The Secret Garden of the Dandelion Troupe

Chapter 34 Poisoning and Attack

The dead skeleton warrior made Mu Hua, who was hiding far away, shudder.

Mu Hua thought that he needed some equipment, at least a shield with elemental resistance.

Although he can also use fireball, if this thing hits him, he probably won't survive longer than the still smoking skeleton warrior.

The clothes Mu Hua wore were purgatory weapons, but the strength of these weapons was too low to even be considered low-level equipment, let alone elemental resistance.

Strictly speaking, Mu Hua has stayed on the Island of the Abyss for a few months. Although there is a high-concentration magic environment, and although he has far more meditation time than before, his magic power is still not very rich.

Improving intelligence and physique, carrying a gun as the main battle weapon. Whenever he meditated, Mu Hua always wavered between the choice of intelligence or physique.

After entering the courtyard, except for summoning spells, Mu Hua basically did not use offensive magic. He kept his magic power to deal with emergencies, let alone use magic power to strengthen the infernal weapons.

In the short term, there was no hope for the Purgatory Armed Forces, and the equipment was extremely expensive. There was no way to "fish in the abyss" to fish for monsters in the abyss. After getting the golden finger for the first time, Mu Hua's mentality was full of contradictions.

"Bang~bang~bang~" There was a burst of messy gunfire, and the battle on the other side of the ruins had already begun.

I saw some jackals making weird accents, and then the skins around their waists seemed to be shrouded in magic.

The gnolls took out the pebble-like balls from their bags and stuffed the balls into the barrels of guns in their hands that were like muskets.

"Bang~bang~" There was another burst of gunfire, and the flying bullets penetrated the skin of the black vicious dog and cracked the bones of the skeleton warrior.

Gnolls have average combat capabilities, but they use firearms.

And those stones that were cast by unknown abilities were just like exorcism bullets. And these special bullets will increase in power as the Jackal's strength increases.

"Trash, idiot, inferior bastard, stop!" the imps yelled at the gnolls. The devilish language of these imps was probably on the same level as the common language of the raven.

The kid seems to want to capture the black vicious dogs alive and try to subdue them, but unfortunately, the two black vicious dogs have already fallen to the ground and twitched.

The jackal looked excited and killed two black vicious dogs. From the saliva left at the corners of their mouths, it was easy to see that they did it on purpose.

"Bang~bang~" Two fireballs hit two skeleton warriors like a vent.

Of the three imps, two can cast fireballs.

The other kid, holding two magic arrays burning with flames in his hands, made himself look like a big boss, with a concave shape on one side.

Obviously, the concave-shaped imp can only engrave magic.

The two black vicious dogs were dead, and the remaining two skeleton warriors roared silently, bypassing the lizard monster protecting the kid, and headed straight for the gnoll who fired the gun.

The positions of the jackals are very scattered. These monsters are used to fighting and killing, and the fighting methods of monsters are never rigid.

Some jackals even knew how to find cover and move around. Mu Hua's two skeleton warriors attacked two jackals who were hiding under rocks.

"Gah~" A wolf man who was running away in no hurry was stabbed in the back by a skeleton warrior.

"Ouch~~" the pig-headed man howled.

The next moment, in a shock like a sumo wrestling, the skeleton warrior who had just stabbed the jackal to death was smashed half of the bones by a pig-headed man running from the side.

"Bang! Bang!" The heavy wooden stick was struck arbitrarily, and the skeleton warrior who fell to the ground was instantly beaten on the spot by two pig-headed men.

A quick shadow flashed, and the lizard-skin monster rushed towards another skeleton warrior with a sword drawn, dodged the skeleton warrior's tail blow, and slashed the vertebrae of the skeleton warrior's waist with one knife.

"Click~" The sword bones collided, and the iron sword got stuck in the bones of the skeleton warrior.

Obviously, the basilisk is very fast, but its sword is not very good and its power is very limited.

"Stab~" The rough skin rubbed against each other, and the skeleton warrior slashed back with his sword without any force, but only made a superficial wound on the lizard monster's body.

"Silk~~" The lizard monster has tough skin and a head with a lizard structure. The lizard monster spits out its slender tongue, turns around and cuts off the skeleton warrior's head with another knife.

At the end of the battle, the five skeleton warriors chasing the black evil dogs killed one jackal, but were also demolished by this group of monsters in a short time.

"Quack~" The little ghost laughed strangely. The two skeleton warriors seemed not to be dead yet. The little ghost holding the flame laughed and seemed to want to burn the two skeleton warriors who had no ability to resist.

"Poof~" The skeleton warrior disappeared, like a projection of death, and the kid was stunned again.

"Papa~" Walking in front of the pig-headed man, the kid raised his foot and kicked the two pig-headed men who were smashing the skeleton warriors a few times, as if he was angry that they smashed the skeleton warriors to death.

As for the lizard monster that beheaded the skeleton warrior, the two had equal status. Obviously the kid didn't dare to cause trouble to it.

A battle that lasted only a short time. Mu Hua squatted in the distance and observed from beginning to end. He saw two jackals dragging the corpses of two black vicious dogs to the imp and the lizard. Mu Hua became convinced.

Plan passes.

It seemed that they wanted to eat dog meat. Mu Hua continued to lurk, waiting for them to eat the black vicious dogs that were full of evil demon potion in their bodies.

At this time, Zhou Zhou also lurked near the ruins, ready to cooperate with Mu Hua to sneak attack on these monsters.

There were shouts of celebration from the monsters in the ruins. The lungs, liver, and kidneys of the black vicious dogs entered the kid's belly, and the lizard monsters each pulled out a dog leg and gnawed it.

The two dog corpses were fought over and torn apart by a group of gnolls, and the remaining heads, fur, and bones were inserted into the pig-headed man's belly.

Pig-headed humans are large and clumsy, but among this group of monsters, they have the lowest probability of coming in their true form, lower than imps and lizards.

Because there is also a ruling class in hell, pig-headed monsters are very good laborers. Whether they are orcs or demons, they are usually willing to give their pig-headed people some resources so that they can project their presence.

After all, the pig-headed people are of low rank, and the cost of projection sacrifice is not high. Letting them come to the courtyard to let themselves go is also a benefit to the coolies.

In this regard, it seems that demons are a little more human than some humans. . .

There was a lot of excitement over the ruins, and Mu Hua once again summoned the skeleton warriors. The raven took off and loaded his sniper, waiting for the monsters on the other side of the ruins to take action.

"Woo~~!" He whimpered in horror. The first person to have an adverse reaction was the jackal.

Pig-headed men have thick skin and thick flesh, and are slow to react, while demons are much more tolerant to potions than orcs.

These low-level monsters did not have a strong understanding of potions, and the severe pain from their internal organs and muscles made the panicked jackals roll on the ground.

"Evil potion~!" The kid's sharp neigh conveyed clear demonic language.

They may not have tasted the evil demon potion, but the knowledge inherited by demons allows them to be aware of the effect of this potion.

Therefore, Mu Hua hates demons.

"Bang~!" The sniper hit.

A lizard's head was shot through by a bullet, and the dazed and dying lizard made the kid panic and hide.

When Mu Hua turned his gun again, another lizard was already crawling on the ground.

Through the observation of the scope, the creeping lizard monster immediately looked in the direction of Mu Hua, but the head that shrank behind the cover made it impossible for Mu Hua to give it a fatal blow.



Two shots were fired at the pig-headed man's head, and the huge body fell to the ground. Mu Hua said that the tens of thousands of bullets he fired were not in vain. Such a clumsy big man had no problem with his aim.

The five skeleton warriors rushed towards the ruins again, and one skeleton warrior remained beside Mu Hua.

The pig-headed man with the ability to disrupt the battle was killed by Mu Hua. The two ravens began to attack the lizard monster that was hiding in the bunker and trying to launch a surprise attack on Mu Hua.

The raven was blinded and the lizard was in panic, but Mu Hua paid no attention to the imp and the jackal, and kept his sights on the last lizard.

The imp's spellcasting ability is limited for a short time, and the lurking Monday can tear them apart in minutes.

Without the pig-headed man who can suppress the strength of the skeleton warriors, the nine jackals are already lambs to be slaughtered in the face of the skeletal undead, even if it is only five skeleton warriors.

"Si~~Si~~" The sound the lizard-skinned monster made when angry was still the same.

It was difficult for Mu Hua, the lizard-skinned monster, to aim at the running position, but the blind ravens constantly harassing him at both ends made it impossible for the lizard-skinned monster to run at full speed.

"Bang~! Bang~! Bang~!" The sniper rifle fired continuously.

After missing the target, the lizard continued to approach, and Mu Hua also tried his best. He prepared to empty the magazine and directly took out the Annihilator.

"Bang~!" The lizard, which staggered again under the harassment of the raven, was finally bitten by a bullet.

"Stuck~, stuck." The moment the lizard monster's body stiffened, and the sound of the empty-bore sniper rifle came out, Mu Hua's expression changed, he threw away the sniper shot, and faced the lizard monster approaching with a knife.

"Ah~~" The fireball hit his face. Mu Hua's casting speed was faster than that of the kid. The flying fireball hit the lizard's surprised head straight.

"Bear~" The flames rose, and in a blink of an eye the lizard turned into a human-shaped torch rolling on the ground.

"Damn it, I'm here, the magician is here!" Mu Hua cursed and carefully took out the 'Ranger' and loaded it.

The flesh and blood body obviously burned hotter than the skeleton warrior. The lizard-skinned monster rolled and hissed, and there was no movement for a moment.

With the death of the lizard, Mu Hua also relaxed. Gouzi and the skeleton warrior had nothing to worry about.

Lying back in the bunker, he reloaded the sniper again. Looking at the ruins through the scope, Mu Hua sighed, maybe he should buy more bullets.

Happy New Year, I wish you all a happy new year and everything goes well.

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