As the virus spreads.

The entire Internet is full of news about the virus.

In the past, Weibo was full of rumors and gossip about various celebrities.

Now, everything posted on Weibo is about viruses from beginning to end.

The first paparazzi V: [Put a melon for everyone.

In fact, this virus did not come out of nowhere. According to my information, the source of this virus was first transmitted from Qishan Manor.

Speaking of this place, many people will definitely feel very strange.

Don't worry, I will give you a slow science popularization next.

Qishan Manor, this is a property owned by the Rong family.

When it comes to the Rong family, everyone must be familiar with it. The well-known Dingmao Group is the industry of the Rong family.

At Qishan Manor, the people inside were infected with the virus.

Among the infected people was the old lady of the manor, who was the mother of Second Master Rong.

Because the people in Qishan Manor were infected with the virus, they were sent to the No. 1 Hospital for treatment.

Next, everyone knows.

Because it was sent to the hospital, the medical staff in the hospital were also infected with the virus one after another.

Immediately afterwards, the virus began to spread throughout the city. 】

The first paparazzi's revelations fooled everyone.

In that case, isn't the culprit the person from Qishan Manor?

They were still grateful to Mu Changying, but when they heard the news, all the netizens were shocked.

[Fuck, what's going on with this tmd? So the culprit is this manor? 】

【Ahhh, I really want to swear now. But you must bear it, everyone must also bear it, don't say swear words, otherwise be careful that your account will be blocked. 】

【Damn, it turns out that I'm not the only one who has this situation, other people do too. A few days ago, I scolded Mu on the Internet, but it turned out that I couldn't send it out, and it showed a network failure. 】

[Crafts and cows, rich and powerful are different. Now that the virus is spreading everywhere, I think they should give us an explanation? 】

[I think you should keep your mouths shut, and be careful not to be warned by a lawyer. 】


Netizens were completely dumbfounded by the paparazzi's revelations, and the Internet was full of curses.

The director of the First Hospital was anxious like an ant on a hot pot when he saw the news on the Internet.

Holding his mobile phone, he immediately ran to Mu Changying's office, and knocked on the office door.

Mu Changying put down the documents in his hand, raised his head, "Come in."

The dean pushed open the door of the office.

When he came in and saw Mu Changying with a tired face, he swallowed the words again.

He was full of hesitation.

Seeing his appearance, Mu Changying rubbed his forehead, "Dean, if you have anything to say, just say it."

Leave as soon as you finish speaking, time is running out now and there is no room for waste.

A minute and a second wasted could cost a life away from them.

Hearing her words, the dean took a deep breath.

He put the phone in front of Mu Changying and said, "That doctor Changning, don't pay too much attention to this matter, these people just talk bad."

If these irrelevant people affect the mood and delay the progress of the investigation of the source of the virus, that would be serious.

Hearing the dean's words, Mu Changying raised her brows calmly, what kind of important matter would make the dean so nervous.

She reached for the dean's cell phone, and looked.

Mu Changying sat lazily, with her legs crossed, and she was domineering in her laziness.

Seeing the angry scolding of netizens on Weibo, he put his tongue on the tooth socket, "It's just a small thing, don't worry about it."

Her voice was incredibly calm.

Hearing her voice, the dean froze.

He stared closely at Mu Changying, and saw that her face was calm, and her eyes were calm, "Master Doctor Changning, are you really alright?"

What this group of netizens said was really ugly, and they were simply committing cyber violence against Changning Miracle Doctor.

Mu Changying picked up the ballpoint pen on the table and twirled it in his hand.

She looked at the dean with indifferent eyes and said, "It's really nothing."

After confirming that she was really fine, the dean put away all his worries.

He let out a foul breath, took the phone and patted his chest, and said softly, "It's fine, it's fine."

The harm of cyber violence is unimaginable at all, Changning Miracle Doctor doesn't care at all, his heart is too strong.


Mu Changying lowered her head, continued to focus on the information in her hand, saw the important parts, and took some notes.

Seeing that she was working so hard, the dean was embarrassed to continue here, "Then Changning Doctor, I won't bother you here."

After finishing speaking, the dean smiled, and then walked out of the office, closing the door of the office intimately when he left.

Watching the dean leave the office, Mu Changying raised her head from her work.

She glanced at the time, then continued to concentrate on her work.

Time was running out, and there was not much time left for them. She didn't have the energy to pay attention to the group of people on the Internet.


Mu Changying didn't pay attention to this group of mad dogs on the Internet, but it didn't mean that other people didn't pay attention.

Rong Mansion.

When Rong Liyuan saw the angry scolding of this group of netizens on the Internet, his whole body was cold and his face was clouded.

Bai Mo, who was standing next to him, clearly felt his cold breath.

He didn't dare to take a breath immediately, for fear that he would be the one who would be unlucky in the next second.

Rong Liyuan's sexy Adam's apple squirmed, and a low smile escaped from his throat.

The laughter was low-pitched and magnetic, but it was not pleasant at all, and instead made people feel scalp tingling.

"Special Assistant Bai, your recent work efficiency is really bad."

Let him deal with the group of fleas on the Internet, and it turned out to be like this again.


Suddenly caught by Aite, Bai Mo didn't dare to say a word when he noticed Rong Liyuan's eyes on him.

He was so wronged that he wanted to die.

Even if the authority of Weibo is blocked and netizens are not allowed to speak, it can only be blocked for a day at most, and Weibo cannot be permanently closed.

Although he was very wronged in his heart, he didn't dare to refute a word, and said with an excellent attitude of admitting his mistake, "Second Master, I will definitely handle this matter well."

At worst, go and block the Weibo permissions of this group of netizens who dance very well.

There was a gloomy light in Rong Liyuan's eyes, "Just unplug their network cables, and by the way, tell the people of the network company that this group of people will be blacklisted for a month."

Without the Internet, they can't use it, and they can't use the traffic, so they have no place to jump.

"..." After a brief silence, Bai Mo nodded, "Yes, Second Master."

He exits the room.

Bai Mo lit a candle for this group of netizens in his heart.

Hey, it's not good to offend anyone, why don't you have a good eye to slander Madam.

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