20% discount on the consultation fee. If you give me 50,000, it will be enough." good."

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, everyone was watching. Rong Shichu didn't refuse to pay the bill. He sneered coldly and took out his mobile phone to transfer the money decisively.

After transferring the money, he took Gu Qingyun's little hand and left the playground in a hurry.

"Achu, I'm very grateful for your help. But... it's over between us..."

Gu Qingyun struggled slightly, and her voice spread to the crowd, and everyone instantly became excited.

Each one of them had a fiery gossipy light in their eyes, and they were talking like aunts at the wet market.

"This money is easy to make." Mu Changying didn't care about the love-hate entanglement between the two people. She looked at the change received in WeChat and curled her lips with satisfaction.

"Lick the dog, lick the dog, until you have nothing left." Fu Zixian curled his lips in disdain.

"Let's go, it's almost time for class." Mu Changying put her cell phone into her schoolbag, twisted it with one hand, and strode toward the teaching building.

"Come on, come on, wait for me..."

Fu Zixian looked at the girl who was some distance away from her, shouted and hurriedly followed her.


In the afternoon, the official Weibo account of Qingjin High School posted a test report card of Mu Changying.

Qingjin V: You are beautiful and good at studies. If others are so good, what reason do you have for not working hard? (with photos)

As soon as the nearly perfect score came out, people on Weibo immediately started to swipe the screen.

The exam is going to kill me: I'm going to fail to pass, so boss, please take my knee.

Bless the Kao Shen: With such a score, holy shit, the one who is riding the horse must be the Kao Shen alive!

Studying until I’m bald: Mu Kao Shen, I accept this report card and hope it will help me do well in the exam next time.

Eternal diamonds are truly eternal: It seems that Qingjin’s teaching quality is very good. I also want to go to Qingjin in high school and become a junior student who studies Kaoshen, hoping to get the glorious protection of Kaoshen.

This score was so shocking that students on Weibo regarded Mu Changying as a new generation of test masters and highly praised her.

The principal of Bogao next door saw the hot search on Weibo, sat in his office and roared angrily.

Black, so dark, he actually used a living sign to attract everyone’s attention.

Why don’t any of the Bogao students live up to expectations? The principal was furious and called the teachers for an emergency meeting to make comprehensive preparations for the upcoming college entrance examination!

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