Sorcerer Empire, Federation calendar year 2083, winter.

Due to the development of the courtyard in the small town on the northern coast of the empire, the area that originally belonged to Bear Pig Town was officially transformed into Cannes City by the empire at the beginning of winter.

Cannes seems to mean the city in the sky. Because it was confirmed that there is a reserve of floating stones in the 375 courtyard, Bear Pig Town has attracted attention from all walks of life.

The Deman Hotel, nominally the Dandelion Hotel belonging to Benson's corporate branch, has been officially put on the agenda because of the development of Cannes. The land price of the former Bear and Pig Town has risen sharply. This two-hundred-acre piece of land can be described as a quite successful development. invest.

"You said 'Degenerate' wants to open a store in town? Is the lobbyist Peter again? The boss hasn't come back yet. I will tell him when he comes back."

In the lobby of Deman Hotel, the security team suddenly arrived. Bellica sent a message to old Barron. Deman took Bellica to the training ground to look for Eve. He was not surprised by the news that Bellica brought.

"Just you? Where's your partner?" Deman said casually to Bellica after walking out of the hotel door.

"Someone blocked the door of Peter's house, and Toby went over there. Nothing will happen to me here, right?" Bellica chuckled, with a natural expression, and the occasional vigilance in her eyes showed a bit of competence.

"Of course, we are friends, right?"

"I thought 'Degenerate' would open a store in a development zone. It would be much more troublesome to buy land in the town than in the development zone." Deman said with a smile.

"If Cannes expands the city, it is expected to have fifty-three blocks. The town's original five streets will occupy five larger blocks."

"Although this place will not be planned to become the city center, it is close to the entrance of the courtyard after all, and Degenerate is not short of money. It mainly depends on the attitude of the townspeople." Bellica replied.

‘Depravity’ can be understood as a nightclub with drinks, singing, dancing, and carnival, where people can indulge their passions.

The biggest difference between it and ordinary nightclubs is that it is rumored to be a nightclub run by fallen angels.

Fallen angels are not much different from angels among monsters. The origin of their names is not only "for the occasion", but also the disdain of the angel community for their willingness to mix with humans.

Of course, with the arrogance of an angel, it is impossible to act as the little brother or sister in the nightclub.

It is said that if the conditions are right, "Fallen" can fulfill the wishes of some guests with special needs, but the cost is usually souls and lives.

Well, to put it more understandably, it is a place where demons fulfill human wishes, and it is legal even in the human world.

As for why there is such a legal place, perhaps in the opinion of the higher-ups, instead of letting some people summon demons and pray with little knowledge, it is better to provide them with a relatively formal place.

Rather than letting some people be played by demons and causing uncontrollable consequences, it is better to let them become customers of fallen angels who are willing to abide by the rules of the human world.

At least, this is what the outside world has said, and most people understand it this way. Whether there is something deeper in it, ordinary people don't know.

After all, most people's understanding of "degeneration" is still a high-end entertainment venue.

And ‘Degenerate’ is often only opened in some prosperous cities. Its arrival also reflects the potential of Cannes City to a certain extent.

. . . . . .

The Deman Hotel is now under Mu Hua's name. In addition to the main hotel, the surrounding forest land of more than 100 square kilometers also belongs to Mu Hua's private land.

In the early years, this area was regarded by the townspeople as a wilderness mountain forest on the edge of the town. Although it was mostly unmaintained gravel land, the area was still very considerable.

Because Mu Hua's household registration is in the town, Aiwen, who runs the farm, and Gena, who runs the lumberyard, including Mu Hua, should be considered the people who own the most land in the town.

The large parking lot on the side of the hotel has basically been sorted out. Bypassing the parking lot under repair and walking through a forest path, Deman took Bellica to the training ground behind the hotel.

In the training ground in the woods, there are some warehouses and simple container-like houses scattered around the edge of the training ground. They are connected to water and electricity. What was originally a simple training ground has turned into a mercenary camp.

Here, Gravezzi is leading a group of young men and women who had earlier taken refuge in Tebitha for military training.

Although most of these young men had no fighting qualities, their good obedience made Gravechi very satisfied.

"Hi, Gravecchi." After greeting Gravecchi from a distance, Deman looked for Eve among a group of young people practicing shooting.

"Eve, come here."

Following Deman's shouting and Gravitz's consent, Eve walked towards Deman, while Clark, who was also here, followed Eve. From his figure and pace, he could faintly see that he was interested in Eve. prevention.

"She's Belika, the police officer in the town, you guys can talk." Eve approached, and when Deman introduced her, she stepped aside.

"Eve, Eve Rafael? Hello, we received an alarm from Sprinkle Academy. Twenty-three stray monsters were killed in the academy. Do you know about this?"

After sizing up Eve, Bellica took half a step back, vaguely opened the distance between her and Eve, and asked Eve.

"I killed him." Eve stood opposite Belika in sneakers and jeans, spreading her hands as if to show her harmlessness.

"Do you admit it? Although they are monsters, they have been legally registered. According to the attitude of the academy, you may be charged with deliberate murder. Do you know this?" Bellica asked.

"Murder? Not infringement of private property, or injury?" Deman frowned.

"Stray monsters are also intelligent beings, especially since they have been legally registered. They belong to the academy and have not left the academy. In this regard, it mainly depends on how the academy holds them accountable."

Seeing that Eve was cooperating and showing no tendency to resist, Bellica spoke calmly and shook her head.

"There are no legal demons. They feed on human spirits and can kill people if they are not careful."

"When they are hungry, they are more dangerous than demons. You should not use the word legal on them." Facing Bellica's explanation, Eve changed from her normal state and said forcefully.

"They not only absorb the essence of humans, but also of monsters, and those stray monsters are fed by people." Bellica emphasized.

Although she was on a police call, judging from her performance, Bellica didn't seem to have much resentment towards Eve's behavior of killing the wandering demon.

"They do absorb the essence of monsters, but monsters bully the weak and fear the strong, and humans are more vulnerable to them."

"Besides, there is no reproductive isolation between demons and humans, so they shouldn't exist." Eve said with a frown.

Monsters are also hybrids of demons, but their birth is more mysterious, and most people don't know how they appear.

Demons come in different forms, and most of them have intelligence that is not inferior to humans. Some are good, some are bad, some are beasts, some are human, and some also look like monsters.

And they are born with special powers, and ordinary humans are a relatively easy source of food for them.

So don't worry about good and evil. In fact, demons should be evil in the minds of most people. At least in the face of Eve's repeated arguments, Bellica did not show any disgust.

"No matter what, you shouldn't kill those stray monsters for no reason."

"But those stray monsters are not familiars. If the academy can produce a familiar certificate, they can only be regarded as familiars at best. You should pay attention to this aspect."

As if she didn't want to argue with Eve, Bellica pointed out something, and seemed to express that those lost monsters were still uncontrollable to a certain extent.

Eve was slightly stunned, while Deman turned his face to the side, as if he didn't hear anything. Is Bellica teaching Eve how to defend herself?

"Is Eve Rafald your real name? Empire citizen? We didn't find your information in the empire's information database." Ignoring the reactions of several people, Belica turned to ask in a business-like manner.

"Eve Marie," Eve replied.

"Bloody Mary? Those rumored demon hunters?" Bellica looked at Eve again, with a bit of curiosity in her eyes.

Bloody Mary does not refer specifically to Eve, and being a demon hunter is not a formal profession.

They are a group of relatively mysterious people who may not necessarily be powerful, but they understand demons very well and are good at exploiting their weaknesses. They can use tricks to kill some powerful demons when their strengths are unequal.

It is said that they belong to the family inheritance, their number is relatively small, and the distribution of monsters is relatively scattered. Therefore, monster hunters usually travel around, cause trouble and run away, so the reputation of monster hunters is actually not that good.


"Oh, you guys are causing trouble for the security team." This was the first time Bellica met the demon hunters. It is said that they are all troublemakers. Bellica chuckled.

"You deceived Master Mu Hua." Bellica and Eve communicated harmoniously, but Clark on the side suddenly interrupted with a cold face.

"I didn't, I just haven't had time to say it yet." Confusion flashed across Eve's face, and she twisted her face to retort to Clark.

"No matter what the reason is, you'd better stay quiet until the master comes back." Clark looked unkind.

The college had contacted the hotel earlier, and through Deman, Clark had already known about Eve's trouble. At this time, he didn't like that Eve kept using a pseudonym.

"Is he...?" Clark's way of speaking was a bit rigid, and Bellica looked at Deman.

"Clark, from the courtyard." Deman said.

"Oh, okay, Clark, I think she can't stay here. She needs to go to the police station with me." Bellica suddenly realized that the social atmosphere of some courtyards is indeed more retro.

"Guard team?" Clark frowned.

"Well, detention, until the college drops the charges against her." As she spoke, Belica took out a pair of handcuffs from her waist.

‘Crack it~’ The handcuffs cuffed Eve’s wrists, and Eve blinked, seemingly aggrieved.

"..." Clark was stunned and speechless. He was still preparing to argue with Eve about the issue of loyalty. Didn't he just kill a few big mice? Is this really annoying? (End of chapter)

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