"Woooo~~ Becerro is so pitiful. Becerro is losing money. Damn bastard. You deceived Becerro. Becerro should not have answered the call."

On the chaotic and quiet streets, the devil cried sadly.

Jason endured the pain in his thigh, but the devil, who was a devil businessman, rolled on the ground like a fool.

Weird, mysterious, powerful, insidious, and philistine, this was Mu Hua's original subconscious conception of the devil merchant. I wonder if it was because of the huge contrast. Since his appearance, Becerro's various things have brought despair to Mu Hua's heart. It's an unprecedented weird feeling.

Although he responded to Jason's call, Besero didn't look like he really wanted to save Jason.

When Sapo was frustrated, it used defensive magic to protect Jason, which also made Mu Hua and others dare not attack Jason easily.

After crying for a while, Besero pulled out the bone tube in Jason's leg and even helped Jason treat it.

But it did not accept Jason's request. It seemed that it had no attitude of confrontation with Mu Hua and others. Instead, it took out a test tube containing a green and black liquid, and not only introduced it to Jason, but also showed it to Mu Hua and his party.

"Extract of plague demon carrion, look, Jason, there is no product more suitable for you than this." Looking up at Jason, Besero had an evil smile on his face again.

"Self-salvation is a noble virtue. If they want to kill you, this extract will definitely open the road to salvation for you."

"As long as you eat it, as long as you eat it you will die. But death is not the end."

"While the plague demons are still alive, take the carrion from their injured and rotten wounds and refine it. If you take this extract, you will become the source of the plague."

"Your corpse will spread the virus, and the lamentations of countless lives will become the songs of your funeral."

"Here, in this gathering place of humans, at least no one here will be spared. Of course, the transmissibility of these viruses will also create glory for you."

The plague demon is an extremely rare demon that is hated by humans and ghosts.

Their existence itself implies natural disasters of disease, without the need to cast spells. Their bodily fluids can pollute rivers, their breath spreads viruses, and they are the source of ancient plagues.

As if chanting a strange hymn, Besero displays its wares like a treasure.

This is a toxin, taken from the plague demon, that will kill Jason. After his death, his corpse will spread the plague that causes death.

The dead organisms will become sources of poison, and chain transmission will inevitably lead to large-scale disasters.

Following Besero's words, not to mention Mu Hua and others, even Jason's face became more and more ugly.

"That's not what I want." Jason's eyes flickered and he said to Becero.

"Huh? This is already a friendly price. Since you are an old customer, your soul is only worth this." Besero shook his head.

"You can take me away, right? You can take me away. When you leave here, I can bring you more souls and more demon gold coins."

"Blood, haven't you always said that the blood of the vampires is a high-quality commodity? I can still provide you with blood, so you have no reason to kill me!" Jason shouted in panic.

"Killing? No, no, no, Besero hates violence. Besero's service is caring."

"Look, as long as you hold this, you can use it to threaten your enemies."

"Look, they all seem kind. As long as they have this, do you think they still dare to let you die?"

"Just put it in your mouth and trust me, they'll let you go."

"Only the eternal flames of hell can burn the plague demon. Becerro's products are the best." Becerro pulled the corner of his mouth to his ears and said to Jason with a strange smile.

Jason's expression froze, and then his face showed joy.

"Jason, you can leave, we will let you leave, you don't need to sell your soul." Just as Jason was about to reach out to Becero, Elzach shouted loudly.

Jason's movements froze, and Becerro stared at Elzac with dark eyes, half-smiling.

"Wow, a smart vampire, but you shouldn't break the merchant's law, no one, no one can not make a deal after summoning the merchant."

"Of course, Jason, my old client, Besero is willing to make some concessions for you."

"But, dear, do you want to place your life on the promises of others? Believe me, life is precious, and you should take control of it yourself." Besero said in a gentle tone.

The seductive tone made Jason's expression change several times. Mu Hua frowned slightly and suddenly interjected tentatively.

"As for the soul, maybe I can give it to you?"

The spell unfolded, the soul fragments were thrown in, and the arrays flashing with magic halo alternated one after another. After a moment, when the array faded away, a group of souls invisible to ordinary people floated in front of Mu Hua.

"Soul creation? No, no, no, young...human beings?" Seeing the soul created by Mu Hua, Becerro chuckled, but looking at Mu Hua, Becerro's nose suddenly twitched a few times, He tilted his head, a trace of doubt flashing across his face.

The brief hesitation did not last long. As if denying his illusion, Besero shook his head slightly and turned to speak again.

"No, young man, Besero does not need this kind of soul, there is no market for it."

"Human beings have rich emotions, richer than demons. You are exuding complex emotions all the time. Love, hate, loyalty, rebellion, fear, guilt, joy, sadness, and even all original sins can emerge in every human being. "

"Delicious, can you understand?"

"Time is the best precipitation. Happiness, sorrow, attachment, and madness are the ultimate seasonings. The souls of living beings are very delicious."

"Compared to Jason's soul, your kind, well... is like a bitter green fruit and a sweet ripe fruit. If you can create a purer soul, you may be able to offset the value of the living being."

Besero explained to Mu Hua with great interest, which made Mu Hua frown even deeper.

"That delicious soul needs to be taken out while he is alive, right?" Mu Hua looked at Jason.

"Of course, now, ten years, a hundred years, maybe when he is about to die, although I bought his soul, wouldn't it be a good deal to hand over my own soul before death? Becerro is worthy of trust, Becerro is not It will waste customer value.”

Besero responded to Mu Hua's provocation with a smile.

The souls of living beings are different from the created souls. Mu Hua is very clear about this. One is complex and full, and the other is pure and empty. Obviously, the devil prefers complex souls when it comes to eating and absorbing.

"Give it to me, my soul belongs to you!" Becerro's words finally moved Jason. As he spoke, Jason reached out to grab the test tube in Becerro's hand.

Jason realized this was an opportunity, yes, an opportunity.

If he hadn't been facing this situation, Becerro probably wouldn't have come up with such a threatening product. Perhaps the demon merchant in front of him still wanted to face him, because this poison far exceeded the value of a soul.

However, unlike what he imagined, Besero did not hand the test tube to Jason. Instead, he jumped two steps and avoided Besero's palm.

"Quack, quack, don't be anxious, the transaction is fair, Besero likes fairness." With a strange smile, Besero ignored Jason's anxiety, but looked at Mu Hua and the others.

"This is a very rare commodity. It is very dangerous. Becerro likes humans. Becerro does not want to bring disaster to humans."

"Then, I can sell it to Jason, or I can sell it to you. Of course, the highest bidder gets it."

"Everyone, everyone~~, the auction starts now."

"Jason, bid for a share of the vampire's soul. Is there anyone with a higher bid?" Becerro once again raised the test tube containing the plague demon carrion extract and shouted to Mu Hua.

"..." Mu Hua was stunned.

"You...!" Jason looked shocked and angry.

"Quack, dear, don't be angry, Besero is fair."

"Becerro allows you to defer your repayments, and as long as you buy it, Becerro will try to help you get rid of them, and you have enough time to gain wealth, any form of wealth."

"Quack, quack, Besero is such a genius!"

"Now, the quotation begins~~!"

Jumping and cheering, Besero finally revealed its true intention, and the faces of everyone around it, including Jason, became even more ugly. (End of chapter)

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