Among the seven extreme emotions that symbolize original sin, jealousy and rage have certain similarities in triggering the intention to attack.

But their starting points are completely opposite.

Generally speaking, some of the impulses of attack that are triggered by having something and then losing it are mostly from anger.

That is, having it and then losing it can be called anger, and the original sin of rage is also a metaphor for the virtue of "justice".

Jealousy, on the other hand, is never having it and being unable to get it, so people are jealous of those who have it, and even want to attack them.

That is, never having it and being unable to have it, this is the root of jealousy, and the original sin of jealousy also represents the virtue of "patience".

The undead are the apostles of jealousy, and the main reason is that they have hostile and aggressive intentions towards all creatures with flesh and blood.

But if the headless knight is still a bit stereotyped, then the dragon with perfect intelligence can hardly touch the ability involving jealousy.

Yes, maybe it's because dragons are naturally strong and have too much, so although they are top-level undead creatures, they rarely touch the ability related to jealousy.

Similar to this are ghosts, especially those who once had life. They have more violent personalities and are more likely to evolve into elemental evil spirits similar to elves.

On the contrary, just like the ability of death breathing, which can be said to be extremely symbolic of the undead, among all the undead, the lower the level of the undead, the easier it is to comprehend. As for the transformed alien undead like demons and liches, it is not easy to be counted in this list.

"Pa~" Another slap, rationality came online, as if calculating a formula related to slaps, the confusion in the heart of dragon Dio was finally replaced by anger.

Dragons don't have death breathing, they disdain pale apostles. The powerful body functions of dragons can catalyze the hands of wizards, and they usually don't delve into this ability.

Dragons advocate power, they have more choices.

But at this time, in addition to the "pain on his face", Dio also calculated endless humiliation from Mu Hua's attack.

The dragon was huge, and Mu Hua was like a small insect on it. Originally, Zambak should be responsible for cleaning up Mu Hua who lay on its back.

But Zambak, that waste, was crushed to death by humans as soon as he appeared. After a few slaps, Dio lost his mind a little, and turned his back directly, bursting with animality, and smashed towards the ground like a falling meteorite.

It wanted to crush Mu Hua on its back.

The dragon did not have the blade-like scales of the evil dragon, but the surface of the dragon had fine bone spurs like sharp teeth.

Mu Hua could not tell whether this was the transformed thorn armor. The dragon that could cast magic was very troublesome, but Mu Hua did not dare to use the "Abyss Magic Mist" on it.

Unlike the dragon encountered in the Undead Courtyard, the death mist on the dragon's body will give it a sensitive sense of touch. Although the bottle of magic potion is small, the dragon in front of him will definitely not chew.

If the mutated magic potion is swallowed by the dragon, it will be fine, but if it breaks and spits it out, the dragon will at most be addicted to magic, and the magic mist inside will spread, which will be a big joke.

The dragon fell from the sky in the posture of a mad beast, and the nearby lich and Tuesday would naturally not miss the opportunity to attack.

The upturned abdomen was not afraid that Mu Hua would be accidentally injured. Countless magic bombarded the dragon, and even several liches threw the high-grade hell demon chains on the dragon.

The hell demon is a very bad demon. They are the guards of the prison in hell. They are born with a kind of chain with a restraining effect, which is a kind of body tissue.

The stronger the Hell Demon, the stronger the restraining effect of the chains on them. Both humans and monsters like to use their chains as restraint tools.

Of course, these chains are not magic weapons in the story. They can dissipate force and ban magic, but they also need to be fixed or pulled with great force.

The Hell Demon chains thrown by these liches are obviously not strong enough. The dragon claws tore them randomly, but they tore the chains apart.

Seeing that the dragon's back was about to touch the ground, Mu Hua extended the touch of jealousy and swung from the dragon's back like a swing, trying to prevent the dragon from grinding him with its body.

At this time, the dragon also showed its cunning. Its body floated in the air and stopped suddenly. The dragon mouth with ghost fire in its throat bared its teeth and bit towards Mu Hua.

Yes, cunning, the dragon's emotions are calculated, and all its emotions are unreal. It is angry, but it is restrained quickly.

"Bang!" The dragon mouth failed to bite Mu Hua, but Odysseus, who had been waiting for an opportunity, took action.

Odysseus, holding a dragon spear, descended from the sky with the help of the force of the dive. The dragon spear fiercely stabbed the dragon's head and neck, and the huge force directly smashed the floating dragon to the ground.

At this time, Odysseus's appearance changed greatly, with dragon scales on his face, and the human palms turned into sharp claws like dragon claws.

Mu Hua released the tentacles on the dragon's body, and the touch of jealousy climbed up Tamara's dragon body and turned over Tamara's dragon neck.

Tamara did not resist Mu Hua's riding, and also dived down, cooperating with Odysseus, and her thick hind legs fiercely kicked the dragon's chest and abdomen. Under many forces, the dragon finally fell to the ground.

"Boom!" The giant fell to the ground.

"Puff!" The dragon spear broke through the magic shield, pierced the dragon's neck, and nailed the dragon's head to the ground.

"Ang~~" The dragon struggled and tore, and roared in grief and anger, but Tamara, who was stepping on it, bit and kicked its chest, abdomen and ribs.

"Charge~!" The Horror Riders roared hoarsely, the warhorses charged, and a group of Horror Riders jumped onto the body of the dragon.

"Scatter!" The violent fire elements gathered, and Mu Hua and Odysseus shouted almost at the same time.

The difference is that Mu Hua shouted at the lich and Tuesday, and Odysseus also shouted at Mu Hua.

The flames burst out, and the changing flames exploded around the dragon.

It was not Tamara's magic, but the dragon burst out fire magic, trying to drive away the enemies who were doing evil on its body.

The neck was nailed to the ground by the dragon spear, and the dragon created a flame explosion like a missile explosion.

The frequency of use of low- and medium-level magic is very high, even in the hands of those high-level spellcasters.

In addition to the rapid release, magic like flame bursts that combine with their own attributes and have a certain growth in power are also the key.

The powerful flame impact blasted the ground under the dragon into a crater. Some liches that were close to the dragon were instantly shattered and burned to ashes under the dual effects of flames and impact.

Tamara was knocked back, and Odysseus was bleeding from the corners of his mouth and was also knocked away. However, Tamara was originally a fire dragon, and the erupting flames could not hurt it and Odysseus.

The summoned Terror Riders were wiped out. Facing the dragon's explosion at close range, without the affinity of fire elements, the group of Terror Riders summoned by Mu Hua could not withstand the dragon's attack.

Mu Hua was not hurt, but he was blown away much farther than Odysseus.

The dragon on the ground was not much better. Although this guy had a lot of magic power and learned fire magic, his fire resistance was obviously not very good. This attack was like a self-explosion to him.

Although the dragon was freed, there was still a dragon spear stuck in its neck, and its bone wings were broken. It was unknown whether it was burned or blown away.

The death fog on the surface of the body dissipated in an instant under the explosion of the flame impact. The dragon seemed to have turned into a skinny and huge ground dragon, and its body was full of holes, burning with unextinguished flames.

So, if you don’t have elemental affinity, you’d better not think about melee mages, as it will hurt others and yourself. . .

The dragon’s abdomen was empty, and a pile of messy dry internal organs slipped out of it.

But although it looked miserable, the dragon was still not dead. It was repairing its body in a bad form with a strong visual impact by super-speed regeneration.

Mu Hua swooped down and floated in the air with the help of flying. Those who were paying attention to the dragon’s movements near the battlefield did not intend to give up the opportunity to beat the dragon when it fell.

Including the people in the nearby mage camp, just when everyone was ready to attack, Mu Hua once again extended his jealous touch.

Reverse hand to grab!

Well, there was nothing improper to grab. Mu Hua saw the huge heart in the dragon’s ruptured abdomen.

Grab, pull, tear.

A hundred meters away, the touch of jealousy dragged a huge heart in front of Mu Hua.

What made Mu Hua's eyelids jump was that even so, the dragon was not dead yet, just staring at Mu Hua with a horrified look.

The Night Demon Knife appeared. Mu Hua's Night Demon Knife was sharp enough, but his spiritual attribute was only over 500 for the time being. With the strength of the Night Demon Knife, it would probably break and shatter when it was chopped on the bones of the dragon's body.

It couldn't cut the dragon bones, but it should be no problem to cut the dragon's heart.

Even though the dragon's heart was dry and hard, it was instantly cut by Mu Hua under the Night Demon Knife.

"Ang~~" An unpleasant roar came from the dragon's throat, and a volleyball-sized soft frozen object was pulled out of the dragon's heart by Mu Hua, like a lump of thick plasma. Almost at the moment of taking it out, the soft frozen object turned into a hard magic stone.

As the magic stone and the dragon heart separated, the magic dragon seemed to have turned into a stiff sculpture, standing on the ground in a messy and decayed state.

"Puff~~!" Dust suddenly appeared, the magic dragon dissipated, and the sky was full of demon gold coins, among which there was a suspended stone that was as big as an adult's embrace.

"Hahaha~! Mu, you should find an evil dragon, or a flying dragon, you will become a powerful dragon knight." Amidst the golden light, Odysseus's hearty laughter came.

In a series of battles, Mu Hua's methods surprised Odysseus.

Frowning and twitching his mouth, Mu Hua put away the magic dragon's magic stone, forced a smile, and waved to Odysseus in the sky.

The magic dragon is dead. Although the suspended stone is probably worth a fortune, the mouthful of dragon teeth is gone, and the projected magic dragon still makes Mu Hua very unhappy.

As for the dragon rider that Odysseus mentioned, Mu Hua couldn't complain because Tamara was present: Compared to riding a dragon, he still wanted to dismantle the parts of the dragon more... (End of this chapter)

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