The Second Master’s Little Ancestor’s Vest Fell To the Ground

Chapter 567 An Apology Wants to Turn the Chapter

Mr. Xu stood with the principal.

Bai Mo was still standing beside them.

Several people's faces were slightly gloomy, the air pressure was extremely low, and an unkind aura shrouded their bodies.

The principal walked into the lounge, smiled apologetically at Mr. Witt and Julian, and then his eyes fell on Lu Qingxue.

Stared at by this sharp gaze, her scalp was numb, and she took several steps back.

But no matter which corner he retreated to, he couldn't avoid the people in front of him.

With no way to retreat, Lu Qingxue took a deep breath, stepped forward and lowered her head to admit her mistake, "Principal, I'm sorry, I didn't intentionally disrupt the exchange meeting."

Looking at this student with excellent grades, the principal felt very complicated.

Facing the board, "It seems that you haven't realized where you went wrong."

His heart was filled with anger. Although he was angry, he was more disappointed.

Elder Xu walked up to Mu Changying, looked him up and down for a while, and then breathed a sigh of relief, "It's fine, it's fine."

This is the elder of his Xu family, if something happens at a small communication meeting, he will die of depression.

He snorted coldly, looked at the reporter at the side, and after thinking for a few seconds, he realized that this was a live broadcast.

My mind moved slightly.

Mr. Xu put his hands behind his back, looked at the netizens in the live broadcast room, and said loudly, "Girl Mu is the elder of my Xu family. Her medical skills are even more superb than the old man's. It is absolutely impossible to heal people from accidents."

The blatant backing, the greatest favoritism. She doesn't need anyone as a background, because she is her greatest reliance.

As soon as Xu Lao finished speaking, the netizens in the live broadcast room were dumbfounded.

At this moment, they regretted that they didn't use their brains when they sprayed people just now, but now their faces are swollen and ugly like a pig's head.

In the barrage in the live broadcast room, except for Shui Jun's whitewashing praise, the rest of the people have remained silent, guilty of not daring to speak.

Mu Changying looked at Xu Lao, her heart warmed up, she raised her head to look at Rong Liyuan, her pink lips parted slightly, "Ah Yuan."

Now, Xu Laohui's appearance here is probably his handwriting. Her family, A Yuan, really doesn't want her to suffer a little bit of grievance.

Rong Liyuan clasped Mu Changying's slender hands, "Principal, I hope your school can give us a reasonable explanation."

She clasped her fingers tightly, and felt that her fingers were extraordinarily slender, and her eyes shone slightly.

Yingbao is still too thin, he needs to take more medicines to nourish his body.

The principal was silent: "..."

He pursed his lips, tangled in his heart.

One is Second Master Rong who cannot be offended, and the other is an excellent student with fleshy palms and backs, he is really reluctant to part with it.

After a long silence, he spoke harshly, "Aren't you going to apologize to Miss Mu?"

The headmaster hadn't given up on her yet, Lu Qingxue's heart that had been hanging high finally fell.

People have to bow their heads under the eaves, and now Second Master Rong is pressing hard, and he can't do without apologizing.

She collected her emotions and walked slowly in front of Mu Changying.

Before she could apologize, Mu Changying raised her hand to interrupt, "There's no need to apologize."

She prefers something substantive to an empty apology.

Bai Mo stared at Lu Qingxue and rolled his eyes.

Hey, just apologizing and want to change the story? What a beautiful idea, is this a big spring and autumn dream?

Rong Liyuan's eyes were dark, "Principal, I prefer you to be called Mrs. Ying Baorong than Miss Mu."

Put on the label that belongs to him, and tell everyone that this girl belongs to him.

The principal was stunned: "..."

Before he could react, Rong Liyuan's next words directly chilled him and Lu Qingxue.

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