With a glance at Wannian, that's probably what he said.

Rong Liyuan stood at the door for a while, the corners of his mouth raised imperceptibly, the hostility in his eyes melted away, and some smiles appeared.

Holding the food box in his hand, he paced into the office.

He didn't make a sound to disturb Mu Changying who was working, but stood aside and watched silently.


There was silence in the office.

Not hearing a single sound, Mu Changying felt puzzled and frowned slightly.

"What's the matter?" She pulled away from her work and looked up to her side.

The moment he looked up, a man in a simple windbreaker caught his eye.

The gray windbreaker reduced his vigor, making him less inaccessible than before.

A faint surprise flashed in Mu Changying's eyes, she pursed her lips, "A Yuan, why are you here?"

Rong Liyuan put the food box inside on the dining table, and gently rubbed her head with his broad palm, "Yingbao, you must be too busy to forget the time."

Hearing this, she picked up her phone and took a look. It was already lunch time.

Mu Changying put down the phone, "Fortunately, I'm not hungry."

There was a dark light in Rong Liyuan's eyes, he pulled a chair and sat down in front of her, "Eat a little even if you are not very hungry."

If you don't eat lunch, how can your body bear the high-intensity busy work all day?

He opened the food box and took out the rice and vegetables inside, "It's all what you like to eat."

So, Yingbao, would you like to eat a little?

The food box was opened, and the air was filled with a strong smell of food.

These dishes are exquisitely crafted and beautifully presented, making people salivate.

Mu Changying, who was not particularly hungry at first, smelled the aroma of this meal, and her stomach began to protest with disappointment.

"It smells so good." She hooked her lips, and the fatigue on her body was swept away.

He lowered his head, picked up the chopsticks on the table, picked up a piece of fried meat and put it in his mouth.

The meat is not all lean, with a little bit of fat, but it is fat but not greasy.

I took a bite.

The smile in Mu Changying's eyes became even brighter, and she took a mouthful of rice.

"Eat slowly."

Rong Liyuan sat, watching her eat with all her attention, her serious attitude seemed to be dealing with a very serious matter.

Mu Changying, "Okay."

She eats, he watches.

The office was filled with a warm atmosphere for a while, there was no vigor and vitality, but the atmosphere of the steady flow of water made people feel warm in their hearts.

Although he promised to eat slowly, Mu Changying's eating speed did not slow down.


Seeing her scrambling against time to eat, Rong Liyuan wanted to open his mouth to remind her several times, but in the end he swallowed again.

Yingbao's rush must be because he wants to squeeze out more working time.

Mu Changying finished eating.

Putting down the chopsticks, raising his eyes, he saw Rong Ruoyuan who was full of her heart and eyes.

She raised her hand and shook it in front of him, "Ahem, Ah Yuan..."

The speed of eating was so fast just now, shouldn't it scare him?


Rong Liyuan took out a piece of paper from his pocket, stood up, and slightly attached himself to wipe his lips for her.

With gentle movements and focused eyes, it seems that he is dealing with priceless treasures.

Mu Changying sat and obediently let him wipe the stains on her lips.


"Changning miracle doctor, it's not good, someone has a fever again!"

The door of the office was pushed open again, and the little nurse ran in in a panic.

Seeing this scene in the office, I stood there in embarrassment, neither moving forward nor retreating.

She bit the bullet, "Master Changning, the matter is urgent..."

When saying these words, the little nurse didn't even dare to look at Rong Liyuan.

"I see."

Mu Changying frowned, and immediately stood up, her breath became sharp and focused in an instant.

"A Yuan..."

"Yingbao, you go."

Rong Liyuan looked at the girl in front of him, with a hint of pride and a slight distress in his eyes.

His Yingbao is fighting against the virus for the lives of many people, which is great.

But he also feels distressed because of the high-intensity work every day and countless pressures on her thin body.


Seeing that Rong Liyuan didn't pursue the matter, and let him go easily, the little nurse's uneasy heart finally subsided.


Mu Changying buttoned up her white coat and followed the nurse out of the office.

As soon as Mu Changying left, the office became empty.

Rong Liyuan cleaned up the lunch boxes on the table, and when he was about to leave, his phone kept vibrating.

Turning on the phone, Weibo sent countless messages.

#Mu Changying creates panic

#The virus is spreading, will the end of the world come

#K5 virus? baseless lie


Seeing these tweets one after another, Rong Liyuan's face was filled with gloom.

He gripped the phone harder, the veins on the back of his hand twitched violently, and anger and anger swept through the entire office.

Seeing the angry curses one after another from netizens in the comment area, his face became even more gloomy.

[Trash, just Mu Changying or the genius doctor? To say that there will be an infectious virus without any basis is simply bullshit. 】

[Upstairs, Mr. Xu from Xu's Medicine has just said that he believes in Mu Changying. 】

[Mr. Xu has a very close relationship with Mu Changying, so it's nothing unusual for him to be in a team. 】

[Even if it is a virus, there is no need to make such a fuss. There will be some strange viruses every year, but don’t they all cause no waves? 】

[Mu Changying's panic may cause Mr. Xu to raise the price of medical supplies, so they are making money? 】

[Fuck, why didn't I think of this? Upstairs, I think you got the truth. Shocked.jpg]





Seeing these vicious guesses, Rong Liyuan's sexy Adam's apple wriggled and let out a low sneer.

He exited the Weibo page, found Bai Mo's phone number, and dialed, "Bai Mo, let the news on the Internet be resolved immediately."

"Okay, Second Master." Bai Mo could hear from the receiver that Second Master was in a bad mood.

He wiped his sweat and silently mourned for a few seconds for the group of people on the Internet.

Needless to say, the comments on the Internet must be about Madam.

The second master would be so restless only when he encountered his wife's affairs.


Rong Liyuan hung up the phone, and walked out of the office with the food box.

He came to the old lady's ward, wearing a mask.

Seeing the old lady lying on the hospital bed, who was a little more conscious, the hostility in her eyes withdrew.

"Second Master Rong, just take a look and go out." The medical staff standing next to him swallowed wildly and spoke without fear of death.

The contagious virus is spreading crazily in the past few days, and the danger is still very high if you continue to stay in the ward.

Rong Liyuan glanced at the medical staff.

"Yeah." He looked back silently, sighed, and left the ward full of thoughts, "Remember to keep the room clean."

The old lady loved beauty when she was young, and she remained elegant when she was old. She couldn't bear the sloppy image and unclean environment.

The medical staff nodded, "Okay, don't worry."

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