All heavens and worlds.

Regarding Yu Shengdao's Panic Realm, they finally understood Hou Tu's explanation.

Persimmon:"It turns out! The definition of a person is not defined by his appearance, but by his behavior."

Zhu Bajie:"In this way, whether it is the Wu clan or other races, as long as you pay for the harvest, you will have full access to spiritual wisdom. , is it a human race? Then I, an old pig, was reborn in a pig fetus. In essence, I am not considered a monster, but a human being?"

Tang Sanzang:"Amitabha, that is so good. The words of the benefactor of this world are really eye-opening to this young monk."

In the screen.

Hou Tu was a little confused when he saw a group of human race time travellers.

Then, he smiled.

The corner of his mouth raised slightly and he said:

"What is a human race and what is a demon?"

"The human race has never been an exclusive race, but is the most inclusive race."

"Create legends and build the future"

"Cultivating witchcraft, cultivating immortals, cultivating demons, cultivating Buddhism, cultivating Taoism...., no matter what you practice, the form can change, and even everything can change"

"But so what?"

"To be a human being, you only need to believe that you are a human being, and that is enough."

This Cheng Tian followed the example of the earth emperor.

This Da Luo.

His speech directly touched the trillions of people who have traveled through the human race.

It also shocked the heavens.

Countless planes, countless creatures, if there is anything Thinking.

Is it true that, as Hou Tu said, they can be human beings, even human beings?

The human beings in every plane were so excited that they even had tears in their eyes.

They shouted:"The human race should be happy!" The human race should be happy!"

In the picture, the speech directed at Yu Houtu gradually came to an end.

【The battle between man and demon is not only a moral dispute, but also a battle between the avenues.】

【Educate the four corners of the world and share the great unity. If anyone is dissatisfied, he will be punished by Heaven! This is Hou Tu’s original words."Sixty-five"】

"In a great fight, on this road, you can retreat from anything, but in a road fight, you cannot give in even an inch."

"The divergence in concepts and paths is a battle of avenues!"

"Hatred can be resolved, but the battle between avenues...There is truly no room for compromise!"

Hou Tu, who came to the stage to give a speech, his voice became louder and louder, and he even raised his hand high.

It was as if he was doing something extremely sacred.

A sense of passion directly touched countless people in the world. submerged


"Understand the path we want to take and why we must do this thing"

"Come on, this is the ultimate dream of our human race, and it is also the result of countless human races."

"For me, and for the descendants of my human race"

"Let us fight for our ideals together"

"I only hope that humanity will prosper forever, and that everyone will be like a dragon."

In the picture, after Hou Tu finished his speech, countless people applauded him.

And countless people in the world also applauded him.

Hou Tu's speech was really too inspiring.

The prehistoric world.

Pangu Palace.

The twelve ancestral witches gathered together.

At this moment, they all set their sights on Hou Tu.

Zhu Rong couldn't hold himself any longer, scratched his head and gave a thumbs up:"Little sister, you are awesome! When did you become so eloquent? It made me so hot that I wanted to find someone to fight with."

"Yes, yes, little sister, look at it, our twelve ancestral witches are still here in this world, they just changed their clans."


At this time, Hou Tu didn't know what to say.

But she admires her other self in the Holy Dao Huanghuang Realm.

In the Holy Dao Huanghuang Realm, humans and monsters are fighting.

Endless time travelers vs monsters.

What kind of war is this?

The calamity that broke out in their prehistoric world, compared to this world, is probably not even a fight between children.

【The battle between humans and monsters, the battle between Da Luo. 】

In the picture, countless universes and countless creatures are arising and dying.

The protagonist Feng Xi, as a participant, is watching this battle.

This scene set off a storm in the heavens.

There are countless planes that everyone wants to see.

What exactly is the battle that breaks out in the high-end prehistoric era?

What will happen if a big Luo person fights against a big Luo person?

As the protagonist, Feng Xi was completely dumbfounded at this moment.

The leader is Di Jiang, the leader of the Wu clan.

The witch clan is the human clan.

I saw that with a slight move, he instantly changed the rules and distorted the dimensions.

This is the Daluo War.

As far as the Great Luo is concerned, the Great Luo is the omniscient ruler.

His thoughts determine order, and his will determines results.

Great Luo, where you stand is the ultimate avenue.....

Therefore, the fight between them is different from ordinary fighting methods. It has already surpassed any magical powers, magic powers, and magic weapons....

Instead, it turns into a struggle for knowledge and ability.

? ? ?

The appearance of this scene made Wanjie dumbfounded.

Knowledge and ability?

Knowledge is knowledge, can it be ability?

As to why Daluo people fight like this, this world seems to have a good answer.

Because no magical power or technique is perfect and can be restrained.

At this time, knowledge is needed.

Knowledge is wisdom.

As long as the brain is good, the battle will be stronger.

Isn’t there a word called omniscience or omnipotence?

Xiao Huohuo:"Is omniscience and omnipotence? Is there really anyone who can do this?"

Gu Chensha:"A battle between knowledge and ability? Sure enough, the battle between Da Luo is different."

Ye Hei:"Looking forward to it"..."

The holy way is in panic.

The fighting continues.

The two great figures compete for the initiative again.

One thought makes the rules, and one thought destroys the rules.

And all avenues can be reflected here.

The infinite continues to shine.

However, there is one that is above all, even above all the ways.

This is the fruit of the path.

Daluo Daoguo.

From the starting point within Dijiang's body, it has continued to grow, even to infinity.

Even one thought fills the entire Holy Dao Panic Realm, and also fills countless infinite multiverses.

Dijiang vs Daluo Demon God!

In front of these two great Luo figures, all those who are lower than the Great Luo are just ants.


A big Luo person will start a fight without even stopping.

Because their mana is unlimited!

Even if it is blown up, it can still reappear.

Because they are there in the past, present and future.

Can be resurrected at will.

Even the three bodies merge into one, and I am the only one.

Countless Dijiang and countless Da Luo demon gods were constantly colliding with each other.

After that, they continued to die and resurrect.

A battle was fought that shocked countless people.

All heavens and worlds.

Seeing such a battle, everyone was stunned.

Xiao Huohuo:"Oh my god, in such a war, I'm afraid that people will be dead before I even start the fight."

Ye Hei:"It seems that Daluo is unkillable, can be resurrected infinitely, and can even fight with countless clones.."

Jade Emperor:"This is the prehistoric world of high-match matches. Is this the battle between the truly strong?"

The prehistoric world.

Countless monks were dumbfounded.

Demon Clan Heaven.

Di Jun no longer knew what to say.

Saint, what is a saint in front of this Da Luo?

Fortunately, he had always targeted the enlightened saint before.

Da Luo is what he should pursue, right?

"Taiyi, what do you think?"

At this moment, Dong Huangtai said solemnly:"Seeing that they have been fighting for so long, I finally understand something."

"Whether it is the long river of time or the long river of destiny, they must have been occupied by them, and even surpassed them."

"Therefore, for a period of time, they occupied these fragments of time"

"So much so that every time and space is real and non-existent."

Di Jun also nodded:"Well, not only do you understand something, but I also understand something."

"Daluo is irreversible! There is no leapfrogging"

"Only Da Luo can fight against Da Luo."

Another picture emerges

【The spirit of heaven——Hongjun! 】

When this noun appears.

It immediately aroused doubts in all the worlds. persimmon:"???"

Great Love Immortal:"???"

Gu Tianzun:"???" and even...Wanjie Hongjun.

The ancient world.

Zixiao Palace.

Dao Zu Hongjun’s face is full of question marks

"What kind of heavenly spirit?"

"When did the poor Taoist become a Taoist spirit?"

"And what does this mean?"

Buddha's Realm[]

Old Taoist Hongjun looked at the sky in surprise

"Is this a veteran in the high-end world?"

In the picture,

Feng Xi asked Hou Tu some things.

Then Hou Tu's explanation opened his eyes.

Hou Tu said a little indignantly:"Do you know why Hongjun was called the ancestor of Tao in our world?

Feng Xi also pondered:"According to my understanding of the prehistoric period, Hongjun was the ancestor of Taoism and the spokesperson of the way of heaven. In the later period of the prehistoric period, he used his body to conform to the Taoism.""

"There are even jade butterflies created that can cultivate great avenues.

Hou Tu nodded:"These are some common definitions of ancient times.""

"In our world, Hongjun is the Taoist ancestor simply because he is the way of heaven in our world. Hongjun emerged from the way of heaven and gradually took shape."

Honghuang Hongjun:"Damn it, the Heavenly Dao of the Holy Dao Huanghuang World, is this Hongjun so awesome?"

Buddha's Ben Hongjun said:"Pindao is the incarnation of the great road, and Hongjun in this realm comes from the way of heaven, but he is so much more powerful than Pindao, the incarnation of the great road."

But, the next second, they were dumbfounded.

In the sky, Hou

Tu said lightly:"The way of heaven, the way of heaven, you can understand that the way of heaven has taken form. According to Blue Star, Hongjun is a super computer. a server......"

"He can automatically detect and kill viruses and maintain the balance of the entire world, so he is called the Taoist.

Feng Xi exclaimed stupidly:"Isn't this the way of heaven becoming a spirit!" ? Hearing this

, Houtu smiled softly:"Yes!" I usually call him Tiandao Jing. After all, it is the way of heaven that has become a spirit."

Feng Xi:"???"

All heavens and worlds.

Xiao Huohuo:"???"

Su Lao Mo:"???"

Wutian Buddha:"???"

【Hongjun, it is the way of heaven that has become a spirit! 】

in the screen.

Houtu is still complaining

"So, he is right to praise Taoist ancestors, right?"

"That's right"

"Yes, that’s right at all. The Taoist you think of is this kind of Taoist.

It’s also true that he is the spokesperson of Heaven. I speak for myself."

"It's not wrong for him to follow the rules. After all, it's equivalent to going home...."

Having said this, Hou Tu immediately gritted his teeth and felt very unhappy.

She looked at Feng Xi:"Tell me, it would be great if Heavenly Dao didn't need to become a spirit! He could serve us all the time.""

"But after becoming a sperm, I like to do things. I cry and shout all day long, I want to stand up, my heaven has come..."

"Damn it,"

"How great it is to be a server! After all, it’s you who work hard, but happiness comes to you and me!"

All the worlds.

At this time, I finally understood why Hou Tu complained.

It turned out that this so-called Hongjun was originally a wage earner.

Now he no longer works and wants to be individualistic.

So he was criticized.

He even said, Being criticized by many people.

The prehistoric world.

Zixiao Palace.

Dao Ancestor was dumbfounded

"Regarding feelings, Hongjun in this world was originally a part-time worker and wanted to become the master."

After thinking about it, Hongjun's face became increasingly red.

"What the hell!"

"What kind of heaven has become a spirit!!!"

"Poor Dao, the mighty Chaos Demon God, in the end, you did this to Poor Dao."

"Now I am afraid that the entire world knows that Pindao has this title."

At this moment, Hongjun was really speechless.

A leaf covered the world.


With a puff, Ye Hei laughed directly.

It was fun, it was really fun.

The trio held their stomachs one by one, laughing until their stomachs hurt.

"Oh my god, I can't stand it anymore. I really can't stand it anymore."

"Heaven's way is great, Heaven's way has become a spirit"

"The body is in harmony with the Tao, and the Tao of Heaven returns home"

"Spokesperson of Heaven, I speak for myself."

The strongest shopkeeper in the world.

Shopkeeper Zhou is also happy.

His biggest dream is to let everyone in the world work for me.

So he has a title, Work for me, Shopkeeper Zhou.

Now, he has met his opponent.

I don’t want to work, Tiandaojing.

The picture changes again

【Time flies. It’s been a long time since the 3.9 war broke out between shemales】

【That time that allowed Feng Xi to grow up was also a special training to understand the way of thick black. Now he has fully recognized his prehistoric identity and truly integrated into this world.】

【In view of the current situation, Feng Xi just wants to study hard, plunge into the ocean of knowledge, learn the wisdom and philosophy accumulated by the ancestral shamans across countless timelines, witness the rise and fall of endless civilizations, and turn it into the material for her own growth.】

【These are all things he keeps doing】

【After all, for the sake of his own life, he still wants to live a little longer.】

【As for the war between humans and monsters, it is still unknown how long it will take to break out, but for Feng Xi, time is golden. For a Daluo, a retreat lasts countless years. If he is not good at it, what state is he in?....】

【In his opinion, the Lich Catastrophe is imminent!】

【Later, in the continuous self-study, Feng Xi felt happy, her knowledge increased little by little, and she became stronger and stronger. Enrichment is good】

【If there is no life threat in the future, Feng Xi ponders.....He may become a pure seeker】

【Unfortunately, that's not realistic. After receiving the kindness of the ancestral witch Houtu, you don’t take action? feasible?!】

【If you fight against the demon clan, you may not die.】

【But deserters? That will definitely kill you】

【This forced Feng Xi to allocate some energy and run around to control his own destiny....】

【Just like this, a performance slowly began in Feng Xi's hands....】

The picture gradually disappears.

After watching the Holy Dao Huanghuang Realm, everyone was still unsatisfied.

It's really that this high-end matchmaker is so interesting and funny.

Even the fantastic ideas in it are simply jaw-dropping.

But everyone is more curious about the unknown.

Swish, brush, brush!

A pair of eyes stared at the sky. finally.

The screen changes again.....

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