The Second Master’s Little Ancestor’s Vest Fell To the Ground

Chapter 788 Invitation Letter for Award Presentation

Rong Mansion.

Mu Changying didn't know what happened online.

She was sitting on the sofa, and there was a plate of washed grapes on the table. She picked up a black and purple grape and stuffed it into her mouth.

The popular modern workplace drama "I Love You, Simple" is playing on the ultra-thin and super-large TV placed on the TV cabinet

The heroine is played by the well-known Xiaohua Ji Anran in the entertainment industry. This actress has outstanding looks and was once known as the number one face in the entertainment industry.

"Tsk." Looking at the heroine on TV, Mu Changying pursed her lips, her eyes filled with disgust.

This good-looking is good-looking, but there is no acting skills at all throughout the whole process, just like facial paralysis, the expression is extremely unnatural.

"Spicy eyes." Disgusted, he picked up the remote control and decisively changed to another TV series to watch.

The servant who came to clean up the trash happened to hear this sentence, and saw her watch another TV series by the way.

After tidying up the trash, with gossip in his eyes, he left the living room with his things.

At this time, the butler walked in.

He still held a black invitation letter in his hand, and walked to the sofa, "Ma'am, this is yours."

Mu Changying took the invitation letter. The whole thing was black, but the rose in the middle was golden, which looked extraordinarily noble.

Open it, read the contents inside, and casually put the invitation letter on the table.

Her eyes were calm, "Oh, this is the invitation letter for the awards."

The butler blinked his eyelashes, and for a moment didn't quite understand what award ceremony he was attending.

Madam is not from the entertainment circle, what kind of awards ceremony did she attend?

As if seeing the doubt in his eyes, Mu Changying gently parted her lips, "This is an award given by Mrs. Minghua to the influential doctors in this K5 virus epidemic."

Hearing this sentence, the housekeeper's face was covered with a smile, his eyes were piercing, bright and frightening.

He had an adoring look on his face, "Madam is really amazing."

The reputation of this kind of award is not comparable to other awards, and it is not at the same level at all.

It was Mu Changying who won the award, but the butler was even happier than her.

"I have to tell the old lady and the second master about this immediately."

Of course, this kind of thing needs everyone to know together, the old lady will be very happy.

After finishing speaking, he hurried out of the living room, picked up his mobile phone and notified others one by one.


Seeing his back leaving in a hurry, Mu Changying shook her head and did not stop him.

She watched TV, and from time to time she peeled a few ordinary ones and threw them into her mouth.

The fruit is very fresh, and the sweet taste spreads in the mouth, which is extraordinarily delicious.


in the garden.

After the little servant just disposed of the garbage, he stood and chatted with a few little sisters.

They were chatting, and the topic suddenly turned to the entertainment industry.

"By the way, have you watched the popular TV series "I Love You, Simple"?"

"I saw it, but I don't know if it's my illusion. I always feel that the heroine's acting skills are so embarrassing, and she looks very uncomfortable."

"...Is your request too high? In fact, I think it's okay. Although it is a little lacking, An Ran's face can completely make up for this little lack."

"That's right, it's just watching TV, there's no need to be so serious, just lick the screen and it's over."

"By the way, when I was tidying up the living room just now, I found that my wife was also watching this TV series, but she didn't seem to like it very much, so I changed the channel immediately."

"...It turns out that Madam still has a good eye, and I don't like to watch it either."

As soon as these words were said, Ji Anran's fans immediately felt a little uncomfortable.

"I don't understand why you guys don't like it, it's obviously very pretty."

Ma'am, it's true, I don't watch such a good TV series.

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