The girl's face was calm, and her voice fell into his ears clearly.

Lin Shijie's back was as firm as a pine tree.

Those eyes twinkled with starlight, excitement was floating, and an unprecedented feeling filled the whole body, as if filled with vitality.

His old thick fingers trembled, and his voice was trembling, " mean?"

Although he couldn't say it out loud, the answer had already appeared in his heart.

Mu Changying stood up, "Yes, as you think."

She turned her back to Lin Shijie.

Looking at the young girl in front of him, there was no doubt in his heart.

After a long time, he suppressed the excitement in his heart, "Okay, I promise you."

Mu Changying turned around, looked at him steadfastly, and said in a crisp voice, "I assure you, the day when you are wronged, will be the day when your Lin family will be honored and respected by thousands of people."


Joyo didn't know what they were talking about inside.

But when they came out again, everyone had already acquiesced that Lin Yiyi was the thief who stole the research materials.

After leaving the police station, Mu Changying has been paying close attention to Jiu Qingqing.

But this person was extremely vigilant, and he didn't hand over the vaccine research and development information to the Tianyinmen people in the first place.

the next day.

The First City Hospital of Mingdu City, large meeting room.

Many doctors were sitting in the big meeting room, looking at the leading doctors, inexplicably noticed a low and strange breath in the air.

Everyone: "..."

They looked at each other, didn't dare to say anything, and didn't make any movement.

The meeting room was as quiet as a chicken.

The dean who was sitting at the top glanced at everyone, and closed his eyes in pain, "Everyone, I want to tell you a piece of sad news."

Hearing what the dean said, everyone was tense, with serious eyes.

Could it be that the infectivity of the K5 virus has increased?

When everyone was guessing, the dean raised his hand, "Silence."

"Dr. Mu worked hard and finally developed the K5 vaccine, but before the news was announced and stabilized the morale of the army, a bad news came."

"Just yesterday, the research laboratory was destroyed and the vaccine research and development materials disappeared. After a thorough investigation, it was Lin Yiyi who was behind the scenes."

"I'm very sad. The enemy is now. It's fine if we can't fight the epidemic with a united front, but there is still internal fighting."

"This is no small matter, it concerns the lives of tens of thousands of people."

The dean's face was heavy and painful, and bitterness spread in his mouth.

He glanced at Lin Shijie, "After discussion, we decided to expel Lin Yiyi, and we have handed it over to the police."

The dean's words made everyone dizzy and doubted life.

Thinking of the increasing number of people infected with the virus, the doctors couldn't sit still.

"Professor Lin, you have always had a good reputation in the medical field, yet you would hand over such a granddaughter with a low character."

"Now that the research and development materials have been stolen, and it is not known who has fallen into the hands of the people, what should I do?"

"Hey, for my own selfishness, I want to let the lives of thousands of innocent people be buried with me."


Lin Shijie's ears heard the attacks from the discussions, and Zhuo Liang, who was sitting next to him, had red eyes with anger, but Professor Lin was unmoved and unaffected.

Jiu Qingqing pursed her lips and said regretfully, "I didn't expect Yiyi to be like this..."

As soon as these words came out, Lou Zi was stabbed in an instant.

The enraged Zhuoyou stood up with a bang, and pointed at her, "Doctor Liquor, you'd better keep your mouth clean, Yiyi is not that kind of person."

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