The girl in front of her was wearing a white coat with her hands in her pockets, her expression calm.

Looking at her, the middle-aged man felt an inexplicable sense of peace in his heart.

He didn't see the slightest bit of contempt in Mu Changying's eyes.

In the eyes of Dr. Changning, all patients are treated equally.

There was a soreness in his throat, he nodded quickly, and quickly followed Mu Changying's pace, "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, I have nothing to be afraid of."

The doctor of Changning is so skilled in medicine, he believes that she will definitely find a way to cure the K5 virus.

The two walked towards the prosecution room one after the other.


late at night.

The night covered the entire land, and the surrounding area was quiet. The bright moonlight sprinkled on the earth, as if covering the earth with a thin layer of veil, adding a bit of mystery.

When Mu Changying walked out of the hospital, the summer night was still slightly cool, and the cool wind blew on her body, so she tightened her clothes.

I raised my head and scanned around, the roadside was quiet, but the hospital lights were still on.

In the entire city hospital, some medical staff are still working overtime.


A black car ahead turned on its lights.

The car lights flashed, and the next second the car opened, the door opened.

Under the illumination of the street lamp, Mu Changying clearly saw a pair of well-polished leather shoes come into her eyes.

Looking up, the well-tailored trousers wrapped those long legs.

Rong Liyuan walked towards her slowly.


Mu Changying raised her head, quietly watching his approaching figure.

Her heart was warm, and the exhaustion of the day seemed to be cleared at this moment.

Rong Liyuan stopped in front of her, and he put a coat inside his hand on her body.

He moved cautiously, as if he was dealing with a priceless treasure, "Treasure Ying, it's cold at night, pay attention to your body."

Looking at what she was wearing, he frowned slightly.

Ying Bao was wearing too little clothes, and she was too thin, as if a gust of wind could blow her away.

Mu Changying tightened the coat she was wearing, and smiled brightly at him, "Ah Yuan, let's go home."

After speaking, she raised his arm on her wrist and walked towards the car parked on the side of the road.

It was quite surprising that A Yuan could come to pick her up, after all, it was almost 12 o'clock now.

But after thinking about it, the corners of Mu Changying's mouth rose slightly, and she felt that this was reasonable.

After all, this is her Ah Yuan.

Being able to disregard life and death for her, such small things can naturally be done.


Arm in arm, the two walked towards the Land Rover parked aside.


With a slight sound, the door opened.

Rong Liyuan put her hand on the top of the car door, protecting it carefully, lest she hit the car roof.

Mu Changying sat in the co-pilot and put on his seat belt.

He opened the car door and sat in the driver's seat, and thoughtfully adjusted the temperature inside the car.

With his slender and well-defined hands on the steering wheel, he drove towards the Rong mansion.

The speed is steady and the car is quiet.

Mu Changying was sitting in the co-pilot. She closed her eyes, and after resting for a while, she felt sleepy.

Her upper and lower eyelids were fighting, and she raised her hand and yawned.

She struggled with the drowsiness for a while, but finally couldn't resist, and fell into a drowsy sleep.


He turned his head to see that she was asleep.

There was concern in his usually deep and cold eyes.

Rong Liyuan parked the car aside, then got out of the car, he took out a bag from the trunk and opened it.

He took out a small blanket from the bag and covered her in the car.

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