The Secret Garden of the Dandelion Troupe

Chapter 27 Entering the Courtyard for the First Time

Leather shoes, trousers, white shirt, and a tactical vest that can hold a large number of magazines.

The Sorcerous Empire does not ban guns, but weapons such as spears and explosives are not allowed to be hung outside the courtyard.

It is best not to expose pistols or weapons, otherwise a police-like security team can pull you to the side of the road at any time for necessary questioning.

With weapons and ammunition ready, Mu Hua strolled along the main road in Xiongzhu Town without going up to the pole to say hello, just to get acquainted with the locals first.

He is a serious person and does not need to hide his head and show his tail. Of course, it could also be that he was afraid that no one would know if he was 'disappeared'.

While wandering around, he used the Fenyuan Furnace to try to refine potions and put the necessary materials into the smelting interface. Low-level healing potions, secondary magic potions, lemure potions, poisonous potions, etc., all the potions he had skillfully refined appeared smoothly.

But after Mu Hua put the materials for a set of secondary strength potions into the furnace interface, they were directly burned into slag.

Mu Hua knew the material ratio of the power potion very well, but when he actually started refining it, he needed to adjust the amount of materials and the refining time according to his own magical properties.

The nature of magic power is different for almost everyone, as special as people's fingerprints. When different potion masters refine the same potion, the amount of materials used will be somewhat different.

This also leads to the fact that potion masters can only give guidance to their apprentices, but more of imparting experience. There is no precise formula that can be taught to others.

If Mu Hua has his own formula, the materials will be thrown into the smelting interface and shipped, and even the excess materials can be separated.

And if Mu Hua had not successfully refined the potion, it would turn into slag like this high-level strength potion.

Mu Hua lamented that compared with smelting monsters, the function of Fenyuan Furnace in refining medicine was extremely weak. It was indeed a matter of fate, thanks to his years of hard work on medicine.

Reluctantly, Mu Hua took out another 0.1 unit of the Philosopher's Stone and put it into a batch of materials for refining low-level healing potions.

The low-level healing potion was successfully refined, but it was no different from a normal healing potion.

You know, the healing potion is not the 'legendary' blood bottle.

Although therapeutic drugs are miraculous in treating trauma, people generally don’t use them if they can’t use them.

Because its treatment is closer to overdrafting the cell potential, the wound can be recovered, but after recovery, the hands and feet will be soft, and the patient will definitely have to stay in bed for several days.

And some powerful healing potions are even more excessive. Things that save lives are also things that kill people.

After treating severe trauma, the person being treated is generally sent to an intensive care unit to avoid conditions such as cell necrosis or internal organ failure.

Mu Hua originally hoped that the Philosopher's Stone could eliminate these shortcomings, but sure enough, it was also a universal elixir, ah! Still can't grab the business of healing magic and life potion.

Seeing this, Mu Hua very wisely got himself some hemostatic medicine, um, the same type as Yunnan Baiyao.

The treatment potion was useless, so Mu Hua tried the secondary magic potion again.

Very good. After 0.1 units of the Philosopher's Stone were removed, the secondary magic potion directly turned into something suspiciously like the abyssal magic mist.

Damn it! This thing scared Mu Hua to the point of jumping.

But then I thought about it, it seemed like it could be used as poison gas?

Looking at a small bottle of abyss magic mist sealed directly through the furnace interface.

Mu Hua discovered the flaw. Although this thing couldn't repair magic normally, it seemed to be able to make people become idiots. . . ?

Is this a big deal?

What will happen if you add some ingredients to the poisonous potion?

Just do it, then. . .

"Pah! I'll go!" While cursing, Mu Hua smashed a bottle of medicine in his hand.

The strange behavior attracted the attention of the security personnel on duty near the garrison.

The security team members first noticed the black vicious dog following Mu Hua, and then stared at Mu Hua's wrist. It was not until Mu Hua raised his bracelet that the security team members looked away when they saw that the bracelet was white and silver.

They are not standing guard for the garrison, they are squatting in the "red name".

What's wrong with Mu Hua?

The poisonous potion has turned into pure water.

Mu Hua finally discovered that adding the Philosopher's Stone to the potion was a bit cheap.

At this time, Mu Hua had arrived at the entrance of the garrison's military camp.

The city defense fortifications, which are more than ten meters high, are built of reinforced concrete. The city defense fortifications, like a city wall, encircle a certain area around the courtyard teleportation array. The city defense fortifications are also equipped with heavy weapons.

Entering the camp, there are twenty five-meter-tall magic mechas in the camp that look like the legendary Gundam. The twenty magic mechas are arranged in a row, divided into two rows and half-kneeling at the wall of the military camp.

These magic mechas consume magic energy extracted from magic stones to perform combat operations. They are high-end magic weapons, but they will generally not be activated unless there is an emergency. If there is an emergency, they can stay still as much as possible.

Because, if you move it, it’s all money. . .

"Hey, drive directly to the teleportation array. Don't stop here. Do you still know some rules!?"

"Tim, don't leave yet! I have some materials here, and you have space props. Please help take them to the Adventurer's Guild."

"I can't hold it in. Aren't there merchants in the camp?"

"These adventurers' unions charge high prices."

"Sacrifice, sacrifice, is there anyone who knows the healing arts? Explore deeply to form a team and help gain experience!"

"Stay in the gnoll camp, pharmacist, come here and bring your own ammunition."

"McGee, I heard that a shark appeared in the courtyard over at Balburg. I want the Shark's Tears. Let's go to Balburg?"

"Bichi! The consumption of killing the sharks is enough to buy the tears of the sharks directly."

There was a lot of people. Compared to the calmness of the town, this place looked like a disorderly medieval castle. The outside of the garrison was already like a chaotic market. It was really full of people.

Because it is close to the teleportation array at the entrance of the courtyard, and the military camp also has a special accommodation area for adventurers to set up tents, most of the outsiders who come to Bear Pig Town are concentrated here.

Because newly born monsters may appear everywhere in the courtyard, even if a 'sacrificial array' is set up, there is never a shortage of wandering monsters in the courtyard. Without the courtyard of a human city, it would be difficult for people to rest peacefully in the courtyard.

The 'Heiman Courtyard No. 375' in Xiongzhu Town has not yet been officially named. There is not even a stable safe area in the courtyard, let alone the city.

I heard in the Adventurer's Guild that the ritual circle will only be deployed in several low-level monster areas recently.

The 'ritual circle' that can influence the concentration of monsters to be born in a designated area to a certain extent is very important to adventurers.

Ordinary adventurers generally cannot stay in the courtyard for a long time, and it is quite necessary to return to the human world to rest.

Looking at the accommodation area from a distance, there are probably hundreds of tents set up there. You will save money by staying here, but your daily life will not be as convenient and comfortable as a normal hotel.

Mu Hua thought about the four guests in his hotel. He felt that his business had been robbed by the garrison. Is the imperial military powerful? ! We are still taxpayers!

Of course, although those adventurers stationed in the military camp may be seeking convenience, Mu Hua is more willing to believe that the adventurers who come to Xiongzhu Town during this period are all poor people.

Passing by the edge of the school grounds, this is where adventurers trade, organize teams, and buy and sell information.

Bypassing the school grounds, Mu Hua bought a magic flying car and two individual combat units from the quartermaster of the garrison.

This kind of flying car also consumes magic energy, and its energy components are similar to small batteries. It is also a so-called individual combat unit.

The appearance of the speed car is unremarkable. It is equipped with a heavy machine gun, which stands out for its strength, durability and long endurance.

The courtyard is vast, and some are exaggeratedly like a planet in themselves. Necessary transportation still needs to be prepared.

The flying cars in the garrison basically did not consider comfort. The two-meter-long flying cars were boxy. Mu Hua stuffed the flying cars directly into the furnace storage space.

Of course, Mu Hua's behavior of stuffing vehicles into space props is purely routine, and everyone does it.

The only difference is that some people cannot afford space props, or some space props cannot fit into the speed car.

There seem to be infinite resources in the courtyard. Adventurers have far greater earning power than settlers, but if they want to maintain their adventurous life and improve their combat power, they may consume money at an exaggerated rate.

Coming to the entrance of the courtyard, the teleportation array with a diameter of five meters can accommodate objects with a maximum length and width of less than ten meters.

The teleportation array continued to operate. When Mu Hua stepped into the array, he and Zhou Yiyi gradually disappeared from this world.

The space was dislocated in a daze, and when he opened his eyes again, he saw a wild and bloody plain in front of him.

The original green of the earth has withered and faded due to the long-term fighting between humans and monsters. At the end of the plain are vast mountains and endless forests.

Behind Mu Hua, there is an area that looks like it is covered by glass. Each area is the size of a football field. Four or five such areas are connected together to form a gathering place for humans.

Enchantment Magic: Breaking the Sky.

It can isolate dimensional interference. To put it bluntly, the sky-breaking barrier can prevent hell monsters from coming into it, and it can also prevent the space displacement magic that spreads from outside the barrier.

However, this barrier has no protective effect against creatures entering it normally. After entering it, teleportation can be used casually without any effect, and summoned beasts can be summoned inside.

It can barely be regarded as a pseudo-safe zone, generally to prevent the arrival of monsters.

Mu Hua's understanding of this magic is at a level of 'quite profitable'. This is a very profitable magic.

"Hoo~" A figure rushed past Mu Hua, bringing out the residual image of the wind.

"Bang!" Blood sprayed, and the hammer smashed the head of a black vicious dog into pieces.

I saw a strong man standing next to the dead black vicious dog more than ten meters away. He looked back at Mu Hua, with white teeth showing on his smiling face.

Mu Hua nodded towards the strong man. What he killed was a black vicious dog that had just arrived. The entity had arrived. If the strong man didn't take action, the black dog's first target would probably be Mu Hua.

After thanking him naturally, Mu Hua looked at Monday beside him and felt that the 'dog tag' around his neck was a bit small.

"How about you go back to the Island of the Abyss first?" Mu Hua said to Monday.

"Woof!" Monday Dog barked in response, and immediately disappeared into the magic circle rising at its feet.

It's not that Monday learned teleportation magic, it's just that Mu Hua gave it permission to go to the Island of the Abyss, and Monday would happily meditate on the Island of the Abyss.

Monday felt that it was necessary to ask the owner to give it some conspicuous clothing.

It is also a little worried. In this place where humans are everywhere, what if it encounters a heartless person?

"Hey! You guys with the hammer, clean up the dogs that are killing you before you leave!" Further away, shouts came from the Duankong Barrier.

Mu Hua walked in the opposite direction, paused at his feet, and immediately stepped away again: "I didn't hear it, we didn't hear anything."

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