The three brothers of the Li family did not dare to treat Rong Liyuan too much because of Mu Changying.

Everyone's eyes were still full of displeasure, and where the eyes met, swords and swords were seen.

"Sister Fairy."

Suddenly, a crisp voice came into the living room, before the person arrived, the voice came first.

Hearing the familiar call, Mu Changying's eyes softened, and a smile appeared on her fair and delicate face.

She raised her head and looked towards the door, only to see a girl in a chiffon dress rushing into the living room.

Fu Jiaojiao's speed remained unabated, with a clear goal, and rushed towards Mu Changying's direction.

Seeing this, Rong Liyuan exuded hostility all over his body, and he strode towards her side.

He took her hand and pulled it lightly, perfectly avoiding the bear hug that rushed over.

Fu Jiaojiao flinched, her face was full of doubts, her big watery eyes were full of puzzlement and a little bit of grievance.

Sensing the evil spirit on Rong Liyuan's body, she pursed her lips, not daring to speak out.

Hmph, this is a big villain, and he didn't let her get close to the fairy sister.

Fu Huaizheng followed behind, pacing in.

Rong Liyuan stared at Fu Huaizheng, his eyes were full of hostility, and his tone was not kind, "Take care of your people, or I'll let someone throw her out."

Yingbao is pregnant, so she needs to pay special attention in the first few months. What if she was hit and fell down just now?

Seeing his domineering actions, the displeasure in the eyes of the three Li family brothers dissipated a little.

The reaction speed was very fast and agile, and the worry in his eyes did not seem to be fake.

Forget it, although no matter how you look at it, it's an eyesore, but let's just let it go, whoever makes Yiyi like him.

Fu Jiaojiao lowered her head aggrievedly, "Zhengzheng..."

Her voice was a little choked, pitiful, this expression made Fu Huaizheng's heart ache.

He took her hand and pulled her by his side to protect her. The gold-rimmed glasses shone with light, "Rong Xiaoer, don't be so fierce, you scared my little Jiaojiao."

His family Xiao Jiaojiao is very timid and can't stand being frightened. Who will compensate him if he is frightened?

Seeing this action of protecting his weaknesses, Rong Liyuan let out a sneer in his throat.

From the looks of it, it's really exciting, but Fu Jiaojiao looks like she's only 17 years old at most, so she's still underage.

"Be careful breaking the law."

Fu Huaizheng pushed the mirror frame on the bridge of his nose, "No."

He didn't do anything, but silently hid that love in his heart, and silently guarded his little girl from growing up.

Seeing Fu Jiaojiao's grievance, Mu Changying's eyes were full of resentment, "A Yuan, I'm fine, you scared Xiao Jiaojiao."

In fact, even if Fu Jiaojiao jumped on her body, she would not fall.

Seeing him being bullied, Li Nanfeng's eyes were full of smiles.

Li Nanxun sneered even more, "Don't treat children so harshly."

Rong Liyuan glanced at the few people with cold eyes, not bothering to pay attention to them.

These guys are just jealous that most of Ying Bao's attention is on him.

Fu Huaizheng had some sympathy in his eyes, "Tsk."

This man's brother-in-law is not easy to fool at first glance, and Rong Xiaoer's life is not easy.

Hearing Mu Changying speak, Fu Jiaojiao raised her head, her eyes misty, "Sister Fairy."

This pitiful little appearance made Mu Changying's heart soften immediately, and she said with a smile on the corner of her mouth, "Xiao Jiaojiao, Ah Yuan didn't mean to kill you just now."

"Yeah, I know~" Fu Jiaojiao didn't take it seriously, and shook her head obediently.

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