Hearing Gu Zhan yelling at her, Tan Wan'an felt a little wronged.

She opened her mouth and said nothing in the end.

But looking at Mu Changying's expression was still very unfriendly, as if he wanted to swallow her alive.

Being stared at by this gaze, Mu Changying remained as motionless as a mountain from the beginning to the end, and her expression did not change a single bit.

Her delicate red lips parted slightly, "Madam Gu, I need to remind you. You stay with Young Master Gu every day, and you don't usually wear a mask. It is not surprising that you will be infected with the virus."

"On the contrary, if you are not infected with the virus, then you are most afraid of it."

Mu Changying looked at Tan Wan'an with a smile that was not a smile, and there was a slight smile in her clear eyes, "You should be glad that you are not infected with the virus, otherwise you would not be here now."

Tan Wanan's heart skipped a beat, "You, what do you mean by this sentence?"

The smile on the corner of Mu Changying's mouth deepened a lot, she walked up to Tan Wan'an's side, lowered her voice, "The place where you will appear should be the laboratory."

Hearing this sentence, her pupils shrank suddenly, and she was speechless for a long time.

After a few seconds, Tan Wan'an took a few steps back, as if he was facing a scourge.

Seeing Tan Wanan's action, Mu Changying was amused.

The corner of her mouth curled up, "Don't worry Madam Gu, this is just a little joke I made with you."

With that said, Mu Changying raised her hand and gently patted Tan Wanan's shoulder.

The girl was wearing a white coat and looked outstanding.

It looked like she was dressed as an angel in white, but she felt like a demon just now.

Tan Wanan's heartbeat stopped for a few seconds, and her pupils were tinged with fear.

"No, you are not my daughter at all."

How could her daughter be so terrifying? This was clearly an evil spirit that was demanding her life.

"Mom!" Gu Xichen said with a bad expression.

He rushed forward, protecting Mu Changying tightly behind him, his whole body radiating with anger.

"Nizi, Nizi!"

This rebellious son actually opposed her several times because of this woman, and Tan Wan'an's anger rose slowly.

She turned her head and stared at Mu Changying angrily and viciously, "It's all because of you, otherwise how could my son never change his mind and fight against me?"

"The evil spirit, you evil spirit, how could I give birth to a daughter like you?"

"Yun'er doesn't know how much better than you, you have gone to such a corner, what are you doing out there?"

If the evil spirit can't come out, their family will still be as happy and harmonious as before.

"Shut up, Chen'er, your mother is a little delirious, why don't you take her to rest quickly."

"No need."

Before Gu Xichen could move, Mu Changying stood up.

She stared at Tan Wan'an with a cold expression, "I see that Mrs. Gu's mind is very clear, and she is not confused at all."

As she said that, a clear and soft chuckle escaped from her throat, "Mrs. Gu, the daughter you miss so much is still in prison."

"Since you like her so much, why don't you go and fish her out of the prison?"

Mu Changying's expression was delicate and pretty, without sadness or joy, as if these words couldn't hurt her in the slightest.


Tan Wan'an, who was still shouting loudly, froze in place for a moment, unable to speak a word.

She does like Gu Qingyun very much, but when it comes to family interests, this liking will be greatly reduced.

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