The Second Master’s Little Ancestor’s Vest Fell To the Ground

Chapter 594 You Can Lose Even If You Get Insider

Be well mannered.

There was a smile on the corner of Minghua's mouth, and the love in his eyes was about to overflow.

Sensing her gaze, Mu Changying looked at her and smiled slightly.

Noble, pretty, confident and beautiful, standing in the crowd, even if you are not overwhelmed by the stars, your brilliance cannot be concealed.


Rong Liyuan held chopsticks in his hand, his expression was uncertain, the darkness in his eyes seemed like the tide.

He glanced at Qiu Chuan, picked up the serving chopsticks and picked up the boiled cabbage.

Chewed slowly, his face was dignified and indifferent, but anyone familiar with him could vaguely see the softness between his brows and eyes.

After finishing the boiled cabbage in the bowl, he picked up Wensi tofu and took a bite.

Put it in a bowl and don't move.

Putting down the chopsticks, his eyes dim.

"My vote is for Mu Changying."

He chanted her name, but the speed slowed down, but the simple words were uttered with a bit of ambiguity.

? ? ? ?

There was an uproar at the scene.

The judges on the judging table also looked slightly surprised.

These two are husband and wife, I thought he would be jealous, but he never expected that he would actually give the ticket to Mu Changying.


Mu Changying also stood up and bowed to him in thanks.

There was a warm current in her heart, and happiness enveloped her.

It was a blatant preference from her beloved.

Mu Changying retreated to his position, the expression on his face had returned to the original one.


Lu Qingyun twitched the corners of her mouth, looking back and forth between the two of them.

Second Master Rong actually gave the votes to Mu Changying, a little bitch?

This gaze was burning like fire, Mu Changying turned around and met Gu Qingyun's eyes.

The eyes are sharp and sharp.

Gu Qingyun felt guilty and lowered her head in panic.

Rong Liyuan: "..."

Seeing the two looking at each other, there was a thoughtful look in their eyes.

He took out his phone, edited a text message and sent it to Bai Mo: [How is things going? 】

On the other side, Bai Mo stood at the gate of the biggest casino in Mingdu City.

He had a lollipop in his mouth, and the sweet taste filled his mouth.

[Second Master, the matter is almost done, I promise to let everyone see a good show. 】

Reply completed.

There were slapstick noises and hog-killing noises coming from the casino. He put his phone back in his pocket and strode in.

When Rong Liyuan saw the reply, his pupils dimmed.

The coolness caused Feng Niying, who was sitting next to him, to move his chair.

Is Second Master Rong made of icebergs? Why is there a cold, gloomy aura all over his body?

Pick up the boiled cabbage, and want to have another piece after eating.

Feng Niying took a sip of the soup, her stomach felt warm.

If it wasn't for keeping in shape, she would definitely eat a few more bites.

"My vote is for Mu Changying."


"no, I'm fine……"

Looking at the girl who bowed to her, Feng Niying waved her hands repeatedly.

Doctor Changning is Grandpa's savior, she can't bear this bow.

Moreover, if she was bowed, Second Master Rong reckoned that it would not make her feel better.

Seeing that she was so nervous, Mu Changying let out a low laugh, and retreated to her original position.

"Huh..." Feng Niying breathed a sigh of relief.

In the box on the second floor, Mu Changying was already ahead, but Si Jinzhen didn't care about losing millions.

He looked at Feng Niying's relieved look, and his eyes shone with a light that he didn't know.

Fu Huaizheng: "..."

Seeing the rippling look of this guy, after thinking for a while, I immediately understood what was going on.

He pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, but instead of reminding him, the pupils under the lenses still shimmered with the gleam of watching a show.

This guy is so expensive now, changing girlfriends is like changing clothes, I'm afraid it will be a chasing wife crematorium in the future.


Of the fifteen judges, fourteen have tasted all of them.

Currently, Mu Changying's votes are on par with Master Cang Hui's, the two are neck and neck.

All eyes fell on the last judge, Li Jue.

Being stared at by so many people, the chopsticks in his hand trembled a little.


A piece of boiled cabbage fell on the table.

"Hehehe, I'm old and useless." Li Jue refused to admit that he was afraid.

He smiled, picked another piece of cabbage, and ate it all under the watchful eyes of everyone.

"If you don't eat, I will."

Looking at the cabbage that fell on the table, a young girl in the crowd was full of resentment.

This old man doesn't know how to cherish food too much.

Hmph, it's fine if you don't cherish it, and you don't know how to share it yet.

You can give it to her if you don't eat it, she doesn't dislike it at all.

After tasting and putting down the chopsticks, Li Jue's legs trembled a little.

Looking at Mu Changying and Cang Hui in front of him, he was torn in his heart and didn't know how to make a choice.




Seeing him not speaking for a long time, the impatient person was almost suffocated, wishing he could rush up and make a decision for him.

"Cough...I have decided, I will vote for Master Cang."

! ! ! !

Mu Changying's expression didn't change, she was still calm and composed.

There was an uproar in the hall.

Lu Qingyun and Zhang Minyi had smiles in their eyes, and the smiles at the corners of their mouths became brighter and brighter.

"Tsk, so what if there is a eccentric vote from Second Master Rong? Didn't he lose?"

"If you ask me, I'm afraid the few votes you got just now are not normal. Mr. Xu has a very close relationship with her."

"Heh, it's shameful to be able to lose if you're an insider. If I were her, I'd be ashamed. I wish I could find a crack in the ground."

"What the hell are you talking about?" Si Xian rushed forward, clasping Zhang Minyi's neck with his big hands, his expression stern.

"Do you want to die?"

Hua Qiqi stepped up and grabbed Zhang Minyi's hair.

Even if there are big people around, she doesn't hesitate at all, "If you want to die, just tell my sister, and my sister will help you."

Fuck, sister Ying is also something this little bitch can talk about?

" are you doing?"

The neck was tightly bound, the hair was pulled, and there was severe pain in the scalp.

Zhang Minyi's face was panicked, and he looked at Gu Qingyun for help.

"Madam... this...they have no rules... they have no dignity, how can they do it casually?" Lu Qingyun stomped her feet angrily, with worry in her eyes.

"Oh? It's up to you whether there are rules or not?" Before Ming Hua could speak, Mu Changying stepped forward first.

She walked towards Lu Qingyun, the coldness in her eyes was like an extremely cold glacier, as cold as the heart.

Passing by, walked to Si Xian and Hua Qiqi, "Hitting this kind of person, dirty hands."

The voice is delicate and soft.

The two let go of their hands, with disgust on their faces, as if they touched something dirty.

"Cough cough cough..."

Zhang Minyi took several steps back, clutching his chest, coughing so hard.

"Wipe it off." Mu Changying took out a tissue and handed it to the two of them.

She glanced at the people in the hall, "My people, it's not up to cats and dogs to judge."

It was indeed wrong for Si Xian to fight Hua Qiqi, but even if it was wrong, it was not Lu Qingyun's turn to teach him a lesson.

The soft voice carried a strong warning, and it was clearly heard by everyone.

Rong Liyuan got up from the judges' seat, loosened his tie with his slender fingers, "Mrs. Ming, tell me, are they wrong?"

Protect your weaknesses.

Unreasonable excuses.

In the eyes of everyone, challenging authority openly is an act of courting death.

Minghua thought about how to speak, "Although the action was a little impulsive, I have to correct it in the future, but this girl didn't know the truth of the matter and took the lead in slandering others, and she didn't do it right."


They seem to have criticized them all, but in fact they all know that Minghua is favoring Si Xian and Hua Qiqi.

Quiet as a chicken.

There was an eerie silence in the hall...

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