The Second Master’s Little Ancestor’s Vest Fell To the Ground

Chapter 528 How could my people admit their mistake?

Chapter 528 How could my people admit their mistake?

Fu Jiaojiao kept moving, her lips trembled, and she didn't dare to look directly at the other person, "I...I'm not recognized the wrong person..."

"Good boy, Zheng Zheng is here. Didn't you say before that you like Zheng Zheng the most?" Fu Huaizheng stepped forward step by step with a sore throat.

There was no trace of fear in his eyes, only full of heartache.

When he came to Fu Jiaojiao's position, he pulled her into his arms with his long arms and caressed her back with his generous palms.

"My could I admit my mistake?" He kissed her hair with a pious expression, and a line of clear tears fell down.


Mu Changying stood at the door, looking at the two people in the room, with strange emotions in her heart.

With a look of relief on her face, she was about to turn around and leave. As soon as she turned around, she ran into a hard embrace.

The man's chest was so hard that the tip of her nose turned red.

Mu Changying smelled this familiar scent, her heart felt warm, and she snorted softly, "Well..."

Rong Liyuan raised his eyes and glanced at the two people in the room, then hugged her waist and left.

None of them took the initiative to mention Fu Huaizheng and Fu Jiaojiao, leaving space for each other.

When he came to the corridor, he lowered his head and said, "Yingbao, let me rub it for you."

The index finger with clear bones was slightly bent and gently scraped the bridge of her tall and smooth nose. His gentle movements seemed to be treating a rare treasure.

There was a smile in Mu Changying's eyes, and she shook her little head gently, "Ah Yuan, it doesn't hurt. How can I be so delicate?"

Rong Liyuan stared into her eyes, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and walked towards the room with his arms around her, "Yingbao is in front of me, no matter how delicate you are, you can't be too squeamish."

This is the treasure he holds in his heart. What's wrong with being so delicate?

The corners of Mu Changying's mouth turned up, and she leaned into his arms, her body filled with warmth.

Back in the room, the little Gu bug crawled out of the nest.

After this period of "bathing", the originally dark body was finally bleached, making it so white and tender that people could reach out and poke it.


I seemed to smell a familiar scent.

The little Gu insect's two small antennae stood up high, and its big round eyes looked at Mu Changying.

She was too tall for it, and her head and neck were sore all the time.

It was about to climb up her shoes, but as soon as it took a step, its tentacles were pinched, and its body flew into the air.

Rong Moyuan's eyebrows were cold, "Little one, you have lost all your flesh during this time."

It's something that has no eyesight at all. Is it something that it can touch casually?


If you don’t want to eat, I won’t eat. I’m going to find the little mermaid!

It smelled it, and this smell belonged to that little fish.

Mu Changying followed its anxious gaze towards the door, stretched out her hand and flicked its tentacles, "Just wait."

Dr. Fu is in Xiao Jiaojiao's room and cannot be disturbed by this little guy.

She narrowed her eyes, and the light in her eyes flickered, "If you don't obey me, it won't just be as simple as not having any meat to eat~"

The voice was so cold that the little Gu insect froze.

It swallowed its saliva and was about to muster up the courage to stand upright and resist.

But before he could scream, Rong Moyuan let go of his hand, and it fell straight from the air.

"Pa—" He fell to the ground in just a few seconds.

It lay on the ground, its erect tentacles hanging down weakly, and it was too cowardly to resist.

Rong Liyuan's eyes were indifferent, "If you dare to cause trouble, you'll fry it and feed it to the dogs."

Seeing the little Gu insect's cowardly frustration, Mu Changying shook her head, the little guy still wants to resist with this little ability? Too tender.

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