Kelly took out a pen from her bag, "Can you...can you sign me?"

There is no paper on her body, she pointed to the palm of her hand, "Just sign here."

Unexpectedly, the other party would make such a request, Mu Changying chuckled, took the pen, "Okay."

She lowered her head and signed the English name on the palm of Kelly's hand. The font is graceful and free and easy.

After signing, the pen was retracted, and the ballpoint pen was gently rotated a few times on the fingertips.

Kelly looked at the palm, and the smile on the corner of her mouth was extraordinarily bright, as if a child got a beloved candy.

At this time, a voice sounded behind him.

"Kelly, what are you doing?"

I saw a gray-haired man in a high-end suit striding forward.

He saw his apprentice standing with Mu Changying, frowning so fiercely that he could almost pinch a fly to death.

This girl is indeed a genius, but her ideas in heart research are still too naive.

He has been studying the heart field for so many years, but he has not completely solved various heart problems. This Huaguo girl is still too immature.

On paper, to put it lightly, there are many things that need to be paid attention to in terms of the heart.

Kelly looked up, "Teacher."

She stepped forward to hold Mr. Witt's arm, smiling intimately, like a father and daughter.

Mr. Witt looked at Mu Changying, and let out a soft hum from his nose.

Before she could say anything, a sullen voice came from behind, "You seem to be very dissatisfied with my wife?"

Rong Liyuan walked up and down, clasping her small hand with his broad palm.

The alienated smile in Mu Changying's eyes disappeared, replaced by helplessness, "Ah Yuan."

Seeing the pair of people with their fingers interlocked, Kelly's eyes shone with disbelief.

She looked at her in surprise, "Oh, my God, are you married?"

Mu looks so young that he is already married, but the looks of these two people really don't have to be chosen, they are a good match.

Kelly held her chin in her hands, "I'm suddenly looking forward to your baby."

Their looks are so high, and the children they give birth to will not be too bad.

Mr. Witt raised his hand and tapped her on the head lightly, "Kelly, it's time to go."

As a student, he has always had a high vision, and he doesn't know what he likes about this Hua country girl.

Seeing that Mr. Witt's nose was not his nose and his eyes were not his eyes when Mr. Witt looked at her, Mu Changying could clearly feel that the temperature around her had dropped several degrees.

Kelly stretched out her hand and pushed Mr. Witt, urging: "Teacher, you go to accompany the teacher first, I will find you in a while."

Seeing her insistence, Mr. Witt's brows and eyes were stained with a trace of helplessness.

No way, who made this the only disciple, so reluctant to beat and scold him?


A student ran out of the corridor, his face was full of panic, and he made a sharp sound from his throat.

"It's bad, someone in the lounge has a heart attack! It's still a foreign woman!"

He was sweating profusely, and while talking, he pointed to the door of the lounge.

heart disease?

Mr. Witt knows a little Chinese.

He looked in the direction the other party pointed, and his heart skipped a beat.

"Kelly, something happened to your mistress!"

He lost his image and demeanor and strode towards the lounge.

The girl who was still smiling at first became serious when she heard this, she said goodbye politely and followed Mr. Witt.

"Ah Yuan, let's go and have a look too." Mu Changying raised her head, blinked her big watery eyes, and looked up at the man in front of her.

When she acted like a baby, she was too delicate, Rong Liyuan softened her heart, and raised her hand to rub her head.

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