The Secret Garden of the Dandelion Troupe

Chapter 402 Jealousy of Ghosts and Gods

Adventurers are free. This freedom is not arbitrary, but all their actions are based on their own subjective will.

They are often more like mercenaries. They do life-threatening work. When seeking their help, don't talk about righteousness and sentiment, just promise them benefits. In the adventurer circle, trust and honor are still very important.

After the Star Patrol Conference ended, the video about the battle for the establishment of the Kanins Courtyard was spread on the magic network one day later.

Kanins Courtyard was officially opened to the public. The three invited brigades established resident manors in the fortress city, and the Kingdom of Galaposo established a diplomatic residence in the fortress city.

In addition to the invited personnel, not all adventurers are eligible to participate in the Star Patrol Conference. Adventurers who can participate in the Star Patrol Conference are those who have completed a certain number of adventure tasks in the 357 courtyards earlier.

The most intuitive benefit of participating in this Star Patrol War is that they all obtain the right to open up the Kanins Courtyard.

In other words, in the Kanins Courtyard, those who have the right to open up the city can circle and open up wasteland in all areas 30 kilometers outside the fortress city.

Whether it is for cultivation or for building a fortress, as long as you report to the fortress city, the land will be privately owned and will be legally protected by humans.

If those development areas are attacked by monsters, the fortress city may not have the spare strength to send troops to support, but if others want to rob and occupy, they will inevitably be subject to legal sanctions from humans.

Of course, this kind of development behavior is not just a fence you can put up to enclose the land as you want.

First of all, a development right can only enclose a piece of uninterrupted complete land, regardless of size, but you cannot enclose a piece of land in the east and a piece of land in the west.

Secondly, the premise of reporting is that you have indeed made effective development of the land, such as reclaiming and planting crops in farmland, such as grazing livestock farms, or indeed building a fortress settlement suitable for human habitation.

Development rights are a right, but its use and operation depends on one's own strength.

However, with the full opening of the Caines Courtyard, more adventurers will come here. If you do not have enough development strength, this development right can also be transferred and sold, or you can cooperate with some powerful groups.

In general, it is a special benefit for those adventurers who contributed to the development of the Caines Courtyard in the early days.

As landowners, the registered townspeople naturally have this right to develop.

To a certain extent, the townspeople did not get any substantial benefits from the development of Caines City in the human world, but the right to develop Caines Courtyard can be regarded as a windfall for them, similar to the demolition households.

Of course, this kind of windfall also depends on the prospects of Caines Courtyard and whether someone will buy the development rights in their hands.

It has to be said that life is magical, and sometimes things like getting rich can't be achieved by hard work.

The festive atmosphere in Caines Courtyard has not subsided. In addition to the "victory" of the war, the adventurers are also excited about their future.

Some power groups have begun to purchase the development rights from the "old-fashioned" adventurers of Caines Courtyard.

Each brigade is busy with their own resident affairs, and each strategy team carefully studies the layout of monsters in the courtyard, and speeds up the design of the initial plot for the strategy teams to appear.

Some adventurers are planning to expand, while others, after making a fortune, start to buy themselves the weapons and equipment they have longed for.

The garrison regiment stopped using the military regulations of the fortress city. The administrative main office, the garrison regiment, and the adventurer's union jointly arranged the various administrative departments of the fortress city.

The humans in the Caines Courtyard are busy with their own things, and Bear Pig Town has also ushered in a new wave of people.

In winter, the snow melts, and the bright sunshine shines on Caines City in the afternoon. Because humans have successfully established themselves in Caines Courtyard, Caines City in the human world is also shrouded in a joyful atmosphere.

When people are smiling and happy, a strange energy wave passes through Caines City. Most people don't feel anything strange, but those with psychic physiques feel uncomfortable for a moment.

Palpitations, palpitations that make people's hair stand on end. Although the feeling of discomfort is only for a moment, the goose bumps that have not faded for a while make it impossible to ignore the authenticity of this moment of abnormality.

"Hiss~" In front of the police station, Ronald was escorting an adventurer with an unregistered monster. He suddenly shuddered and took a breath uncontrollably.

"Huh? Boss, what's wrong?" Seeing Ronald's body suddenly stiffen, Joe held the hilt of the sword at his waist and stared at the adventurer next to him who looked resentful.

As night hunters stationed in Caines City, Ronald, Joe, Marcy, and a local Tongweier, they have been very busy recently.

Unlike the guard team, the overall number of night hunters is not large. They are scattered in small teams and share intelligence with the guard team and the adventurer's union.

Usually they deal with ghosts and resentful spirits. When they encounter dangerous incidents, they will send a gathering request to nearby night hunters.

Because Caines City was originally a remote town, even if it was developed, many of the rules and regulations here are not perfect.

When the courtyard here is officially stable, the large influx of adventurers will not cause any big trouble here, but there are many guys with unregistered monsters among them.

Some are team herds, some are personal combat pets, and some are contracted familiars. These beings suddenly gathered together, were not registered, and were not human dependents. They caused the monster alarm in Caines City to sound again and again, which gave Ronald and his companions a headache.

These people usually go straight to the courtyard of Caines. Once they enter the courtyard, the monster warning will no longer sound, so these people don't need to be taken care of by the Night Hunters.

But there are some ignorant guys who will wander around Caines City, just like the adventurer that Ronald is escorting at this time. The monster warning keeps sounding, and they can't ignore it.

Now, there is no criminal record. If he is caught, don't worry about fines or detention. Escort him to the guard team and let the guard team handle it.

"Don't you feel anything?" Stopping, Ronald also looked at the adventurers around him with suspicious eyes, and then opened his sleeves, looked at the hairs on his forearms, and asked several of his team members.

"Feeling? What feeling?" Several people were puzzled, and the captured adventurer was also at a loss.

"Well... It's okay, I guess there are strong people coming to town?" Ronald shook his head hesitantly, confirmed that there was nothing unusual, patted the adventurer with handcuffs, and walked into the door of the police station.

At the same time, Tricia, who was cleaning her witch's hut, also felt a strange fluctuation. Her body stiffened, and a strange look flashed in her eyes. After a brief thought, she walked to the bookshelf, took out an old book and looked for something.

Unlike the hesitation of the two, Caroline, who also left the courtyard, chose the location of the additional campus in the fortress city, and her eyes were filled with horror.

Elzak in the dusk courtyard frowned, and the lazy expression on the face of the nearby moment gradually dissipated. The cherry lips opened slightly and muttered in a low voice: "Ghosts?"

A spiritual fluctuation caused some reactions in the city of Caines. Most people who felt it did not know what this fleeting fluctuation specifically represented.

And the Caines courtyard was welcoming a peak of entry, and some people attributed it to the unintentional actions of a strong man.

But at the source of this fluctuation, Mu Hua, who had just come out of the Abyss Island, twitched his mouth with a tangled face.

Well, among the original sins, the pros and cons of other original sins are difficult to comment on, but when the word jealousy is mentioned, it is inevitable to give people some insidious impressions.

As a newly-minted ghost god, Mu Hua has obtained the power of jealousy. Although he cannot control his influence on the outside world, concealing his own soul fluctuations can be regarded as a specialty of jealousy.

When he found something wrong at the beginning of the dimension conversion, Mu Hua immediately made adjustments. If he didn't say it, he shouldn't be discovered as abnormal as Tao Le Si.

However, it is true that ordinary people can't find his abnormality, but his influence on the outside world will not stop. As long as he is still squatting in Caines City, whoever dies in this area will become a "ghost".

His existence has become an alien rule. Sooner or later, someone will find that there is an unrefined ghost god in this area.

Mu Hua's eyelids twitched. Things seem to be a bit serious. . . (End of this chapter)

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