The lead policeman holds handcuffs in his hands.

He walked straight in front of Gu Qingyun and grabbed her wrist without any explanation, "Ma'am, you are under arrest."

The male police officer's voice was icy cold, rigid and selfless, and his indifference made people feel completely chilled, "You have the right to remain silent now, but every word you say will become evidence in court."

The temperature of the handcuffs was extremely cold, Gu Qingyun was caught off guard, and was stunned, "This... Police officer, did I do something wrong?"

After a brief panic, Lu Qingyun tried her best to calm down the panic in her heart.

Her slender brows were slightly frowned, and there was a faint mist in her eyes, and her eyes were hazy with tears, "I... I... I haven't done anything illegal."

The voice is delicate and soft, full of grievances, which makes people's hearts soften all of a sudden.

Several policemen looked at each other, this picture was too deceptive.

If you don't have sufficient evidence, I'm afraid it's hard to believe that this girl would do such a thing.

"Ms. Gu."

"No, it should be Ms. Wang Chunhua. The case of you pushing Ms. Mu Changying into the sea is a deliberate murder. Now that we have the evidence, we will formally arrest you."

"In addition, Ms. Wang, you are pretending to be someone else, which is a violation of the law."

The words of the police were powerful.

The banquet hall was dead silent, and everyone was as quiet as a chicken.

Everyone's eyes fell on Lu Qingyun's identity, with unbelievable inside.

Tan Wan'an shook her head like a pest, "This... this can't be true!"

This is obviously her daughter who was conceived in October, how could it be a fake identity?

"It's you, isn't it you? You didn't enter the gate of the Gu family as you wished, so that's why you framed my daughter like this?"

Tan Wan'an broke free from Gu Zhan's hand, and quickly ran to Mu Changying.

She had a ferocious face, she bared her teeth and claws, and raised her hand to pull down the big ear scraper.

"Madam Gu." Mu Changying raised her hand and tightly clasped Tan Wanan's wrist.

Her face was cold, and her eyes were calm, "A word of advice, you'd better not use force in front of me."

Do you want to teach her a lesson for this skill that is not even considered a three-legged cat?

"You! You bitch!" Tan Wan'an's wrist was clasped, and the severe pain made her frown uncomfortably, "I must tear your face apart today."

Mu Changying, who was screaming loudly, was upset, she pressed her tongue against the socket of her teeth, "You are very noisy~"

His voice was icy and cold, which made people feel frightened for no reason.

Mu Changying raised her eyebrows, and in full view of everyone, she moved the fingernail of her index finger.

The colorless and odorless medicinal powder fell from his fingernails, and Tan Wanan inhaled it into his nose, suddenly unable to speak a word.

Mu Changying clapped her hands in disgust, "Master Gu, please take your mother away."

Gu Xichen sighed, stepped forward to support Tan Wan'an, ignored her struggle, and dragged her away, "Mom, you are tired, let me help you to rest."

Gu Qingyun: "..."

Seeing the last person who could protect her being dragged away, the light in her eyes dimmed.

"Changying, Changying, I didn't push you, you know, I really didn't push you off the cliff, please explain to them."

"We are good sisters, why would I push you?"

Gu Qingyun put her eyes on Mu Changying, like a drowning person grabbing the last straw.

He held on tightly, not daring to let go.


Seeing the strong desire to survive in the other person's eyes, Mu Changying let out a low laugh, "Chunhua, I dare not have a good sister like you~"

This kind of sister will put herself to death if she doesn't pay attention, what a shame.

Hearing Mu Changying's words, the group of people present thought for a while, and immediately turned around.

"So... the second young lady of the Gu family once pushed his wife to fall off a cliff in order to replace her identity?"

"This idea is too vicious. Mrs. Rong only exposed her until now, which is considered kind."

"Sisters like this are really bad. If you don't pay attention, your life will be ruined."

"After doing such a bad thing, you still want to get Mrs. Rong's help. It's really shameless."


Everyone's comments hit Lu Qingyun one after another.

His face became more and more pale, and he heard the sound of his heart beating nervously and clearly.

Lu Qingyun's voice was dry and hoarse, "Changying..."

Helplessness, fear, worry, all kinds of emotions came to my heart in an instant.

Layers of sweat overflowed from her palms, and her eyes were fixed on Mu Changying.

"Chunhua, don't worry, I will often visit you in prison."

When Mu Changying met Lu Qingyun's eyes, there was no disturbance in his heart, it was as calm as water.

"..." Gu Qingyun's heart sank.

She put her eyes on Jin Xueye, "Aye, you believe me? I really never did such a thing."

A crystal clear teardrop fell down, very pitiful.

"I..." Jin Xunye's expression loosened slightly.

Seeing him like this, Mrs. Jin beside him vomited blood with anger, "Shut up!"

Does this idiot want to bribe the police in front of so many dignitaries for such a vicious girl?

Is his head on his neck just to look taller?

Mu Changying smiled sweetly, "Chunhua, it's useless for anyone to believe in you. The police have to believe."

The delicate and soft voice is sweet and greasy, like a malt candy, a bite of sweetness will soften the heart.

"Ying Bao." Rong Liyuan raised his hand and stroked her soft hair.

There is no need to spend so much talking about such a malicious person.

"Ninny, don't talk to this kind of person." The old lady stretched out her hand to hold Mu Changying's hand and patted it gently with a distressed expression on her face.

Nannan is so kind, how did she meet such a vicious friend?

Not only was his identity replaced, but he was also pushed off a cliff and fell into the sea.

Mu Changying shook her head with a smile, pulled out her hand and patted the back of the old lady's hand, "I'm fine."

This encounter was a blessing in disguise, if it wasn't for falling into the sea, how could it have met A Yuan?

"It's fine, it's fine." The worry in the old lady's eyes disappeared.

Nannan is silent about falling off the cliff now, it's not that it doesn't hurt, it's just that the pain is not easy to describe.

Mu Changying looked at the leading policeman, "Mr. Policeman, what she did is true. I will have my lawyer sue her for intentional murder later."

The male policeman nodded, "Okay, Miss Mu."

The French Open has been restored, and it is sparse but not missing.

I thought it was perfect, but in the end it was still difficult to escape the punishment of the law!

"Dad, Dad, I... I really didn't do such a thing, please believe me..." Gu Qingyun set her eyes on Gu Zhan.

No, she can't go to jail.

But no matter how she called, Gu Zhan even gave her a stingy look.

This bastard was arrested, so wouldn't the marriage with the Jin family be blown up?

Also, once the fake daughter is exposed, it will definitely have a big impact on Gu's jewelry.

By the way, the rhyme is gone, isn't there still Qingqian? !

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