The Secret Garden of the Dandelion Troupe

Chapter 364 The Beast Tide Arrives

The monsters, like the wild beasts driven away by ancient humans, were chased by the hyoid demons and goblins. The first creatures that appeared in people's vision were indeed a large number of frightened and crazy monsters.

The magic tide in the Caines Courtyard unfolded in a situation that Mu Hua could not have imagined.

Flame dogs, petrified chickens, wind wolves, night blade leopards, armored horned pigs, and even knife-horned tigers and iron-backed demon bears that were not high-level from a distance.

There were countless goblins mixed with a large number of panicked monsters, and driven by groups of hyoid demons, they rushed towards the fortress city where humans were.

The monsters were very special, just like Mu Hua's blind raven. Even though the raven's attributes were poor, it could naturally release the effect of intermediate curses.

In addition to the claws and physical fitness of wild beasts, monsters are often born with a certain kind of innate magic.

Let alone low-level goblins, even ordinary hyoid demons, if they encounter petrified chickens, night blade leopards and other magical beasts alone, it is not certain who will live and who will die, not to mention the more ferocious and cunning styles such as knife-horned tigers and iron-backed demon bears.

But when a large number of hyoid demons gather, just like ancient humans hunting giant beasts, these magical beasts that cannot form an absolute defense against the claws and tail spikes of hyoid demons can only flee in panic under their pursuit and interception.

Hyoid demons are a kind of "large quantity and full" demons. Their strength is difficult to determine. They are of the lower demon bloodline, but the individual strength of the tribe spans a large range from low to high levels, and they are one of the few demons that can give birth to multiple children.

The first attacking monster surprised Mu Hua a little. He didn't know that there were so many monsters hidden in this courtyard.

These monsters and the goblins mixed around them are all driven away by hyoid demons. The goblins here are basically goblins living in the wild.

They were not even recruited by the Goblin King. Perhaps in the eyes of the Goblin King, these goblins were not of their kind at all, and were no different from edible wild beasts.

Warcraft, dwarf orcs, goblins, big goblins, including a small number of ogres, they were all cannon fodder that was driven here.

Not to mention, Mu Hua even saw a small number of imps and lizards, but he really didn't see pig-headed people among these cannon fodders.

As a model of hard work and endurance, pig-headed people are treated well in hell. Compared with cannon fodder, they may be more competent for the role of coolies.

And demons usually don't use obedient coolies as cannon fodder.

The galloping beast tide shook the earth, but the first thing to greet them was indeed the cluster missiles that formed a barrage.

The mechanical warriors, the patrol star guards equipped with land combat enhanced mechas, a large number of mecha warriors took heavy steps, the bomb bays on their shoulders opened, and the attack pendants spewed out the burning firepower of the tail wing like a beast tide.


Explosive bombs, spikes, and the covering firepower created a line of fire extending for more than ten kilometers outside the city.


The Vulcan cannon poured out ammunition, and the high-frequency exorcism bullets formed a light net and a light curtain. In the notes of the nearby hell, the splashing blood extinguished the flames, and the wailing and the roar of the beasts became the accompaniment of the war song.

Faced with the suppression of absolute firepower, the monsters did not retreat, and even the timid goblins did not flee. They still charged at the armored warriors armed to the teeth with red eyes.

Berserk magic, these cannon fodders were also cast with berserk magic, but what was more terrifying was that even if they were berserk, they were more afraid of the hyoid demons that drove them than humans and armored warriors.

After the pouring of firepower, the buffer distance of nearly a thousand meters was still broken by the monsters, the harsh chain saw sounded, and the armored warriors drew the chain saw swords from their waists.

They are all professional warriors, and their daily training time is at least eight hours, not including confrontation exercises. Taibesha and Tina have always insisted on this rhythm. Close combat is not just about learning combat skills.

The power is fully turned on, the boost system is activated, and the steel warriors with huge power burst into the beast tide.

Cutting, the chain saw blade cuts out a cruel and bloody picture, chopping and smashing the monsters that pounced in front of them, the machine guns on the arm armor, the machine guns on the waist and hips, and even the unfired missiles on the shoulder blades, the patrol star guards land combat group burst out with destructive combat power in a short time.

Unlike Gray's guards in the hotel earlier, although they are all land combat mechas, the patrol star guards' mechas are equipped with combat accessories.

Above the battlefield, from time to time, there are airships dropping ammunition supply modules at low altitude into the battlefield. The patrol star guards are divided into groups of three or five. While cooperating to resist the beast tide, some people quickly replace combat accessories so that they can burst out fierce firepower again.

The battlefield of flesh and blood, a real battlefield of flesh and blood, some mecha warriors were knocked down by monsters, and some crazy goblins would bite their helmets desperately even if their teeth were broken.

Claws, daggers, sticks, monsters are like crazy thugs, brazenly facing the ferocious chain saw blades of the patrol guards.

Twenty patrol motherships, each mothership can handle 200 small warships, and there are 10,000 standard land guards.

If these mecha warriors with enhanced land combat capabilities were placed on the battlefield of Mu Hua's previous life, each of them would have the ability to turn the tide of the war.

But at this time, facing a larger number of monsters, each of them has to face multiple enemies and may be knocked down at any time.

At the same time, if their defensive stance disappears, these low-level monsters can still wear down their mecha armors, and the attacks of mid-level monsters can even damage their mecha armors.

Monsters, even including monsters, are not beasts. They all understand mecha armors, and they know where to attack to cause the greatest damage to mecha warriors.

As the Marine Guards advanced, small carrier airships continued to drop supply modules behind them so that they could maintain sufficient output and provide them with necessary energy supplies.

This can be regarded as a weakness of humans in the emerging courtyard. Because of the capacity problem of the courtyard entrance, large ships and war fortresses cannot enter the courtyard at all.

And the military factory in the courtyard cannot be built in a short time, let alone produce large warships immediately.

This also led to the fact that the warships and weapons of the human side can only be mainly lightweight small units. Even Mu Hua's furnace space cannot transport giant ships like patrol motherships that are more than a thousand meters long.

The 20-kilometer battle line was further stretched by the collision. Although the monsters were crazy, they also knew that it was difficult to hurt these iron guys.

Some clever monsters, who are good at jumping and jumping, broke through the defense line of the Marine Guards and rushed to the rear. At this time, more adventurers will clear and kill these monsters.

But until this time, neither the adventurers, the garrison regiment in the city, nor even the fleet in the sky, supported the Marine Guards.

The garrison is mainly for defense, and also has to deal with sudden attacks, so let's not talk about them for now.

The adventurers and the fleet of the Patrol Star Guard are indeed ready to attack the hyoid demon behind the monster.

The hyoid demon is a rare group demon in the demon clan. They look very much like the aliens in Mu Hua's impression.

Shell-like skin, oval head, relatively slender limbs, sharp claws, tail stingers, and a sharp toothed tongue that can shoot out of the mouth that is longer than the body.

They are agile and fast, but not very good at casting spells, and their signature ability is acidic body fluids.

Both their saliva and blood are very corrosive, so they are basically inedible for most creatures.

This kind of demon has no evolutionary map, but as they grow, their size will become larger and larger, and their body fluids will become more and more corrosive. It is rumored that they have the blood of Leviathan, which is what people generally call Leviathan.

Because they often keep their arms bent over, the height of ordinary hyoid demons, or their body length, is generally between three and five meters.

But like the leader of the hyoid demons in this courtyard, it is a hyoid demon with a body length of more than thirty meters.

And because of the characteristics of their own acidic body fluids, when they are killed or injured, the splashing blood will cause serious or even fatal damage to their opponents.

This is a very annoying demon. (End of this chapter)

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