The next day, Mu Changying returned to the First City Hospital.

She's been sitting in her office all morning doing things.

Although the antidote has been developed, there are still a series of problems that have not been resolved.

Because this virus is not only spreading in the famous capital city, but even other cities have begun to have it.

They need to send the vaccine to the cities to make the virus completely disappear.

After finishing his official duties, Mu Changying stretched.

She walked out of the office, and as soon as she opened the door, she saw Lin Yiyi pacing back and forth at the door.

She asked softly, "Is there something wrong?"

Seeing her coming out, Lin Yiyi's body stiffened slightly.

She raised her head and looked at Mu Changying.

Her lips twitched, she lowered her head, and said a little embarrassedly, "Dr. Mu, I...I have something to do with you."

Seeing her like this, Mu Changying actually felt a little cute.

She nodded, her voice soft and sticky, "Speak, I'll listen to you."

She put her hands in the pockets of her white coat, and looked at the person in front of her seriously, with a little malice in her eyes.

Seeing her like this, Lin Yiyi felt guilty for a while.

Her attitude towards Dr. Mu was so bad before, but Dr. Mu was still so kind to her.

Lin Yiyi swallowed her saliva, crossed her hands unnaturally, "Doctor Mu, I'm sorry, I didn't mean what happened before."

He didn't mean to be so unfriendly to Dr. Mu before.

But she didn't expect Dr. Mu to be so kind to her.

After she was slandered, it was solved, and she got an award and was praised.

Now, her popularity in the hospital is not as bad as it was at the beginning, and everyone likes her from the bottom of their hearts.

Lin Yiyi looked at Mu Changying with burning eyes, "Doctor Mu, if you have anything to do in the future, you must tell me, and I will take care of it for you."

Hearing this, Mu Changying raised her eyebrows, "Okay."

Lin Yiyi whispered, "Doctor Mu, if I have time, I will treat you to dinner."

Mu Changying shook her head, and refused without hesitation, "Forget it."

Hearing her refusal, Lin Yiyi's eyes showed a trace of disappointment.

"Doctor Mu, what happened to you..."

Does Dr. Mu still mind, but he has forgiven her just now.

Mu Changying pursed her lips, "It's not what you think, because I'm pregnant now, so it's not suitable for me to eat out."

No matter how clean the food outside is, Ah Yuan will not be at ease.

In order not to worry Ah Yuan, she should go back to the Rong mansion for dinner on time.

Hearing these words, Lin Yiyi's eyes lit up.

She looked surprised, "Doctor Mu, are you pregnant?!"

As she said that, she raised her hand to touch Mu Changying's stomach.

But she put her hand down as soon as she raised it, and she felt that it was a little bad to do so.

Seeing this movement, Mu Changying smiled, "You can touch it, it's fine."

After getting an affirmative answer, Lin Yiyi's face was full of joy.

She carefully put her hand on her stomach and stroked it gently.

In fact, she has only been pregnant for less than a month, and she can't feel anything, but Lin Yiyi's aunt smiles all over her face, "I will definitely be a handsome boy in the future."

Mu Changying chuckled, "I like both men and women."

The two were talking, when suddenly a voice came in and interrupted the chat.

"Doctor Mu!"

A little nurse trotted over.

Seeing Mu Changying was like a gangster seeing the dawn of freedom.

Coming in front of Mu Changying, he said with a troubled expression, "Doctor Mu, Young Master Gu from Ward 308 wants to see you."

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