The Second Master’s Little Ancestor’s Vest Fell To the Ground

Chapter 753 Only Lord Xiao has this kind of blessing

The big hands with thin calluses gently stroked her back, and the originally cloudy face was stained with tenderness.

Mu Changying slowed down for a few minutes, leaned on the seat, and shook her head, "I'm fine, maybe I'm not used to the smell of tobacco on your body."

I don't know what's going on, she has become particularly sensitive recently, whether it's smell or other aspects.

Hearing this, Rong Liyuan had a trace of guilt in his eyes, and comforted him in a low voice, "Good boy, it's all my fault, I promise I won't let you smell this smell in the future."

According to the information provided in the data, Master Xiao smokes.

If there is no smell of smoke on his body, it may arouse the suspicion of the people of Tianyin Sect.

"It's okay, it's much better." Seeing his nervous face, Mu Changying's heart felt warm.


The car drove smoothly on the small road.

Not long after, a group of people successfully arrived at the base camp of Tianyin Gate.

After getting off the car, Rong Liyuan looked around secretly.

He raised his hand, put his arms around Mu Changying's waist, and said ambiguously, "I'm very interested in Miss Fu, the sect master doesn't suggest letting us get closer, right?"

The voice is deep and magnetic.

These words make people can't help daydreaming.

Everyone's eyes fell on them uncontrollably, and each of them showed a wretched smile.

Attracted by beautiful women, I didn't expect that big bosses couldn't avoid it.

Kui Qing clenched his hands tightly into fists, his eyes glowing with resentment.

Sensing his gaze, Rong Liyuan frowned slightly, and slightly increased the strength of his arms around Mu Changying, as if he was declaring his sovereignty.

Mu Changying: "..."

The corners of the mouth twitched slightly, feeling a little like crying in my heart.

It's none of her business at all, how did she know that this guy has such thoughts?

The head of the Tianyin Gate said cheerfully, "Hehehe...of course it is not recommended."

"Then thank you."

Rong Liyuan said thanks, but his attitude was neither humble nor overbearing, and his whole body was aggressive, even if he was in other people's territory, he did not fall into a disadvantage.

When he brushed past Kui Qing with Mu Changying in his arms, his footsteps paused slightly, "It's better not to worry about things that don't belong to you."

This kind of adoring gaze is really uncomfortable.

Looking at it like this, there is no need for these eye beads to exist.

Kui Qing, "You..."

Hey, Ah Yuan is really a big jealousy.

Mu Changying pursed her lips, looked at Rong Liyuan, and said in a pretendingly indifferent tone, "Let's go."

Now she bears Fu Yue's identity and appearance, and Fu Yue himself has a deep affection for Tianyinmen.

Someone humiliated a colleague in front of her, even if she didn't like that colleague, she still couldn't have a good impression of "Master Xiao".

Rong Liyuan rubbed her waist with his hand, and said in a cold tone, "For Miss Fu's sake, I don't care about this matter."

The atmosphere at the scene was a little condensed, and the door owner hurriedly smoothed things over and smiled, "My fair lady, a gentleman is so good, but only Lord Xiao can enjoy such a profound blessing."

Everyone knew that this was just a casual mention, but Rong Liyuan took it as the truth.

He nodded and cast an appreciative look at the other party, "I also deeply agree."

Lu Jin who heard this said: "..."

Jiang Zhi: "..."

This man is really rude.

Faced with Rong Liyuan's provocation, Kui Qing's face was ashen, and his heart was raging with anger, but he had to take the overall situation into consideration, so he couldn't vent it.

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