Repeatedly, after a few minutes, there were already a lot of oranges on the plate that had been dug out and the pulp was piled up.

His eyes fell on a few men, and less than one-third of the hairy crabs in his hands were processed.

Mu Changying supported his forehead.

She shook her head and wiped her hands, "Okay, okay, I'll do it myself."

At this speed, I don't know when I want to eat hairy crabs.


Li Zhiyi looked worriedly at the hairy crabs in the basin, with a worried tone.

Rong Liyuan and Li Nanfeng also looked worried, and they really didn't want to leave the kitchen.

"Don't worry, I won't get hurt." Seeing their slightly red fingers, Mu Changying felt distressed.

After persuading them for a long time, seeing their persistent faces, unmoved, their hearts were warm and helpless, "Did you forget that there are gloves as a tool?"

Rong Liyuan: "..."

Li Nanfeng: "..."

Li Zhiyi: "..."

It must be said that they had indeed forgotten about it just now.

The air suddenly became quiet, as if they could hear each other's breathing.

The atmosphere was a bit dignified, and they were slightly stunned, but at least they were people who had experienced strong winds and waves, and they adjusted their unnatural expressions in just a few seconds.

Feeling the embarrassment of being stagnant for a few seconds, Mu Changying kindly smoothed things over.

"Cough cough cough... go out quickly, just wait and taste my craft with peace of mind."

One is to kiss her husband, and the other two are to kiss her brother, so it must not hurt their self-esteem.


"I listen to Yiyi."

"Don't worry, little girl, I will definitely eat all of it, and I won't waste food."

The three men walked down the steps and left the kitchen slowly.

Rong Liyuan walked to the door of the kitchen, looked at the busy figures in the kitchen, with uneasy worries on his grim and gloomy face.

With scorching eyes, Mu Changying seemed to have a tacit understanding, turned around with a smile and gave him a reassuring gesture.

The coldness between Rong Liyuan's eyebrows and eyes dissipated, and even became tinged with tenderness, like the melting of thousands of miles of glaciers, incredible and touching.

Mu Changying watched him return to the living room before concentrating on handling the ingredients in hand.

After the hairy crabs are processed, they are tied up, with a piece of chopped ginger on their body, and finally put into a large steamer.

As time passed, the crabs in the steamer were cooked, and the rich smell filled the air, drifting all the way to the living room.

Bai Mo sat on the sofa, feeling more and more hungry in his stomach.

He stretched his neck and looked towards the kitchen, eagerly looking forward to eating delicious food soon.

"Yiyi's cooking skills are getting better and better. Just by smelling the smell, you know that the finished product must be extraordinary."

Li Zhiyi crossed Erlang's legs, holding a pack of snacks in his hand to satisfy his hunger.

But the more you eat, the more tasteless you feel.

Thinking of Yiyi's food, I suddenly felt that it was not for human consumption.

He put down his crossed legs and simply put the potato chips on the tea table.


Rong Liyuan's eyes became deeper and deeper, looking towards Li Zhiyi's direction, a flash of thought flashed in his eyes.

Getting better and better?

Hearing this, Li Zhiyi meant that he had eaten Ying Bao's dishes.

But he was sure that since their brother and sister met each other, the brothers of the Li family had never tasted the delicacies that Ying Bao personally cooked.


Li Nanfeng noticed Rong Liyuan's probing gaze.

He put aside the laptop he was holding and stopped focusing on work.

He changed the subject calmly, "Second brother, since the contract with DW has been terminated, what are your plans next?"

Li Zhiyi's mind was a little rough, and he didn't feel the weird atmosphere.

With this question, his train of thought was immediately diverted.

"Several other teammates have also terminated their contracts. I plan to register a team and start over."

His eyes are serious, and there is a love for e-sports in his eyes, and the fiery light seems to be able to burn people's hearts.

Rong Liyuan is not stupid, it can be seen that Li Nanfeng is changing the subject.

But he didn't expose it, instead he said something encouraging, "Not bad."

Bai Mo: "..."

Why does the atmosphere feel weird?

He touched his nose, wanting to survive, and silently moved his position.


in the kitchen.

After steaming for about fifteen minutes, the hairy crabs are already cooked.

Open the steamer, and the aroma is overflowing.

Mu Changying sniffed, and quickly took out the hairy crabs.

Remove the ginger slices from their bodies, take out the scissors and cut off the crab legs, leaving only the body.

Then peel it off and remove the crab meat inside and put it on a plate.

The taste of the crab meat was so delicious that Mu Changying couldn't help picking up a spoon to taste it.


The mouth is full of crab meat, and the cheeks are bulging.

She chewed slowly, narrowed her eyes slightly, and showed satisfaction on her little face without makeup.

The next mouthful of fresh and tender crab meat has endless aftertaste, and its fragrance seems to linger between the lips and teeth.

Mu Changying resisted the urge to eat them all, and quickly scooped up the crab meat.

After a few minutes, all the crab meat was taken out, leaving only a pile of shells.

She tossed the shells into the trash can and packed the crab meat into the oranges that had been scooped out of the pulp.

Stuffed to the brim, stuffed with crab meat and covered with a carved orange lid.

She put oranges one by one into the steamer and steamed them on high heat.

Shortly after. Remove the lid of the steamer, put on gloves, and take out the oranges inside and put them on a plate.

"Deng thud, you're done."

Mu Changying took a deep breath of the fragrance in the air, clapped his hands, and carried them towards the living room.

"Wow, it smells so good!"

Seeing her coming out, Bai Mo couldn't sit still.

He stood up, ran up courteously, and took the plate in Mu Changying's hand, "Ma'am, I'll do it, I'll do it."

He behaved well, I don't know if Madam will give him more in a while?

Seeing his great ambition, Li Nanfeng and Li Zhiyi looked at each other, but couldn't see that Bai Tezhu was so scheming.

"Ying Bao, you have worked hard."

Rong Liyuan came behind Mu Changying, and gently untied the apron she was wearing.

She took off the gloves and stuffed them into his hands, "A Yuan, why is cooking so hard?"

The eyeballs rolled around, and then he stood up and screamed and whispered in his ear, "Not to mention cooking for you~"

Warm breath on the ears.

Beside him is the girl's body fragrance.

The smell of delicious food is in the air.

The cold mansion is full of fireworks, and the smell of home is everywhere.

Warm and sweet.

Rong Liyuan's heart throbbed violently uncontrollably, and the intense pleasure screamed in his limbs and bones.

"Treasure Treasure, Treasure Treasure, Treasure Treasure..."

He stared greedily at her face, calling her name over and over again.

This is his tassel, which only belongs to him.

"A Yuan, I'm here."

There was no hint of impatience in Mu Changying's eyes.

The deep affection in her eyes overflowed, "A Yuan, put down the things and go taste my craftsmanship."

Rong Liyuan pursed his lips, "Okay."

There was a sweet and greasy aura around the two of them.

If it were normal, showing affection like this would definitely be met with hostility from everyone.

But in front of the delicious food, all the attention was taken away, and I didn't care to pay attention to them.

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