Shadow Demon, a kind of demon that can travel in the shadows, is good at sneaking and assassinating.

Their assassination capabilities are stronger than those of claw devils, but night is their home field, because when they sneak into the shadows during the day, the more textured shadows will appear more abrupt.

It is two meters tall and thin. Its body is covered with a shadow like black smoke. Its head and face cannot be seen clearly at a glance.

"Draw the sword!" As the shadow demon appeared, Tebitha ordered Gravitz and others to stop shooting.

Although they were positioned as machine gunners, Gravezzi and the others all wore heavy armor.

The monsters on the battlefield have already been killed by the black-armored skeleton general.

For an existence like the Shadow Demon that can shuttle and jump in the shadows of other creatures, the Shadow Demon is a higher threat than the scattered Goblins in the fire suppression field.

Following Tabetha's instructions, the four Gravezzi unloaded their machine guns.

Taking out their shields and hand axes, the already strong four men instantly transformed into shield guards.

Originally, they were good at cooperating among the five of them, and several of them also had close combat capabilities.

Fortunately, they are all machine gunners. If they were replaced by serious archers, there are many rangers who are good at melee combat. They may not be good at getting into battle, but they are usually very good with knives.

The Gravechi team has a high level of combat literacy, and the reason why they came to Bearpig Town was for Sprinkle Academy.

They plan to enroll their children in school and also plan to live a stable life.

Originally, they were preparing to apply for the support team of the strategy team, but there has never been a decent strategy team to come to 375 Courtyard, so they continued to take on some employment tasks.

"Cousin! Clear the way!" The four Gravechis were on guard. Tebitha's blood was boiling, and her eyes were fixed on the shadow demon a hundred meters away.

There are still many monsters fighting with the black-armored skeleton general between the two. Tebitha wants the black-armored skeleton general to open up an open space for fighting the shadow demon to prevent the shadow demon from using the shadows in the battlefield to escape.

"Don't move!" Mu Hua stopped Tebitha's intention to kill.

There was chaos on the battlefield. Mu Hua locked onto the shadow demon's aura and raised the staff in his hand.

"The Soul of Bones!"

Evil-shaped mana ghosts shot towards the shadow demon.

"Stop! Human, I'm just passing by, there's no need for us to conflict." The shadow demon screamed and disappeared suddenly.

At this time, everyone could clearly see an unconventional shadow on the ground wandering among the shadows within ten meters.

And the spirit of the bones with its strange mouth opened seemed to be chasing after him, constantly changing its position in an erratic manner, chasing the shadow.

"Defense." Tebitha's pupils shrank, and the four Gravechis squatted back to back to gain momentum.

Shadow demons are mid-level demons. Although their growth is relatively poor among mid-level demons, their elusive racial talents make them both difficult and dangerous.

This kind of demon is very weird, but they are not invincible, especially when they turn into shadows. Attacking that kind of shadow is more likely to cause fatal damage to them.

It's just that they can move quickly in the shadow within a certain range. If you are not careful, they will emerge from under your feet, tear your hamstrings, and slit your throat.

Shadow demons are very dangerous, especially in chaotic battles. They are very capable of disrupting the situation.

Under its deliberate precautions, Mu Hua's identification technique could not detect its attributes. However, the skill of identification technique was too low, and it would not be able to detect it even if it interfered with the precautions.

To avoid accidents, Mu Hua stopped Tebitha's intention to fight head-on.

Demons are not Warcraft, they like to fuck, and the frequency of their blind fucking is inversely proportional to their size. The thinner and shorter the devil is, the more they like to fuck.

But the devil's words can't be believed. Mu Hua basically ignores the nonsense about passing by. Give it a chance and it will slit the throats of several people without hesitation.

Mu Hua used his mental power to guide the Soul of Bones to chase down the shadow demon. The opponent found that he couldn't get rid of the Soul of Bones for a while, and the shadow quickly twisted, changed direction, and shot towards Mu Hua's location.

The Soul of Bones has a tracking function. If the caster focuses on guiding it, the tracking effect will be stronger and it can even avoid obstacles along the way.

This shadow demon has no way to counteract the Soul of Bones, so it can only try to kill the caster to unlock the Soul of Bones.

The shadow demon kept avoiding it, but Mu Hua breathed a sigh of relief. Compared with other monsters, demons of the same race have a huge gap in strength.

Other monsters can still be considered elite. Evaluating the combat power of demons has always been a headache for people, and those who specialize in identification are also important members of an adventure team.

I can't see the attributes of the shadow demon, but it can be frightened by a bone soul and attack the caster. It seems that this shadow demon is not much stronger.

"Necromancer! Stop. I'm also here to hunt goblins. We should cooperate. I can help you clear out the bastards here."

The scurrying shadow demon shouted again. Although it was begging Mu Hua for mercy, the nearby goblins turned a blind eye to it. At the same time, its speed towards Mu Hua did not slow down at all.

"Death~!" A black-armored skeleton general shouted dullly.

Heavy steps, dragging out afterimages as he moved, the black-armored skeleton general's giant sword slashed towards the movement path of the shadow demon.

Feeling the threat of the giant sword, the shadow demon suddenly appeared behind a big goblin as if it had emerged from the earth.

The giant sword cut the big goblin in half, but the shadow demon suddenly stopped and evaded the attack. The shadow flashed and merged into the shadow of another nearby goblin again, and continued to rush towards Mu Hua.

Among the shadows, shadow demons shuttle and move very fast. Unless a larger-range attack is used, it is difficult to target them. To hunt them down often requires prediction.

The shadow demon attacked, and two nearby black-armored skeleton generals who had killed all the monsters around them pursued them with swords. Behind them were the erratic bones and souls.

Soul of Bones is good at everything, but it's a bit impatient in terms of speed.

This magic is really scary when it is attacked several times, but that kind of fighting method is a bit intimidating for Mu Hua for the time being.

"Boom!" The thunderous shock shattered the dozens of goblins trying to besiege Tebitha, but Tebitha raised her warhammer, her eyes fixed on the shadow rushing towards Mu Hua.

At this time, the big goblins, ogres, and goblin mages on the battlefield had basically been slaughtered by the black-armored skeleton general.

Glavezzi waved his hand and prepared to fight with the remaining dwarf-like low-level goblins, but Tebitha raised her hand to stop him.

"Defend and wait until cousin gets rid of the shadow demon." Tebitha said coldly.

"Don't you need help? The Shadow Demon is very troublesome. He also made the summoned beast retreat." Gravechi frowned.

At this time, Glavezzi may be more nervous than Tebitha. If this shadow demon comes towards him, I am afraid he will have no choice but to fight to the death.

"I seem to know what he wants to do. But what about the energy source? Even this shadow demon shouldn't be able to hurt him..." Tebitha tightened the warhammer in her hand, kinetic energy was brewing under her feet, and her tone was a little confused. .

At this time, the shadow demon was glad that he did not go to trouble Tebitha, because it was most afraid of range attacks like thunder shock, especially in the shadow attack state. If it was caught in it, half of its life would be lost.

"Gaga~Human, you have to pay the price for your arrogance!" The shadow demon laughed strangely.

In the eyes of the shadow demon, the two black-armored skeleton generals beside Mu Hua had retreated far away, as if they didn't want him to move around with the help of shadows.

Mu Hua, holding a staff, stood alone on the spot, with a floating lance beside him constantly adjusting the gun head, as if to predict its trajectory, aim and shoot it.

But right now, in addition to it, there were dozens of crazy goblins who saw the opportunity and pounced on Mu Hua. Although the goblins' movements were rough, they were as fast as a monkey.

The Shadow Demon sneered in his heart. The spear head of the lance was constantly changing its position, as if it showed Mu Hua's indecision under siege from many parties.

"Fire~! Gagaaaaa~~" The shadow demon did not continue to shuttle in the shadows. Like a shadow shark leaping out of the earth, a flame shot out from its hand and instantly enveloped Mu Hua's body.

It is a very low-level engraving magic. Demons generally will not give up their own advantages to learn magic randomly, and shadow demons have no spellcasting talent. Taking advantage of the demon's racial advantage, they can throw out low-intensity flames.

This kind of flame may be dangerous to ordinary people, but it does not have the igniting effect of fireball. It burns the adventurer and just shoots it out.

Whether it's elemental resistance or blood burst, it can easily blow away this flame.

But this shadow demon didn't want to burn Mu Hua with flames. Its real purpose was to burn the undead bone shield that might exist on the necromancer's body.

The bone shield is not omnipotent. This magic is particularly afraid of continuous damage. When the flames reach the body, the bone shields on Mu Hua's body are quickly broken layer by layer. Facing this kind of elemental attack, the bone shield can hardly constitute any defense.

Mu Hua's summoned beast is very strong, he can also cast the Soul of Bones, and the power of the mage's hand is not weak, but he is too young.

At least in the eyes of the Shadow Demon, with Mu Hua's spellcasting ability, he shouldn't have a strong physique anymore.

And even if he used the staff to cast the Soul of Bones, the Shadow Demon believed that Mu Hua had no magic power left.

Looking at Mu Hua who seemed to be at a loss, the Shadow Demon laughed wildly in his heart.

"Be afraid, I like killing immature humans. Quack~" the shadow demon screamed.

However, the next moment, the shadow demon who was staring closely at Mu Hua seemed to notice something was wrong. Fine magic lines seemed to appear on the face of the human necromancer.

"Bastard, I hope you can give me a shadow skill. I like your shadow." Mu Hua raised his staff slightly, with a sinister smile on his face, and smashed the staff to the ground.

"Death Ripple!"

The death air spread, silent, soft, and the death air that eroded the soul instantly made all creatures within ten meters of Mu Hua come to a standstill as if the pause button had been pressed.

Gray waves swayed through the bodies of the Goblin and the Shadow Demon like microwaves. The Shadow Demon's strange smile stopped, and the dark green eyeballs of the Goblins turned pale.

Thump~thump~. . .

The goblins who besieged Mu Hua fell to the ground one by one, or turned into dust, or died no more.

Where the shadow demon's shadow originally stood, a thin demon lay on the ground.

"Poof~!" A dagger and a magic stone were left behind, and a few demon gold coins fell in the dust scattered by the shadow demon.

At this time, the clothes on Mu Hua's upper body disappeared, and the purple light patterns that appeared on his naked upper body seemed to outline a mysterious pattern.

"Kill!" Tebitha's command came out.

The shock in the minds of Gravechi and the others immediately disappeared. Their good fighting qualities allowed them to grasp their weapons immediately and kill the goblins scattered everywhere.

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