Li Nanxun's fans have a high combat effectiveness, and the number of fans is even greater.

Those little fans were not opponents at all, and they were quickly sprayed and fled away in despair.

In a studio, one of the heroines at the center of the topic is resting on a recliner.


Suddenly, the door of the lounge was pushed open, and the assistant rushed in, "Sister An Ran, it's not good..."

The assistant's voice was too loud, she was woken up, and opened her sleepy eyes.

He raised his hand, rubbed his eyes, looked at the assistant in front of him with displeasure, and said angrily, "What's the matter with you, didn't you see that I was sleeping?"

Her workload started to increase during this time, and she had dinner with an investor last night, and she didn't go to bed until three o'clock in the morning.

I didn't have much energy today, but this assistant was fine, and came in to disturb people's dreams with the salary?

Ji Anran rubbed his eyes, "If you do this again next time, you will lose this month's bonus."

Seeing her displeased face, the little assistant was a little scared, but when he thought about the things on the Internet, he immediately summoned up his courage.

Handed the phone to Ji Anran, "Sister Anran..."

I don't know why, but the mobile phone, when I saw Li Nanxun Aite, I was still a little confused.

It took a few minutes to figure out the cause and effect, and my lungs were about to explode.


Throwing the mobile phone in her hand, it hit the ground, and she stepped on it a few times in frustration.

That beautiful face became extremely hideous, looking terrifying.

"Fools, idiots, are their heads full of straw?"

She doesn't ask that group of fans to bring her anything, but at least don't hold her back.

Li Nanxun, who is that? That is the most popular fried chicken in the entertainment industry, the idol of the whole people, and the top male god!

Although she has been popular recently, if the follow-up resources cannot keep up, it will soon be short-lived.

Recently, there have been several announcements about looking for her. If she causes a scandal at this time, the brand will not be satisfied.

The whole body was so angry that his chest was trembling, and he was about to lose his sanity.


The little assistant felt distressed when he saw the phone fell on the ground with a broken screen.

She hasn't bought this mobile phone for a long time, and it broke down so soon...

Ji Anran was angry for a while, and had to calm down and find a way to remedy it.

Aggrieved, she logged on to Weibo and began to apologize in a low voice.

Ji Anran V: [My acting skills do have a lot of shortcomings, I will accept criticism with an open mind, and then correct it @朱长颖@李南苏]

She had already voluntarily admitted her mistake, but neither Mu Changying nor Li Nanxun paid any attention to her, they were completely acting a one-man show.

[Smile and vomit, okay? Has this Weibo been posted for a while? The brothers and sisters didn't react at all. 】

[I still agree with Li Nanxun's sentence that the dog follows the Lord. laugh.jpg]

[I don’t usually restrain my fans well, and only come to apologize when I get into trouble, what did I do so early? 】

【Please, where did Ji Anran apologize? All she said was that her own acting skills were not enough, but she didn't respond to the fans attacking and defaming Mu Changying. Eyes.jpg]

[It's amazing, it's easy to avoid the serious, but doesn't she know that the more she does this, the more annoying she is? curling lips.jpg]

[We, An An, have already admitted that our acting skills are not enough, what else do you want? Is it necessary to hold on to An An all the time? 】

[Laughing, it's obvious that you guys are rushing to scold, why is it that we don't forgive others? 】


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