The Second Master’s Little Ancestor’s Vest Fell To the Ground

Chapter 626 The eve of the college entrance examination

"Fuck, this woman's skills are so powerful?"

Such a powerful ace is just a substitute, how unfathomable is the strength of the ZK team?

In the VIP lounge, the members of the QY team frowned upon seeing this scene.

I didn't take this team seriously at first, but I didn't expect their strength to be so strong that they should not be underestimated.

"This woman must not stay, or she will be a big threat."

As soon as he said this, he was immediately glared at by the people around him.

"Do you want to die? It's okay to want to die, but don't implicate us, okay?

Previously, the captain was banned for life by the League of Glory of Kings because he touched her brother. Do you want us to be banned too and never be able to play games? "

"Damn it, I wonder if this guy was sent by the enemy camp."

The man who was bullied lowered his head, not daring to refute, for fear of causing public anger.


The game was won, and the audience cheered enthusiastically.

Mu Changying took off the earphones.

Picking up the Nongfu Spring on the table, unscrewed the bottle cap of the mineral water, and took a shallow sip of the water.

She walked down the arena, and immediately saw Li Zhiyi standing at the entrance waiting.

"Second brother."

Mu Changying stepped forward, stretched out his hands, and wrapped his arms around his strong waist.

"My Yiyi is really powerful."

Li Zhiyi raised her injured hand to caress her hair gently, the soft touch made her squint her eyes happily.

"Of course, I'm your sister. How could I be so bad?"

Mu Changying buried her head on his chest, and took a deep breath of the mature hormonal breath on his body.

She raised her head and stared at him, her eyes were shining brightly, so bright that people couldn't ignore it, "Second brother, I will definitely take that trophy back and give it to you."

The smile in Li Zhiyi's eyes deepened, "Okay, I'll wait for you to come back with the trophy."

He believes that as long as Yiyi decides to do something, it will be successful.


Everyone looked at this scene of brother and sister loving each other, with surprise and envy in their eyes.

Never expected that Brother Yi would treat his sister so tenderly.


The manager put his hand to his lips and coughed softly, "Grandma, I'm really sorry to disturb your brother and sister's love."


Hearing what the manager yelled, everyone's shoulders trembled. They couldn't bear it anymore, and each of them chuckled.


After realizing what he just said, his face turned red and white.

"You little bastards, don't laugh, I want to tell you something serious!"

The manager straightened his clothes, pretended to be serious, and reprimanded them severely.

Everyone sat upright, put on a straight attitude, and looked like they were listening carefully.

The camera just happened to sweep over, and those in the audience who didn't know the truth of the matter thought that the ZK team was researching and deploying some secret tactics.

The coaches and managers of other teams are also facing the enemy, and their vigilance index is constantly rising.

Mu Changying smiled and pursed her lips, "Manager, do you have anything to explain?"

The manager put his hands behind his back, "You play well, I have confirmed the news, the chairman will appear at the award ceremony."

He has a stern face, with expectations in his eyes, hoping that this team can stand at the highest point.

"I don't know what the chairman looks like."

"Generally, the chairman of the board is middle-aged or a bad old man. Don't have too many illusions."

"Hey, it's impossible to be Bai Fumei anyway."


Seeing the disinterested discussions among several people, Mu Changying rubbed her fingers slightly, "Maybe she's really Bai Fumei."

Qin Chuan waved his hand, "How is it possible?"

This is reality, not fiction, and the young and beautiful chairman does not exist.

Li Zhiyi glanced at Mu Changying's expression, "Really?"

He lowered his head, a faint light flashed in his deep eyes.


The game continued in the afternoon.

The ZK team sang all the way, invincible, invincible, and invincible.

The ferocious style of play, witty cooperation, and the resourcefulness of the leader all make people feel deeply afraid.

Countless people noticed that Mu Changying served as the invisible captain in the team, and every time he made a decision, he was able to win by surprise.

The ZK team reached the quarter-finals and successfully entered the semi-finals!

In the VIP lounge.

Rong Liyuan looked at the glowing girl on the field, and the darkness rolled in his eyes.

His fingers moved slightly, his Adam's apple squirmed, and a sigh escaped from his throat, "Yingbao..."

His Yingbao was so eye-catching, he wished he could hide her.

Hide in a closet, or close in a room, and let him enjoy it alone.


The others shrank their necks, inexplicably feeling that the temperature in the lounge had dropped a bit.

Fu Huaizheng pouted, took off his coat and put it on Fu Jiaojiao.

Fu Xianxian: "..."

The corners of her mouth twitched, she had seen today what it meant to be oblivious to sex.


competition is over.

Mu Changying got in the car going home.

Sitting on the co-pilot, holding the phone in his hand, resting with his eyes closed.

Ding dong——

The mobile phone text message beeps.

Mu Changying unlocked it, and Li Nanxun's message caught his eyes, [Yiyi, tomorrow is the college entrance examination, you have to study hard. The third brother has just received a new drama, he is not in Mingdu City, and the director won't let him out, so I can't come to the scene to cheer you on. 】

There was a smile on the corner of Mu Changying's mouth, 【Third brother, you film well on the set, and I will take the exam well. 】

Seeing her full of smiles, Rong Liyuan's hand holding the steering wheel tightened slightly.

He pretended to be calm and asked, "Ying Bao, whose text message is it?"

Mu Changying, "It belongs to third brother."

A trace of displeasure flashed in Rong Liyuan's eyes, as expected the brothers of the Li family were born to conquer him.

Mu Changying felt jealous, so she added a few more words, "Third Brother cheers me up for the college entrance examination."

Knowing Li Nanxun's reason for coming, the jealousy in Rong Liyuan's heart faded a bit.

"Yingbao, don't put too much pressure on yourself, just perform normally."

The Rong family's family has a big business, and Yingbao will have to eat for several lifetimes even if he just sits and eats.

Mu Changying nodded, "Yeah, normal waterproofing is fine."

Seeing that she did not put too much pressure on himself, Rong Liyuan let go of the tension in his heart.


The night is covering the land, the neon lights are flashing, and the nightlife of this big city has just begun.

But tonight, the city was silent, not a single loud noise.

In order to ensure the sleep and review time of senior three candidates, the people in the corresponding department took measures early on to provide a better environment for all students.


Weibo alerts kept ringing.

Mu Changying put down the book in his hand, picked up the phone and glanced at it.

Weibo has exploded.

#President and first lady Minghua sent blessings to all senior high school candidates.

#First Lady Minghua's blessings to high school candidates


#ZK made it to the semifinals

#王者荣耀Summer Cup


#On the eve of the college entrance examination, Mu Changying gave up studying and chose to play games

The hot search that occupies the last place on the Weibo hot search list has attracted the attention of many netizens, and the click index is constantly rising.

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