
Mu Changying, Rong Liyuan and Bai Mo sat at the dining table to have dinner.

Maybe it was because he hadn't slept enough, Mu Changying's face was a little sleepy.

She raised her hand, rubbed her sleepy eyes and saw.

After pregnancy, she always felt lethargic and never got enough sleep.

Seeing her like this, Rong Liyuan's eyes were filled with distress.

He picked up the bowl on the table, picked up a dish she liked with chopsticks, and handed it to his mouth, "Yingbao, open your mouth."

Mu Changying narrowed her eyes and yawned, then opened her mouth to eat the piece of meat.

It's been a long time since I ate the dishes made by the chef at home, and I still miss the food at home a little bit.


The meat in his mouth was fat but not greasy, and the taste was very delicious. Mu Changying's eyes showed approval.

The strong taste spread in the mouth, dispelling the drowsiness a lot.

She nodded heavily, with freshness in her sleepy eyes, "A Yuan, this meat is delicious, you can eat it too."

Rong Liyuan nodded, "Okay."

Although he agreed, he didn't eat, but continued to pick up vegetables and hand them to her mouth to feed her.

Mu Changying didn't refuse either.

Just feed one and eat one.

In the eyes of the butler, the picture of handsome men and women is a seductive sight.

The housekeeper's face was filled with relief, and the second master and his wife had a deeper relationship after returning from a trip.

But to Bai Mo, this is simply a critical blow, the kind that is huge.


He curled his lips, stared viciously at the food in the bowl, turned his grief and anger into appetite, and buried himself in eating.

Seeing his turbulent movements, Mu Changying frowned, and kindly reminded, "Xiao Momo, slow down, no one will snatch you."

"This speed is too fast. If you eat too fast, you will easily suffer from indigestion, which is not good for your health."

In fact, the main reason is that eating too fast is prone to accidents, such as choking to death.


Hearing that she was caring about Bai Mo, Rong Liyuan's grip on the chopsticks increased in vain.

A strong hostility lingered around him, and he looked at the opposite person with displeasure.

Sensing this hostile gaze, Bai Mo's body stiffened.

He shook his head with a strong desire to survive, "I'm fine like this, thank you madam for your concern."

Woohoo, Madam eats when she eats, why focus on him.

He was very uncomfortable being stared at by the second master.

He is very clear that the second master is a vinegar vat, and the vinegar jar will be overturned if he doesn't pay attention.


Seeing his appearance, Mu Changying had a trace of doubt in his eyes.

She didn't doubt it deeply either, and continued to eat.

Seeing her eyes leave, the displeasure in Rong Liyuan's eyes disappeared a lot, and he felt that Bai Mo was not as unpleasant as before.

This guy is pretty conscious.

"Yingbao, this dish is for the body." As he spoke, he picked up a dish and put it into the bowl.


Mu Changying nodded her head, and put this dish into her mouth obediently, like a porcelain doll.


Seeing that the two of them began to show their affection again, Bai Mo let out a sigh of relief.

Although the taste of eating dog food is not particularly good, it is better than being stared at by the second master's horror.

Anyway, he would rather eat dog food until he is full, and he doesn't want to be missed.

Hey... If you are hated, you will be exiled if you don't pay attention.

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