The brother and sister hugged each other tightly, and the room was filled with a faint sense of warmth.

The atmosphere is too warm to be broken.

Mu Changying's body carried a faint fragrance.

Li Nanxun smelled the fragrance on her body, his heart was at peace, and all impetuousness seemed to be smoothed away.

Mu Changying stretched out her hand and patted him on the back, then withdrew from his embrace, and said with a smile, "Third Brother, since you want to stay in Mingdu City, then stay."

Hearing her words, his eyes shone with joy.

He never thought that Yiyi would agree with him to stay in Mingdu City.


Seeing the surprised look in Li Nanxun's eyes, Mu Changying smiled with warmth in his eyes.

Although Mingdu City is very dangerous now, she will definitely protect her brother's safety.

They are a family, so they should advance and retreat together!


Li Nanxun nodded.

Those peach blossom eyes were full of luster and brilliance, especially alluring.


With a slight sound, the office door was pushed open again.

The nurse standing outside hurried in.

Seeing this scene in the room, her eyes flickered with surprise.

After hesitating for a while, thinking of Mu Changying's temperament, she didn't dare to delay any longer, and said in a panic.

"Changning miracle doctor, it's not good, Mrs. Rong's condition is getting serious."

Hearing the little nurse's words, Mu Changying's heart trembled violently.

She had a serious face, her eyes were slightly cold, and there was a hint of worry.

She didn't dare to think, what would happen to Ah Yuan if something happened to the old lady...

Thinking of Rong Liyuan's negative and uncertain appearance when the old lady passed away in the previous life.

She pursed her lips, "Okay, I see, I'll be right here."

Mu Changying waved back.

After the little nurse went out, she looked at Li Nanxun.

Seeing the anxiety in her eyes, he said understandingly, "Yiyi, you go."

He really didn't like Rong Liyuan very much, after all, this fellow stole his sister away.

But no matter what, Mrs. Rong is Yiyi's mother-in-law.

It was impossible for Yiyi not to look at it, otherwise it would be unfilial.

The most important thing is that his sister is so kind, how could she give up a fresh life before her eyes?


Mu Changying's tongue pressed against the tooth socket.

She put her hands in her pockets and strode out of the office.

Along the way, she was full of anxiety, walking faster and faster, from trot to trot.


Seeing Mu Changying's anxious face, the nurses and doctors in the corridor couldn't help being infected.

During this period of time, the virus incident has caused people to panic, and they were also very disturbed to see the doctor Changning so flustered.

It took Mu Changying only a few minutes to reach this long distance.

She ran to the old lady's ward and slammed the door open.


Seeing that a group of doctors had already surrounded him, he narrowed his eyes slightly.

Seeing Mu Changying's arrival, those doctors seemed to have found the backbone.

They stared at her with burning eyes.

"Changning miracle doctor."

"Changning miracle doctor."

"Changning miracle doctor."

When Mu Changying arrived, the doctors in the ward consciously stepped aside.


Mu Changying came to the old lady.

She looked at the situation of the old lady. On the monitor, the heartbeat became weaker and weaker.

Mu Changying frowned, and looked at the others, "Did you have any symptoms before?"

The doctor on duty shook his head, "There was nothing unusual before, but it's just like this all of a sudden."

Hearing this, everyone thought deeply.

Is this virus already so powerful?

It's really too big, and it can make people so weak without making a sound.


The medical staff present had a little fear in their hearts.

But this fear lasted for a few seconds, and soon disappeared without a trace, replaced by a strong determination.

They are doctors, soldiers in this virus battle.

They are always fighting on the front line.

Therefore, fear must not be contaminated, and they must fight the virus to the last moment.

"I see."

Mu Changying took out his stethoscope to check the old lady's condition.

The more you check, the more you frown.

Sensing Mu Changying's seriousness, the doctors in the ward didn't dare to say another word.

They watched quietly, for fear of disturbing her and causing this life to disappear before their eyes.

Mrs. Rong has a special status.

If something happened to her in the No. 1 Hospital, the people present would not be able to escape their responsibility.

After checking everything, Mu Changying looked at the other people in the ward, "Now, prepare for the operation immediately."

Her voice was icy and cold, and her eyes were not disturbed at all.

Sen Leng's voice fell in everyone's ears, and they swallowed.

"Okay, Doctor Changning, we will arrange it right away."

The execution ability of the medical staff in the First Hospital is still very high.

Soon, they had the operating room ready.

Mu Changying changed into the surgical gown, and immediately rushed towards the operating room after disinfection.

At the door of the operating room, Mu Changying met Mr. Xu unexpectedly.

"Mu girl."

He stared at the girl in a white coat in front of him, with a hint of worry in his eyes.

"Don't worry, I will accompany you in this operation."

The old lady had a close relationship with Mu Yatou, and he was worried that she would be too nervous during the operation.

Mu Changying smiled and said, "Thank you."

"Changning Miracle Doctor, I'll help you this time." The man standing beside Mr. Xu said.

He was not very old, and he looked at Mu Changying with deep admiration in his eyes.

He had already heard about the famous doctor of Changning, and this time he could witness the operation scene with his own eyes and participate in it, and he would definitely gain a lot.

Mu Changying took a deep breath, "Let's go."

Adjust your mood and walk into the operating room.

The moment I stepped inside, all the uneasiness was thrown away, and some only had the calmness of being a doctor.


A low-pitched male voice sounded in the corridor.

At the same moment, the man who rushed over saw Mu Changying's back.


Rong Liyuan looked at her back, stood in place, his whole body was downcast.

The gate was closed, and the people inside did not look back.

Rong Liyuan stood guard outside, his eyes fixed on the closed door of the operating room.


He stood at the door, his angular face covered with haze.

The breath around him was low and gloomy, and it was extremely cold, as if he had walked from a world of ice and snow.

Bai Mo, who rushed after him, had a worried face on his face, "Second Lord."

He never expected that the old lady's illness would be violent, without any warning.


Rong Liyuan stood in a daze.

He didn't seem to hear Bai Mo's voice.

Seeing his appearance, Bai Mo didn't dare to say any more. He stood aside and accompanied him silently.

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