"Undead spellcaster, we bring order."

"Where is your general? Or do you want to continue the chaos of hell here?"

Like the color of old obsidian, outside the wall of the demon city, Tennyson said to the deformed lich who suddenly appeared and created death.

"Order? Haha, humans, you are too impatient. There are more monsters with treasures here to fight with you."

"Do you like the suspended stones? Continue the war, if you continue the war, you can even get enough suspended stones to build the sky city."

"Unfortunately, your forbidden spells make the war ugly."

"I am Kripnos, commanding the Valley of the Dead by the order of Lord Idinos. Let me see your order." The lich laughed strangely.

The monsters did not want to end the war early, and from the tone of the lich Kripnos, they did not mind humans killing monsters. It was just because the human coalition cast a forbidden spell, the monsters did not want to escalate the intensity of the war, so they stopped the attack.

Krepnos is the leader of the demon generals entrenched in the Valley of the Dead. The leader is easy to understand. The so-called demon generals are some high-level monsters that can easily kill adult monsters and can be easily killed by the Lord of Hell.

This level is mostly composed of demons. If other races do not surrender to a certain Lord of Hell, they will often be attacked and killed by demons when they reach this level.

And those demon generals outside the demon race are usually protected by the Lord of Hell because some aspects or abilities of theirs can satisfy the interests and hobbies of some Lords of Hell.

Demon general is a very general definition of the range of individual strength. It represents a level of strength. It is not necessarily that a demon general is the leader of some monsters.

In other words, because they do not have strong enough subordinates, most of them need to surrender to the Lord of Hell and seek shelter.

Most of the demon generals in the courtyard help the Lord of the Courtyard to manage the courtyard. Krepnos in front of him can be simply understood as the general who commands all the monsters in the Valley of the Dead. They are usually stronger than ordinary demon generals.

As Krepnos spoke, several more demons surrounded by them appeared in front of Mu Hua and his group.

"Snow Ridge Ranch, Leticia." With a cold voice, the Ice Queen surrounded by several strong snow monsters walked to Krepnos, as if introducing herself to Mu Hua and his group.

The Ice Queen is a beautiful and delicate ice demon with skin like the color of ice. They are essentially female snow monsters.

However, unlike the beastly faces of snow monsters, they have a body shape and face closer to humans. It is said that the snow girls among the demons have a close relationship with them.

The appearance of Leticia made Mu Hua's expression change slightly. He was not blind to the face of the Snow Queen. Mu Hua knew this demon. The Snow Ridge Ranch she mentioned should be the Spider Demon Snow Mountain marked by the Adventurer's Guild earlier.

The ice queen in front of him was arrogant and cold, but Mu Hua swore that the last time he saw her being caught by an Arakone to "grind tofu", she looked quite coquettish. . .

Well, in a serious occasion, I shouldn't think about anything. Through Leticia's introduction, Mu Hua roughly confirmed that she was the leader of the snow mountain area in the west of this courtyard.

According to the habits of demons, pastures? There are either areas for raising monsters or cultivating demons, and Arakone, who Mu Hua and Taibesha met there earlier, is probably visiting.

"Goblin King, Gu! Humans, no matter what damn order you bring, one year, if the number of humans in the courtyard does not reach 200,000 after one year, all agreements will be invalid, all!"

After the ice queen Leticia, the Goblin King put on a huge show.

Groups of goblin wolf riders rushed out from the side of the demon city, hundreds of goblin wizards rode giant bats and circled in the sky, and heavily armored bear goblins held bloody and filthy battle flags.

The Goblin King had a body that was more bloated than the pig-headed man, and was slightly shorter than the Goblin General, but he could hold two or three Goblin Generals horizontally, like a fat and ugly head on a shoulder without a neck.

Wearing a crown inlaid with various gems, he was ugly and arrogant, like a low-class slave trader.

Compared with the playfulness of the lich and the indifference of the ice queen, the Goblin King who came with a large group of elite goblins was arrogant.

However, the two commanders looked at the Goblin King with contempt, and Tennyson didn't even look at the Goblin King for a long time, and directly ignored its threat.

Agreement? No one would make a serious agreement with the goblins. They were a group of barbarians with their heads full of "little cleverness".

Because every Goblin General will almost certainly take action to seize power and usurp the throne from the Goblin King, in order to avoid the emergence of Goblin Generals in the tribe, when Goblin Kings have a certain number of Goblin Generals under their command, they usually wage war against other races.

All courtyards where Goblin Kings exist will occasionally see Goblin riots called "Goblin Parade".

It's called plunder, but in fact, it's more that Goblin Kings want to use the enemy's hands to kill Goblin Generals with potential for advancement.

Among monsters of the same level, the individual combat power of Goblins is very average. If there are fewer of them, they are monsters that ordinary adventure teams prefer to hunt, and if there are more of them, there is no means of sneak attack.

In addition, with the Goblin King dragging his feet behind, in fact, whenever there is a grand "Goblin Parade", that period is more like a celebration for well-prepared adventurers.

Because they will give people a large amount of basic equipment and experience, and some Goblin Generals who fight to the end and fight to the death will eventually come physically. In the process of repeatedly killing them, you can still get some good things.

Not to mention the human envoys, even the many demons present ignored the Goblin King's cry.

Among the many goblins worshiping the Goblin King, a strange creature that looked like a puppet slowly walked up to the Lich and the Snow Queen, followed by several clever demons.

"Humans, I like order. Valk says hello to you. If possible, I don't want you to disturb the peace of the Clever Forest."

The Machine Demon, this slender and petite puppet among a group of monsters is about the same height as an adult human male. It is definitely a petite existence among high-level demons.

Yes, high-level demons and mechanism demons are very mysterious and rare. People can't even be sure whether they originally looked like this or whether they were modified afterward.

The mechanism demons usually have the blood of high-level demons, and even underage forms can generally possess the combat power of high-level monsters.

Unlike the previous ones, Valk doesn't like to fight with humans. It just wants to squat quietly in the clever forest to gain emotional energy.

However, this does not mean that the mechanism demon has a peaceful temperament. Even Mu Hua knows the reason for its reaction.

After all, unlike other monsters, the Clever Forest follows the path of magicians, and every attack they make consumes resources.

Even if we don't talk about the sacrifices during projection, the magical weapons under his command, the body of the God of Magic, including firearms, ammunition, etc., cannot be projected.

It's similar to the human side. If it's not necessary, the machine demon doesn't want to fight with the human beings.

To put it bluntly, it doesn't matter to other commanders to get some cannon fodder and catch some monsters and throw them to fight against humans. Even if their own subordinates die, they will die. If they re-appoint a few managers, they may also receive confessions from new subordinates. Woolen cloth.

But when the devil's subordinates fight against humans, they only fight for money.

But also because of this, Tennyson and the others looked at the mechanism demon with the most intense eyes.

If they fight in the courtyard in the future, they will most likely go to the Clever Forest to find trouble. After all, the Clever Forest is the monster force most likely to be brought down in a tug-of-war.

And if you leave them alone, they are not consumed normally, but when they suddenly explode, they are a force that is quite capable of attacking difficult problems.

Compared to the monster forces that can recruit men from hell at any time, you really can't play with magicians without money. Uncertain factors such as the Clever Forest must also receive priority attention from humans.

Four commanders appeared one after another. They seemed to be the high-level monsters in this courtyard who wanted to contact the human envoys.

But not to mention the master of the courtyard here, even the Arachne known to mankind did not show up. The area controlled by the four of them is only the first half of the Cannes courtyard.

It's hard to tell whether they look down on Tennyson and the others, or simply look down on humans. It seems that these four commanders are all members who will represent the monsters in negotiations with humans. (End of chapter)

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