Tan Wan'an took a deep breath, straightened his messy hair, and tried to calm down, "Mr. Xu... all she has is a false name, and her medical skills are simply inferior. How can such a person deserve to be the elder of the Xu family?"

Mr. Xu is getting older and is becoming less and less successful.

Gu Qingyun: "..."

She couldn't hold on to the smile on her lips, and tried her best to endure it, suppressing the rage boiling in her heart.

Rong Liyuan's aura of hostility became more intense, "It's not up to you to decide whether you deserve it or not."

His sharp eyes fell on Tan Wan'an.

It's sharp, like a sharp knife coming out of its sheath, with a cold glow suddenly appearing.

A sense of oppression came over him, and the air around him seemed to become thinner, making him breathless.

Tan Wan'an: "..."

His heart trembled, and his already bloodless face became even paler.

Mr. Xu snorted coldly, "Mrs. Gu, I believe that the elder of my Xu family is not in vain."

He had a straight face and evil eyes.

Hearing Tan Wan'an question Changning's miracle doctor, dozens of doctors looked at her in unison.

Their expressions were solemn and imposing, and they were ready to get into a group fight if they disagreed.


The people watching the excitement looked at each other and silently lit a candle for Tan Wan'an in their hearts.

Xu's Medicine is a century-old store in China, a time-honored brand that has been personally awarded medals by the state!

Many doctors who have made outstanding achievements in the medical field in China are disciples of the Xu family.

Xu's Medicine doesn't say it has three thousand disciples, but one thousand is definitely a lot.

If you offend the behemoth Xu Medical, you will undoubtedly be blacklisted by the medical community.

When Mr. Xu saw that Tan Wan'an had not spoken for a long time, he became even more unhappy. "Since Mrs. Gu doesn't like the medical skills of Mr. Xu, I'd better not go to the Xu family for medical treatment in the future."

He looked at a group of doctors and said, "Whoever dares to treat the Gu family privately in the future will not be my disciple of Xu's Medicine."

Mr. Xu's expression was stern and his voice was majestic, without any trace of joking.

Dozens of doctors of different ages nodded in unison and said in unison, "Disciples must bear this in mind!"

Their eyes were pure, without any distracting thoughts, and they obviously took Mr. Xu's words to heart.

Mu Changying curled her lips and said jokingly, "Mr. Xu did this, which really touched me~"

The helicopter cleared the way, the head of the Xu family personally spoke out, and the Xu family's disciples supported her. She was probably the first to enjoy this treatment.

Mr. Xu's eyes shone brightly, and he was extremely excited.

He touched his beardless chin and said, "If you are moved, please teach me a lesson to this group of incompetent disciples."

"Old man, my life is miserable. There are many disciples of the Xu family, but few of them agree with me."

Mu Yatou has excellent medical skills. It would be a waste to leave such a good coolie unused.

Rong Liyuan glanced at Mr. Xu, "That's a good plan."

A support will make Yingbao work hard to cultivate talents for his Xu family.

Mr. Xu was stared at so hard that his forehead went numb. He chuckled coquettishly, rubbed his hands, and looked at Mu Changying nervously, "Hehehe... Mu Yatou, what do you think?"

A low laugh escaped from Mu Changying's throat, "Mr. Xu said it himself, of course I agree."

As soon as these words came out, not only Mr. Xu was happy, but a group of doctors behind him were also excited and full of expectations.


Looking at the people chatting in front of him, Tan Wan'an's heart dropped to the bottom and his whole body felt cold.

Don’t you want to see a doctor from Xu’s family? The Xu family has countless hospitals and pharmacies throughout China, and it can be called the first medical family.

What is the difference between offending the Xu family and offending the entire medical family?

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