Kunna was very angry. She killed Vito and took over Vito's industry. She even got the transfer letter for the factory under Vito's name. Everything was going smoothly, but Pete actually said that the transfer letter was illegal.

No, that bastard didn't say that the transfer was illegal, but that Vito's property was not legal in the first place. Faq, Vito didn't say anything when he was alive.

Kunna is angry.

"Kunna, calm down. I understand how you feel, but no matter how you got the transfer letter from Vito, the slaughterhouse and stone factory in the third block are illegal enterprises themselves."

"And you also know that the development of Cannes City has been officially approved. In the development plan, it is impossible to continue to put that kind of factory in the third block. This is also for the good of the town."

Next to the main road of the town, Pete, who was surrounded by Kunna and his men on the roadside, persuaded Kunna with an embarrassed look on his face.

"Vito? Falk, Mayor Pete, he is dead. You should know that he is dead." Kunna said coldly, while several of her subordinates behind her stared at Pete fiercely.

Several people around Kunna had fierce expressions. Faced with Kunna's scolding, an impatient look briefly flashed across Peter's face.

Between the two, Toby, who was wearing a police uniform, frowned slightly because of Kunna's words. He seemed to feel threatened by Kunna and his party. Toby put his right hand on the pistol on his waist.

"Quenna, you are not from this town." Peter seemed to have a tougher temperament than before.

"Vito is not from this town either." Looking at Toby, Kunna raised her hand to signal the people behind her to relax, and when she told Toby that she was not a threat, she said to Peter.

Originally, Vito was running a gang in the town, and both the police and Pete turned a blind eye. They usually selectively ignored the relatively chaotic Third Street.

At this time, Vito was dead and Kunna was still sorting out the gangsters in the third neighborhood. However, Pete jumped out to deny the legality of Vito's properties. His fearless attitude made Kunna feel that he was one of them in his heart. Belongs to the type that is easy to bully.

"Kunna, as the mayor, I need to think about the town. No matter what happens between you and Vito, the town can no longer be the same as before."

"The third block is going to be renovated. I have found investors for the town. Everything I have done is for Bear and Pig Town, so that the townspeople can still have a place in the future Canins City. I hope you can understand ”

When Peter was talking to Kunna, his eyes glanced at Toby who was standing aside from time to time. There were some people watching in the distance. Rather than saying that Peter was communicating with Kunna, these words were more like he was speaking to the people around him.

"Huh, for the town? It must be the 'Degenerate' who came to find you, right?" Kunna chuckled and turned to look around.

"Bars, nightclubs, underground boxing matches, and trading souls with the devil, that's 'degeneration'. Has our mayor told you this? Do you know this?" When Kunna raised her voice, There was a lot of noise all around.

"No, the Third District will become a legal entertainment district. Even if it is 'degenerate', no one will agree to any soul transaction."

"The wish-making devil spreads lies, and we can buy some rare items there."

"Everyone knows that the development of 375 will inevitably bring a large number of adventurers to the town. The real harm to us is the demon merchant, and the 'fallen' will sell goods from hell, which can prevent anyone from summoning the demon merchant in the town. ." Pete retorted loudly.

Demon merchants, as the name suggests, are demons that travel between hell and the human world. They are relatively mysterious and will trade with their summoners and sell some things from hell to humans. They usually do not attack humans casually.

However, demon merchants occasionally sell some dangerous items, or deliberately conceal the dangers of some goods, and the amount of transaction currency charged by demon merchants is not fixed.

Their definition of value is very broad, including money, souls, and lives. They may even allow traders to cause disasters in exchange for the goods in their hands.

Therefore, the reputation of demon merchants, let alone among humans, even among demons, tends to be bad.

Whether it’s a demon merchant or a ‘nightclub degenerate’, most people actually don’t have a clear idea of ​​them.

There are too few people who have seen the demon merchant, and there are not many people who are qualified to make deals with the 'fallen'.

However, there are many chain stores of "Degenerate" in the Federation, which presumably have a certain degree of legitimacy. The rumors of soul wishing are indeed a bit unreasonable. When hearing Peter talk about it, Kunna couldn't refute it for the moment.

"Haha, entertainment venue. You also said that more adventurers will come to the town. What we need is not an entertainment venue, but the power to protect ourselves."

"We plan to set up a security company in the third block. It will be a security company belonging to Xiongzhu Town. The procedures for the stone factory and the slaughterhouse are complete. It even has your signature on it!" Kunna took out a stack of documents and rushed When Peter said that last part, his voice was a little lower.

"No matter how many procedures there are, it can't withstand the investigation, you know." Peter also lowered his tone and said to Kunna.

"Check? I heard that your investors intend to support you in running for mayor? Do people in the town know about these things? Toby?" Kunna chuckled and turned to Toby to ask.

"Damn it, you're spreading rumors! We don't need your security company, we have a police force." Pete scolded dissatisfied and looked at Toby as well.

Toby twitched his lips. As a young man and a civil servant, he had followed the same routine since childhood. In fact, he didn’t have much affection for the town. If he could be transferred to a big city for promotion and salary increase, he would probably be happy too. Carry your bag and dodge people.

Expect civil servants to protect local interests? Don't make trouble. . .

Compared to the security company that Kunna mentioned, to be honest, Toby is more curious and interested in the so-called 'degeneration'.

But according to Kunna, it seems that Pete has handed over a block to outsiders.

During this period, Peter did not discuss with the townspeople, and no one seemed to get any real benefits. This made Toby resentful. After all, he was also from the town, and he probably had no chance to go to a big city for promotion. Job salary increase.

"The police force is currently short of manpower. If the city bureau is upgraded in the future, it is not certain how many police personnel can be allocated to the town."

Facing the gazes of both parties, when Toby said casually, knowing that both parties just regarded him as a raft, he simply turned his head to the side.

He doesn't have any ideals of eradicating violence and bringing peace to the people. He joined the police force just to earn a salary.

Xiongzhu Town was originally relatively closed. If there was a problem in the town, Toby and other security team members would not be as businesslike as the police from the outside world.

They are all neighbors, and they look down but never look up. This also makes the police force more like a neighborhood committee. As long as there are no serious incidents, most cases are handled through mediation.

At this time, Kunna and Peter, as long as there was no physical conflict between the two parties, Toby simply took two steps back and waited for the two sides to fight for a result.

Now that the words had reached this point, both Kunna and Peter deliberately lowered their voices while standing on the street.

There is no way, strictly speaking, neither party is very clean.

Kunna is obviously involved in the underworld, and what Peter does is also extremely selfish. The official's "I'm doing this all for your own good" attitude is unacceptable to Loren.

"Mayor Pete, since we can get the transfer contract from Vito, there are some things we don't mind using Vito's methods." Kunna whispered as she approached Pete.

"Ms. Kunna, the situation is different. Bearpig Town is no longer the Bearpig Town it used to be. Even before, Vito had to abide by the rules of the town." Pete said with a sneer.

"But I'm not Vito. You should know that I have worked in the Adventurer's Guild for many years."

"And I know Mu Hua very well, very well. By the way, I also know Nick. You know who I'm talking about, right?" Kunna had a dangerous smile on her lips.

Peter frowned: Nick should be referring to the acting mayor of Heyman City. Mu Hua himself is nothing, at least nothing after the Cannes City project was established.

But Mu Hua seems to have a relatively close connection with the top management of the Raiders Association. Considering the upcoming Raiders group, although Mu Hua's specific situation is not clear, Peter still does not want to provoke Mu Hua.

"Ma'am, there is no reason for Mr. Nick to interfere in the affairs of Cannes City, and I am also very familiar with Mr. Mu Hua. His residence is in Xiongzhu Town, and he gets along well with many people in the town."

"I think we should never listen to one-sided rhetoric at any time, right?" Pete said tentatively, slowing down his tone.

"You can understand, but I don't like others infringing on my rights, whether it's the mayor or the mayor." Kunna's smile became even wider.

"I don't care what the investment plan is. The slaughterhouse and stone factory can be closed, but I can't let anyone deprive me of my land ownership." With a smile on her face, Kunna's eyes flashed coldly.

Unlike the gentle receptionist in his impression, the dangerous aura on Kunna's body made Peter's expression freeze.

Looking directly at Kunna, Peter seemed to have some calculation in his heart. Just when Peter was hesitating how to reply, the roar of a motorcycle sounded from one end of the street.

Motorcycles and fierce horses were seen on the street, accompanied by the shouts and shouts of the cowboys, and the crowd dispersed in shock.

I saw four people running in embarrassment being chased by a group of young and strong riders like thugs.

"Toby, stop them!" Everyone looked over, and a rider riding a horse in front, holding a net gun, saw Toby and shouted loudly.

"Shet! Toussaint! Are you crazy!?" When Kunna and his party were stunned by Peter, Toby subconsciously drew his gun and yelled.

Firearms, knives, electric batons, explosion-proof nets, all Toby's familiar faces, either driving motorcycles or riding powerful horses, like rioting cowboys, chasing two men who were running away.

And the two fleeing men were each carrying one person in their hands.

The two men who were being carried by the waist seemed to be more embarrassed than the fleeing people. One of them seemed to have a gunshot wound in his leg. When they saw Toby, they couldn't help shouting loudly.

"Stop them! We are EWT, stop these thugs!"

Toby was stunned, but the person came too fast, and he was already in front of Toby in a blink of an eye.

When Toby hesitated to shoot, two men with snake eyes ducked and passed him.

"Poof~!" The net gun attacked, and a big net wrapped Toby tightly.

The iron ball swinging from the side of the net hit Toby, and Toby groaned in pain.

When Toby fell to the ground, the two motorcycles had already sped up to overtake Toussaint, who was launching the net, passed Toby, and raised their stun guns that could fire electric shock locks towards the fleeing people.

"Fake!" The tough wire netting was suffocating on his body, and he didn't dare to struggle hard. Toby fell to the ground and cursed blankly, but he could only watch more riders pass him by. (End of chapter)

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