Her slender hands hugged Yu Linye's waist tightly.

The tears in the eye sockets fell down big and big, and when I saw her, I burst into tears.

His eyes were full of worry, he raised his hand and patted her on the back, comforting her softly, "Qiqi, what's the matter."

The comforting voice did not soothe her emotions.

Instead, it made Hua Qiqi cry even louder.

Seeing that she couldn't stop no matter what, the anxiety in Yu Linye's eyes became more and more intense, and he was at a loss, "Qiqi, be good, don't cry, okay? I'm here."

Cried for a long time.

She shy away from his arms shyly.

Seeing that his clothes were wet with tears again, she touched her nose in embarrassment, her face blushed, and her voice was low, "I, I... I was just too emotional just now."

Seeing his arrogant little appearance, the smile in Yu Linye's eyes became more and more intense.

His sexy Adam's apple twitched, and a low laugh escaped his throat.

He raised his hand and gently stroked her soft black hair, "Good boy."

After speaking, he reached out to take the inspection report in her hand and began to look at it carefully.

He took it very seriously.

He was watching every word, unwilling to skip it, as if he was afraid of missing some big news.

Seeing his appearance, Mu Changying's eyes overflowed with satisfaction.

After checking everything, Yu Linye's hand holding the inspection report was trembling slightly.

He stretched out his hand and hugged Hua Qiqi tightly into his arms.

He buried his head on her neck and took a deep breath of her breath.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you..." He kept saying these two words in his mouth.

Thank you that she is fine, and thank you that she is not infected with the K5 virus.

Hua Qiqi leaned on Yu Linye's chest, neither arguing nor arguing, like a well-behaved doll.

The two hugged each other tightly, exuding a faint sense of warmth.

The surrounding medical staff subconsciously avoided them, and they walked lightly, not wanting to disturb this pair of lovers.

Looking at this scene, Mu Changying felt that she had been stuffed with dog food.

She raised a hand to her lips and coughed softly.

Clearing his throat, Duo Bu walked in front of them.

She looked serious, "Qiqi, you just have a normal fever, and you are not infected with the K5 virus."

Her voice is delicate and soft.

Hearing her voice, Hua Qiqi's little face turned red with embarrassment.

She was so embarrassed that she wished she could find a crack in the ground to get in, it was obviously just a common fever.

But she thought she was infected with the K5 virus, and made such a joke.

Seeing her embarrassed appearance, Mu Changying curled her lips.

She raised her hand, and lightly patted Hua Qiqi's shoulder, "However, if this incident didn't happen, the two of you don't know when you will be together."

Hua Qiqi's face turned even redder, and the roots of her ears became soft.

She felt hot all over, extremely embarrassed, but had nothing to refute.

Mu Changying put her hands in her pockets, she looked at the two of them, and said softly, "Recently, don't eat cold and spicy food, if you drink water, try to drink warm water, and remember to keep a stable schedule and don't stay up late."

Hearing her many instructions, Hua Qiqi's face was full of lovelessness.

There are too many taboos in this pile, if you follow them all, life will no longer be fun.

Seeing the reluctance on her face, Yu Linye's eyes flickered with a faint glint.

He looked at Mu Changying and smiled, "Sister Ying, don't worry, I will definitely supervise her well."

Mu Changying nodded, with encouragement in her eyes, "I believe you will be able to supervise her properly."

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