
Seeing his tired and crooked look, Si Jinzhen curled his lips, what kind of affection is he showing in front of him?

"Since they are all so optimistic, then I'll bet on something different, otherwise it's boring."

"Five million, Master Cang wins."

He is a frequent visitor to the imperial banquet, and he clearly knows how good the chef's cooking skills are.

"Get the money ready."

Rong Liyuan put down the teacup, and rubbed the rim of the cup with his bony fingers.

A cold and ruthless atmosphere permeated the box, and Si Jinzhen was quite uncomfortable.

Fu Jiaojiao met his eyes unconvinced, "Sister Fairy will not lose."

Sister Fairy is so good at cooking, how could she lose? She doesn't allow this big sorghum to slander her sister!


The coldness in Rong Liyuan's eyes decreased a bit, and it seemed that Fu Jiaojiao was not as upset as before.


The outside world's discussion and betting that Mu Changying didn't know at all.

She stayed in the kitchen, and the ingredients in front of her were very simple.

Two pork knuckles, two black-footed chickens, two ducks, one Jinghua ham, garlic, ginger, and a Chinese cabbage.

These materials are unremarkable and can be purchased in ordinary vegetable markets.

The kitchen is half open, and people sitting outside can see her busy figure in the kitchen.

People passing by the kitchen stretched their necks and were puzzled and shocked when they saw the ingredients inside.

Are you crazy? Actually planning to beat Master Cang with such simple ingredients? !

He ran back to his seat, and as soon as he added oil and vinegar to the ingredients, those who bet on her immediately beat their chests and feet, filled with regret.

"What is she trying to do? Crazy?"

"Hey... I shouldn't be greedy for her beauty, and foolishly block her from winning."

"Cough cough cough... In fact, she might surprise us? Like the heroine in the novel, ordinary ingredients make rare and delicious food..."

As the guy with a big brain opened his mouth, his confidence became more and more lacking.

The hot-tempered elder brother couldn't help complaining, "This is reality, not fiction, can you be more sober?"


Hearing the surrounding discussions, the faces of the few people sitting in the corner were darkened.

The boy in the school uniform clenched his fists and stared at the yelling people with burning eyes.

"Si Xiaoxian, calm down."

Hua Qiqi was upset, but she didn't want this guy to make trouble in public.

They skipped class to watch Sister Ying's game, and they were naturally upset when they heard such comments.

"Just trust Sister Ying." Yu Linye pushed the mirror frame on the bridge of his nose.

Sister Ying never did anything she was not sure of, and the answer to winning or losing this game had long been known.


Si Xian let out a foul breath, and kicked the stool next to him unhappily.

The stool fell to the ground and made a sound.

Seeing his angry face, the few people who were discussing beside him couldn't help but feel guilty, and silently closed their mouths.


Mu Changying was not affected by the discussions outside.

She picked up the kitchen knife, raised the knife in her hand, cut the pork knuckle from the middle, and put it in the basin beside it.

Take out the two black-footed native chickens that are more than one year old, remove the internal organs, lymph, chicken oil, and the nails of the chicken feet, and then cut them in half.

The old duck is also cut from the middle, and then the breast meat of the chicken and duck is removed.

Cut the ham into small pieces, wash with hot water, and soak to remove the salty taste inside.

Cut the garlic into long sections, smash the old ginger, and put them on a plate for later use.

She handles the ingredients very neatly, without the slightest sloppiness.

This skillful movement gave the people who came to watch on purpose a little bit of confidence.

Put these ingredients in a pot, add water, boil on high heat, and then put the ham in it.

The water boiled, and a layer of froth appeared on the surface. Mu Changying took out a spoon and skimmed them all out.

After a few minutes, blanch the water, remove the ingredients and set aside.

Add clean water to the basin and wash the materials carefully.

After all the ingredients are processed, put them all into the pot, add the chopped garlic, and cook on high heat.

The water boiled, and an hour passed without knowing it. The patience of the people outside was exhausted, and they were gradually getting impatient.

In the corner of the first floor.

"Qing Yun, how many do you think Master Mu Changying Yingcang is born with?"

It was almost lunch time, I hadn't eaten yet, and I was a little hungry, so Zhang Minyi picked up a pack of snacks and tore it open.

"This... I didn't know that Changying knew how to cook. It seems that he just learned it not long ago."

A faint smile appeared on the corner of Lu Qingyun's mouth, her voice was sweet and her face was gentle.

Her voice was not low, and the people sitting next to her just heard it.

They covered their faces, feeling that the probability of winning the bet was even lower.

"Heh... Ugly people make trouble."

Zhang Minyi chewed on potato chips, and looked at Mu Changying in the kitchen with disdain.

The voices of people discussing around annoyed her, and she frowned, "Qing Yun, let's change to another place, how about going to a private room? You are Miss Gu's family, Master Cang will definitely give you a face and call out a private room." .”

Strange, Qing Yun has never been with so many people before.

Lu Qingyun's face was slightly ugly, "Ah... I think the first floor is actually very nice, very lively."

The strength of pinching the hem of the skirt under the table became more intense, and I felt ashamed to death.

For the past two days, Gu Xichen has been alienating her, and today he refused to be with her at the imperial banquet.

She gave all her money to her parents in the countryside, and there was not much left on her body.

Enduring the hatred, his complexion returned to its original state.

The smile on the corner of Lu Qingyun's mouth deepened, her eyes were extraordinarily sincere, and she also looked ignorant of the world.

"...that's... alright."

Zhang Minyi really didn't understand what was going on on the first floor, so he lay down on the table helplessly and a little angrily.

When the people next to her heard Gu Qingyun's words, their impressions of her gradually increased.

The daughter of the Gu family?

I didn't expect to be so approachable, real ladies really like to keep a low profile.

in the kitchen.

When Mu Changying heard someone talking about Gu Qingyun, she glanced back thoughtfully.

Gu Qingyun: "..."

She sat facing the kitchen.

Caught off guard, she met Mu Changying's eyes, her back was stiff, and she almost couldn't maintain her smile.

She smiled at Gu Qingyun, turned around and continued to focus on the work in hand.


Look at each other for a few seconds.

Sweat dripped down my back.

"Qing Yun, what's wrong with you?" Zhang Minyi saw her distracted and looked at her worriedly.

"I... I'm going to the bathroom." Gu Qingyun stood up and left in a hurry.

Her figure was seen by Si Jinzhen on the second floor, "This chick looks good."

Li Li saw Gu Qingyun, "But you have no luck."

Anyway, she stayed and worked beside Rong Liyuan, she was ordered to investigate many things about Gu Qingyun.

This girl is gentle on the surface, but her heart is poisoned.

"Second master, it's the second young lady of the Gu family."

Rong Liyuan's eyes were deep, his sexy Adam's apple squirmed, and he hummed softly.

He took out his cell phone, took out Bai Mo's phone, edited the text message and sent it.

[The biggest casino in Mingdu City is a good place. 】

The phone vibrated, and Bai Mo, who was sitting in the office, saw the content of the text message.

There was a weird smile on his pale, tender face.

I looked at a schedule, and there is no class for him today. He stood up, picked up his coat, and left the office decisively.

【Guess, what kind of dish is this?】

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