After a few days.

Mu Changying was sitting on the sofa in the living room when the phone in the living room rang suddenly.

She walked to the side and picked it up, and Xiu Xin's anxious voice sounded through the receiver immediately, "Madam, it's not good, the old lady is sick."

Xiu Xin stood by the bed.

Looking at the old lady lying on the hospital bed, her brows were tightly wrinkled, and there was an undisguised worry on her face.

"This disease is so fierce that I have taken a lot of medicines but it doesn't work."

She stretched out her hand to feel it.

The old lady's forehead was unbelievably hot, and her whole body seemed to be scorched by a raging fire.

It was obvious that she had only been ill for a few days, but the old lady was already speechless.


Hearing her words, Mu Changying tightened his grip on the phone.

There was worry in her eyes, she raised her hand and rubbed her forehead and said, "Auntie Xiuxin, don't worry, we'll be there right away."

Her face was serious, and her voice carried an irresistible majesty.

Xiuxin's heart suddenly became much quieter, as if she had found a needle for calming the sea, her originally anxious heart was slowly soothed.

After hanging up the phone, Mu Changying immediately went upstairs and changed into a set of clothes in the room, and then went downstairs with the medicine box.

"Yingbao, where are you planning to go?"

Seeing the suitcase in her hand, Rong Liyuan asked.

Mu Changying, "Ah Yuan, something happened in the old house."

Hearing her words, he frowned, and there was a faint glint in those dark and deep eyes.

He stretched out his hand to take the medicine box in her hand, "Yingbao, let's go."

Rong Liyuan's expression was slightly cold, and he strode towards the garage with big strides.

The car was speeding along the road, and arrived at Zhuang Qishan Manor in ten minutes.


The car stopped suddenly, and there was a sudden snort, and the sharp voice pierced people's eardrums.

Xiuxin was already waiting at the door.

Seeing the two people arrived, she felt as if she had seen a savior, "Master, madam, you are finally back."

The old lady's symptoms are getting worse, she is really worried.

Rong Liyuan, "Auntie Xiuxin, how is Mom doing now?"


Seeing the anxiety in his eyes, Mu Changying's eyes were slightly worried.

Such an emotional display, if those partners in the mall saw it, they would be so surprised that their jaws would drop to the ground.

"The old lady had a persistent fever for a long time. She was in a daze, she was in a trance, and her words were not complete."

"And the condition is getting worse and worse day by day. She has entered the hospital today without a drop of water."

Hearing Xiuxin's words, Mu Changying couldn't help but quicken her pace a lot, and the uneasiness and doubts in her heart became more and more intense.

If it was a common cold, how could it be so fierce?

When they came to the old lady's room, Mu Changying pushed open the door.

Without even going into the room, I saw the old lady lying on the hospital bed.

Obviously it was only a few days, but her face was as pale as a piece of white paper, she had no thoughts at all, it was extremely terrifying.


Seeing this, Mu Changying's heart skipped a beat.

She put one hand on the old lady's forehead and looked at the scalding heat.

Mu Changying pursed her lips slightly.

She raised her hand, put it on the old lady's pulse, and closed her eyes to hear the hearing.

The pulse beat was normal, and no abnormalities were found.


The old lady's pulse is normal.

Mu Changying's eyes were full of perplexity and bewilderment. Since his body is normal, why is he so weak?

"How's the situation of the old lady?" Seeing her serious face, the one standing aside couldn't help asking.


Although Rong Liyuan didn't speak, but stared at him with burning eyes, the meaning was self-evident.

She sighed, "There's no diagnosis yet."

Hearing her words, Xiuxin's heart was completely in her throat. Madam is a famous medical doctor, if she can't find out what's wrong, then other doctors can't even find out, so what should I do.

"I trust you."

Rong Liyuan stared at Mu Changying with burning eyes, with deep love and unwavering faith in his eyes.


Being so firmly believed, she nodded with warmth in her heart.

"Auntie Xiuxin, go and call all the other servants in the old house over."

Although Xiuxin didn't understand the reason for doing so, she still followed suit.

Not long after, all the servants in the old house came outside the room.

Mu Changying just came out, observed their expressions, and then took their pulse one by one.

After each patient was examined, Mu Changying's brows furrowed even more, and the worry in her eyes couldn't be concealed.

"Don't be nervous, it's just a routine inspection." Mu Changying forced a smile and smiled at them.

Hearing what he said, the servant who came to check was relieved, and the worry in his eyes no longer existed.

Seeing Madam's expression just now, they thought they had some terminal illness.


He can easily deceive others, but he cannot deceive him.

He could clearly see the seriousness in his eyes that couldn't be concealed.

After checking all the servants, Mu Changying waved her hand, "You guys go down first."

All the people all go out.

She walked back into the room, sat down in a chair and sighed.

The test results are all right, and these people seem to be healthy.

But is that really the case? His heart became more and more anxious.


Seeing that Mu Changying was so tired, Rong Liyuan stepped forward, put his hand on her shoulder, and pressed it lightly.

There was rare tenderness in his eyes.

She enjoyed his pressing, the moment of warmth, feeling warm in her heart.

Although he was enjoying himself, Mu Changying's facial expression did not show the slightest bit of joy, but was full of seriousness instead.

Mainly this condition.

Sensing the aura around Mu Changying, Rong Liyuan let go of her shoulders.

He walked to the side, took out his mobile phone and sent an edited text message to Fu Huaizheng, [Qishan Manor, come in 20 minutes! 】

After editing the text message, put the phone back into the pocket.

He turned around and saw that Mu Changying, who was resting on a chair just now, had stood up.

She stood in front of the old lady's bed, holding a handkerchief in her hand, and carefully wiped the sweat from the old lady's forehead.

He moved cautiously, and was dressed in white, like a selfless and dedicated angel in white.

Pure and clean, the whole body exudes a pure breath, which makes people want to sink.


Seeing this warm picture, Rong Liyuan's heart trembled fiercely.

He lowered his head, with an inexplicable gleam in his eyes.

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