The Second Master’s Little Ancestor’s Vest Fell To the Ground

Chapter 596 Specializing in Treatment of Intractable Diseases

"You quack doctor, don't talk nonsense, I often go for physical examinations, and I am in good health."

Si Jinzhen withdrew his hand, feeling out of breath, what the hell is the difference between saying he can't do it?

He was agitated, his voice raised slightly.

Rong Liyuan's eyes darkened, and she walked towards him, putting one hand on his shoulder.

The strength in the hand tightened, "What are you talking about? Huh?"

Ying Bao's medical skills are not good? Heh, this guy is actually questioning Ying Bao.

There was a slight pain in his shoulder, and the corner of Si Jinzhen's mouth twitched.

For the sake of my own life, I resolutely abandoned my self-esteem as a man, and said with a smile, "I didn't say anything, I said that my health is really not good, and I need to trouble your wife a lot."


After getting a satisfactory answer, Rong Liyuan let go of Si Jinzhen's shoulder.

He took Mu Changying's little hand and grabbed her wrist.

He kept rubbing her skin, as if he wanted to completely eliminate the traces of the other men he had touched just now.

Mu Changying was clutched obediently by him, looked at Si Jinzhen with a smile on his face, "No trouble, it's just a matter of a prescription for me."


Being bullied by this couple together, she wanted to cry but had no tears, but she forced herself to smile.

Out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at Feng Niying who was gloating in the corner, and secretly ground his teeth.

Damn girl, you will know if I can do it after you try it.

Feng Niying sneezed, tightened her clothes, and felt inexplicably uneasy.

Fu Huaizheng dragged Fu Jiaojiao downstairs, "He's not feeling well, he needs to take medicine."


Having been stabbed in the heart again, Si Jinzhen was furious, and growled, "Get lost!"

Fuck, Mu Changying and Rong Xiaoer can't be dealt with, how dare this dead doctor climb on his head and act wildly?

"Don't shout at Zhengzheng!"

Fu Jiaojiao stood in front of Fu Huaizheng, with her hands outstretched, staring at him viciously, like a chicken guarding its cubs.


Si Jinzhen felt depressed as the little girl Pianzi stood in front of her.

Shit, he can't argue with a girl, can he? Otherwise, wouldn't he have no grace at all?

"Sister Fairy, there are bad guys here, and he wants to bully Zhengzheng." Fu Jiaojiao muttered, with one hand on her hip and the other pointing at Si Jinzhen.

Seeing the rescuers she moved, his expression suddenly changed.

"Okay, okay, I won't let her bully your Zhengzheng."

This soft and waxy little expression was so cute, Mu Changying broke away from Rong Liyuan's hand, reached out and rubbed her white and tender face.


His hands were empty, his eyes were dark, and his face was full of gloom.

Sure enough, Maoyatou is the most annoying thing, I really can't like it.

Rong Liyuan looked coldly, "You need protection for such a big man?"

Fu Huaizheng rubbed his nose and picked up Fu Jiaojiao.

He patted her little butt with his big hand, and said in a doting tone, "Good boy, Zhengzheng can protect Jiaojiao, you don't need to stand up and protect me."

The girl who was an eyesore was hugged away, Rong Liyuan's expression softened, and Si Jinzhen seemed to be pardoned.

Unable to continue rubbing, Mu Changying muttered with a bit of resentment.

Rong Liyuan's heart softened for this little expression that was the same style as Fu Jiaojiao just now.

He has nothing to do with her, "Go ahead if you like."

Mu Changying shook her head, threw herself into his arms, and put her arms around his strong waist.

Buried her little head on his chest, she rubbed it lightly and said softly, "It's good that I have Ah Yuan..."

Although the little girl is very cute, she can't ignore her husband because of her.

After all, A Yuan is a jealous jar.

"If you like..."

Rong Liyuan just wanted to say that we have a baby, but suddenly remembered his physical condition.

He paused, his eyes darkened and he looked down at the girl in his arms, suddenly feeling powerless.

Yingbao likes children so much... Will she be sad if they don't exist in the future?

Mu Changying had a keen mind and sensed his uneasiness, so she hugged him harder, "A Yuan, I've always been by your side."

Her strength was very heavy, as if she wanted to integrate herself into him.


Rong Liyuan lowered his head and buried it in her neck, a contented sigh overflowed from his throat.


People in the hall were forcibly stuffed with a bowl of dog food.

Big brothers hugging each other in front of them, this scene is not easy to see.

Someone just took out their mobile phone and was about to take a picture, when Li Li stood in front of them the next second.

Prepare to stop, to prevent the photos of the second master and his wife from leaking out.

The outstretched hand stopped and returned to its original position, "You guys continue."

Compared to distributing candy in front of these people, Er Ye would definitely prefer distributing candy all over the Internet.

? ? ? ?

For this neurotic person, everyone was confused and couldn't figure out what was going on.

What's the matter with this man? He had a cold face just now, but his attitude suddenly became kind.

If you can't figure it out, forget it and continue shooting.

As Li Li expected, these people quickly posted in Moments after taking pictures.


Lu Qingyun was annoyed, and desperately restrained her facial expressions.


On the other side, inside the casino.

"Tell me, don't you want this hand of yours anymore?" The ferocious man stepped on the stool, holding a knife in his hand.

"No...don't chop off my hand, I will definitely pay back the money owed." Wang Fugui's face was pale, and he shook his head like a pest.

Looking at the knife emitting a faint cold light, the sweat on the back overflowed more and more.

"Return? Didn't you say you don't have any money? What do you pay for it?" The man kicked over the stool with an impatient tone.

He grabbed Wang Fugui's collar with his big hands, "Let me tell you, in my casino, if you don't pay back the money you owe, there is only one consequence, and that is to have one hand chopped off to pay off the debt!"

Dozens of men stood behind the man. They had tattoos on their bodies. They were burly and fierce. They looked like thugs hired by the casino.

Looking at this group of people, Wang Fugui cried bitterly, tears and snot mixed together.

"Brother Dao, don't worry, he is indeed capable of repaying the money." Bai Mo walked slowly into the casino with a lollipop in his mouth.

He picked up a stool and sat on it.

Crossing Erlang's legs, he leisurely looked at the captured Wang Fugui.

Seeing his posture, the others thought he was here to make trouble.

They went into battle with fierce faces, ready to drive Bai Mo out.

Scar let go of Wang Fugui, waved his hand, and a group of people retreated immediately.

"Hey, isn't this Brother Bai? Visiting my little casino really makes me shine."

He had a relaxed face and a smile, but he was nervous and didn't dare to relax at all.

This boy Bai Mo looks white and tender, he looks like a little shou who is being bullied.

But this fight is brutal and ruthless, and it only picks the dead to start, and beats to death.

He fought this man once, and was seriously injured, lying on the bed for half a month.

"Don't say polite words." Bai Mo put down his leg and kicked Wang Fugui.

"He has a daughter who has a lot of money and is a daughter of a famous family. To collect debts, I go to her."

After speaking, he took out a prepared photo, threw it on the table, got up and left.

Walking to the door, she stopped, "By the way, I will provide her whereabouts for free. She is currently at the imperial banquet."

Wang Fugui thought of his daughter in Gu's family, and for the sake of his life, he felt overwhelmed, "Yes, yes, my daughter has plenty of money."

Brother Dao picked up the photo, looked at it, and beckoned to a group of people behind him, "Come on, follow me to collect debts."

Anyone who owes money to casinos, no matter who they are, has always had two options.

Kill me, or pay back the money.

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