When he went downstairs early in the morning, before he even left the door, he met the mayor squatting on guard. Mu Hua looked at Peter with a scrutinizing attitude.

"Would you like a steak? Minotaur meat tastes pretty good." Tietou brought a customized breakfast to Mu Hua, and Mu Hua asked Peter again.

"No, I don't have a good appetite in the morning." Peter shook his head and signaled Mu Hua to help himself. At the same time, he leaned back and made way for the woman sitting on the other side of him.

"Mu, this is Tricia. There are some things related to her that I need to discuss with you." When Peter said, the other party also put down his hood, revealing long dark green hair.

She has an appearance in her twenties, a delicate face, and a healthy luster to her skin. The rare hair color does not affect her beauty. The young woman seems to be trying to maintain a serious expression.

"Bichi?" Mu Hua asked in surprise.

"Maggot, are you provoking? Or are you respecting tradition?" Tricia's eyebrows twitched slightly.

"Well, I thought you liked this." Mu Hua spread his hands.

"Perhaps only mentally twisted necromancers like this. Hello, my name is Tricia." Tricia shook her head helplessly and stretched out her green palm towards Mu Hua.

"Well, okay, I actually don't know much about witches, and maybe there are some traditions that I don't need to follow. Mu Hua, you can call me Mu." Mu Hua gently shook Tricia's hand and introduced himself.

A very beautiful witch, Mu Hua seems to be more interested in her hair color than her exquisite appearance.

"Well, many witches also have this habit. Most of them are not malicious, and they can scold you back when they meet you." After confirming that Mu Hua was not provocative, Tricia said with a smile.

"Forget it, you should still respect tradition. I'm more used to others scolding me." Mu Hua shook his head.

"Preemptive strike? So stingy?" Tricia teased.

"No, this is respect. You can understand it as equality between men and women." Mu Hua corrected, looking at Peter, as if asking why Peter brought a witch to him.

"Mu, Tricia wants to open a soul house in the town. I think our town also needs a soul house."

"However, you also know that most of the townspeople are ordinary people, and everyone is somewhat taboo about ghosts."

"The residents here are basically adventurers. Maybe they also need a soul cabin to hone their spiritual power."

"I want her to build a cabin near your hotel. You see..." Peter explained concisely.

"Soul cabin? Are you a wandering witch?" Mu Hua frowned.

The Soul Cabin, also called the Witch's Cabin, is the signature business of the Wandering Witch. In addition to divination and selling potions, its main service scope is to let ghosts SM customers' souls. . .

Well, let the ghost tear apart the customer's soul within a relatively safe range to polish the soul.

To put it simply, it helps people improve their spiritual attributes. The ghost controlled by the witch can make this process safer.

Although it must be uncomfortable, ghosts, evil spirits, evil spirits, dead souls, etc., the witch who opens the soul cabin usually comes up with a set of ghost friends.

According to the customers with different soul strength, they will match them appropriately so that every time the customers come, they will feel like being fucked by a group of 800-pound fat men, but it will not be fatal. . .

"Why, the boss is discriminating against wandering witches?" Mu Hua's frown made Tricia displeased.

"Don't talk nonsense with me, and don't expect me to comfort your fragile hearts. It's not a big deal to give you a piece of land to build a witch hut, but if you do business here, you must abide by my rules." Mu Hua said in the same displeased tone. .

Women are troublesome, and women who box are even more troublesome. But what is even more troublesome than that style are the succubi who defend their rights and the wandering witch who opposes discrimination.

The former is annoying to women, and the latter is annoying to both men and women. Their little hearts may not be fragile, but they are super capable of causing trouble, and they will always talk to you endlessly about some words.

The strangest thing is that there always seem to be some guys who sympathize with them.

Everything else was fine. Mu Hua couldn't stand this. If he was annoyed by this situation, he would be reckless enough to kill someone.

Well, originally I was weak and could think, but I may not be capable.

Now, for the safety of this witch, Mu Hua must stop this trend in time.

"Rules? Tell me." Tricia seemed to know how to read people's opinions. She curled her lips and asked Mu Hua bluntly without getting into trouble with her attitude.

"Haha, I never thought that a witch would come and build a hut at my door. She would come just as she opened her mouth." Tricia's tough attitude satisfied Mu Hua. If the other party was evil, Mu Hua would definitely tell her to get out.

The number of witches is still very small, and wandering witches are not that prevalent. This also causes some people who want to polish their souls to travel far to find the witch hut.

Perhaps it was the development that came with the courtyard, but Pete didn't shy away from a wandering witch who wanted to open a witch hut in town, and having a soul hut nearby didn't hurt the inn.

After thinking for a while, Mu Hua didn't come up with a general idea. Rather than setting some rules for Tricia, Mu Hua preferred to have no trouble.

"You run your witch hut, but don't involve the hotel in everything. Besides, I can also refine potions. You and Deman will agree on the price." Pointing to the potions on the wine cabinet, Mu Hua said to Tricia said.

"Is that so? It makes sense. As for the land occupation, rent or sell?" Tricia glanced at Mu Hua in surprise.

The mainland of Loren Star is a world of settlers. Most of the consumption here is cheaper than in the courtyard, only the land is more expensive.

As the rear area of ​​mankind, although the land in the Sorcerous Empire is privately owned, it is expensive. In many cases, even if you have money, you may not be able to buy it.

Like the few devilish musclemen like Gravezzi who came to town to buy houses, they originally had their own houses on land in Loren.

After selling the ones over there and replacing them with the ones here, the land on Loren Planet belongs to the settlers. In this regard, the settlers have an absolute sense of superiority over the adventurers from the courtyard. They always remind Mu Hua of those demolished people who are constantly striving for self-improvement. generation.

If Tricia wanted to build a witch hut, it would definitely require a piece of land. Mu Hua was not very familiar with this aspect and motioned to Deman who was standing aside to explain.

"It's not appropriate to buy land, Miss Witch. Come to think of it, you're not sure you'll always settle here, right?"

"Rather than buying, leasing is more suitable." Deman understood, and when communicating with Tricia, his face almost burst into laughter.

Well, there was no need to think about it, Mu Hua confirmed that this guy was definitely not happy about making money.

The fat guy Deman has good teeth and is not picky about food. Tricia is so beautiful. This guy has a tendency to stick out his tongue.

"As for rent, we don't lack that little money. We will definitely not be in this area..." Mu Hua looked at Deman's slightly flattering tone and wanted to hit someone, but before he could finish his words, he was hit by Tricia. Break.

"Wait a moment." As a wandering witch, Tricia was not as unruly as Mu Hua imagined. Even when she interrupted Deman, Tricia gave Deman an apologetic smile.

Come on, the fat man is even more hopeless. The corners of his raised mouth look like an old father looking at his little cotton-padded jacket.

It is undeniable that witches are generally beautiful, mysterious and delicate. If they don't deliberately reject people, they are quite friendly and charming. It is definitely not a good idea for ordinary people to communicate business matters with a witch.

"Mu, are you a necromancer? Do you have any undead relatives?"

"I have mastered a magic mark called 'Corpse Mark'. This is a semi-permanent magic mark."

"Engraving it on the body of the undead can prevent the undead from spreading the aura of death to the outside world, and at the same time, it can also enhance the growth of the undead to a certain extent."

"The hut I want to build is not big. How about I help your undead relatives carry out the engravings and offset the rent?" Tricia asked Mu Hua.

"Corpse Seal? Isn't that a high-level compound magic?" Mu Hua hesitated, is this Tricia so powerful?

He now has a relatively good understanding of necromancy. This magic is not easy to learn. Most high-level necromancers cannot master it.

"Well, there is indeed this magic, but my corpse mark is inherent magic." Tricia said calmly, but her eyes couldn't hide the pride.

"Oh..." Mu Hua suddenly realized, and his response was even calmer than Tricia's. Inherent magic depends on the magic properties, but there are also some inherent magics that are not too demanding and can be compatible with some similar magic properties.

Mu Hua's reaction shocked Tricia, "Oh, it's gone?" Inherent magic, this is inherent magic, aren't you curious? At any rate, this lady should be surprised.

The corners of her mouth twitched, Mu Hua's attitude made Tricia very unhappy, even more so than when Mu Hua called her Bichi.

"You are trying to get away with nothing." Without waiting for Mu Hua's surprise, Tricia only received a playful reply.

"No, you can't say that. The death energy spread by the undead is very troublesome and poses serious restrictions on the necromancer's ability to summon them at any time."

"And, most importantly, this mark can also enhance the growth of the undead." Tricia acted like a shrewd businessman.

"Don't talk about growth. The growth of the undead mainly relies on meditation and magic. Even if the death aura helps their growth, just find a place with a strong death aura. Why bother to get an engraving."

"And even if it is troublesome, it is because high-level undead will have a negative impact on ordinary people, but spreading death energy is a deterrent method for high-level undead."

"Oh, high-level undead, let's take a step back. If you want to cultivate it, it must be a dependent. Are you sure I have it?" Mu Hua smiled, speaking disparagingly, but in his heart he felt that this corpse mark was good.

"Of course, low-level undead do not need to be imprinted, but the black-armored Skeleton General will already have a significant impact on the outside world. There are many adventurers without psychic physiques, and it is not just ordinary people who are taboo about death."

"It's just a black-armored skeleton general. If he doesn't exist now, it doesn't mean there won't be one in the future." Tricia said to Mu Hua as if she was painting a cake with a 'I'm optimistic about you' look.

"Oh, in the future? Can you help me engrave my relatives? Undead above the rank of Black Armored Skeleton General?" Mu Hua waved his hand magnanimously, like a foolish young man, shaking his head and laughing.

"Of course, but forget about the detained undead. It's not a good thing to mark them." Tricia smiled and narrowed her eyes, but added cautiously.

"Okay, you can say it. Okay. Having a witch's cabin is also good for the hotel's business." He shook his head with a self-deprecating smile, as if he knew Tricia had set a trap for him, but he didn't care.

"Gee, Mu, don't worry, you can come to my cabin when you have time after it opens."

"As long as you're not busy, I'll give you free work on polishing your soul."

"Believe me, you definitely made a decision worth your money. The tempering of the soul is so important to the necromancer. There is a witch who will take care of you, which is safer and more efficient than doing it yourself."

Tricia no longer maintained a serious expression, her eyes were shining brightly, like a fox that had stolen grapes.

At this time, Mu Hua was still thinking more about the magic life. As for the corpse mark?

Haha, after finishing this work, Mu Hua wanted to see how many of his dependents this pretty witch could imprint.

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