came a grumpy voice.

Bai Mo strode over with anger on Bai Ruan's face.

He stepped forward, his eyes filled with anger, "Do you want the students in my class?"

His wife's grades are so good, is this something he can despise?

Being stared at by these cold eyes, Teacher Zhou's heart trembled.

The atmosphere was tense. Sweat dripped from the dean's forehead. He laughed guiltily and quickly stood up to make peace with him.

"Everyone, calm down. Although it is a bit unethical to do this, the teaching quality of Class 1 is indeed the best in the entire third year of high school."

He kept talking, trying to persuade Bai Mo to let these two outstanding students go.

After talking for a long time, my mouth was dry.

The anger in Bai Mo's eyes became stronger and stronger, and the aura around his body was cold.

He remained silent and glanced at the dean.

His eyes were dark and full of anger.

A chill ran down the dean's back, a chill rising from his heart, and he immediately did not dare to say another word.

After watching the excitement for a long time, Mu Changying's porcelain-white face was stained with a smile.

He walked forward and patted his shoulder with his small hand, "Xiao Momo, don't be so irritable, you will get old easily when you are angry."

After comforting the furious Bai Mo, her eyes fell on Teacher Zhou.

Mu Changying's clear eyes were cold and emotionless.

The ends of his eyes were slightly raised, filled with cold air.

Cold and crazy.

"Not interested in Class 1, understand?" He moved his wrist slightly, and there was a slight sound of bones interlacing in the bones.

Without looking at Teacher Zhou's livid and twisted face, he patted Yu Linye on the shoulder and calmly turned around and walked towards the classroom.


He walked to the door and kicked the door open.

The two people who were hiding behind the door and eavesdropping were startled and ran out in panic.

Mu Changying looked at the two of them, her red lips parted slightly, "Did you enjoy watching the show? Have you finished all the questions I gave you?"

This torture hit the depths of their souls, and the bloody faces of Si Xian and Hua Qiqi turned pale at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The two looked at each other, smiled awkwardly, and quickly looked at each other.

"Ah hahaha, we're almost done, almost done..." Si Xian was dictating the truth with one hand, his expression slightly unnatural.

The two of them were grasshoppers on the same rope. He took the lead, and Hua Qiqi would not hold back.

She twitched her lips and forced a smile, "I'm almost done."

Their small reactions fell into Mu Changying's eyes, and a smile escaped from her throat, "Oh? Really?"

After asking lightly, the two people's backs stiffened, and a trace of panic flashed in their eyes.

Hua Qiqi did not dare to look directly into Mu Changying's eyes and lowered her head slightly.

Damn, she only finished one of the questions assigned by Sister Ying just now.

"Don't scare her."

Yu Linye had a warm smile in his eyes, stepped forward, placed his palm on her head and rubbed it gently.

"Let's go, I'll teach you what you haven't finished yet." He clasped her little hand, held her fingers together, and led her towards the seat without any doubt.

When he came to his seat, he picked up her homework, glanced at it casually, raised the corners of his mouth, and pulled her back to his seat.

Hua Qiqi was pulled by him, remembering that she had only done one homework question, and her bright little face turned a little red.

After being forced into a bowl of dog food, Mu Changying slowly looked at the guy next to her, "What are you still doing standing here? Go do your homework."

"Yes, yes..." Si Xian scratched the back of his head and ran away with a playful smile.

I don’t know if the soles of my feet were oiled, but they disappeared in a flash.

Looking at his running back, Mu Changying put her chin with one hand and laughed and cursed, "You little bastard."

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