In the middle of the night, everything is silent, and most people have already fallen asleep.

And at this time, a Weibo suddenly woke up some people who were already asleep.

Minghua V: 【The K5 virus is coming in menacingly, with extremely strong contagious power. At present, the number of medical staff in the No. 1 City Hospital of Mingdu City is tense. I once again announce the recruitment of volunteers, hoping that caring people will be willing to join this time in the fight against the virus. 】

The Weibo she posted is concise and clear, and there is no redundant nonsense.

As soon as this news came out, everyone on Weibo fell out.

[My God, even the wife of the president has stepped up to announce the recruitment. How tight is the staff of the First City Hospital? ! Surprised.jpg]

[Although my major is not in medicine, I want to sign up for this recruitment, and I hope to help more people infected with the virus. 】

[The K5 virus is different from other viruses, and its infectious power is not something to brag about. For the sake of my life, I will not participate in this recruitment, but I am willing to donate money. 】

【Coincidentally, I am also willing to donate money. I wonder how much you plan to donate upstairs? I am willing to pay half a month's living expenses, five hundred. 】

[Not much, not much, I only donated about two thousand. smile.jpg]

[Fuck, local tyrant! The local tyrant begs for support, the local tyrant, do you still lack the pendant for the legs? 】

[Dare to come out with two thousand dollars. You have the ability to donate all your wealth. pick nose.jpg]

[What you said is really ugly! You think his donation of 2,000 yuan is too little, so do you have the ability to tell how much you donated? Anger.jpg.]

[Keyboard trolls on the Internet. 】


After being attacked by so many people, the person who stood up to provoke trouble just now fled away quickly, not daring to come out to make a fuss again.

The sudden announcement of the recruitment by the president's wife made the night owls on Weibo blow up.

After they finished eating the melon, they immediately sent the news to their friends around them.

The WeChat alert kept ringing, successfully waking up all the relatives and friends around me.

The doctors working in the hospital saw the news with serious expressions.

The K5 virus is not just a matter of famous capitals, and now the virus has appeared one after another in various regions.

But among them, the famous capital city is the most. If it is not resolved, this capital will really become a drug zone.

The major hospitals immediately held emergency meetings.


the next day.

Mu Changying had just arrived at the office not long ago.

"Knock knock—"

The door of the office was pushed open, and the little nurse came in, "Master Changning, the dean has something to ask for you."

Mu Changying put down the documents in her hand, looked up at the person who walked in, she nodded, "Okay, I see."

He tidied up the things on the desk casually, put his hands in his pockets, and walked out of the office.

At the door of the dean's room, she and Fu Huaizheng met unexpectedly.

Mu Changying raised her brows calmly, her voice tinged with a trace of seriousness, "It seems that the dean has something important to inform."

Fu Huaizheng stretched out his bony index finger and pushed the mirror frame hanging above the bridge of his nose, "I think so too."

If it was an ordinary matter, it would be impossible for the dean to call Mu Changying and him at the same time.

During this critical period, something important must have something to do with the K5 virus.

Thinking of this, the two of them frowned slightly, with solemn eyes.

"Let's go."

Mu Changying glanced at him, and opened the office door first.

Even if it's bad news, she thinks she can accept it.

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