The Secret Garden of the Dandelion Troupe

Chapter 437: Immature Color Range

An hour has passed since the outbreak of the Sleeping Spell. Although the Caines Courtyard received an alarm, the unknown trap at the entrance of the courtyard in the human world was not mentioned for the time being. In the courtyard, the lich leader of the Death Valley rode a magic dragon to appear near the fortress city for some reason.

The lich Krepnos neither attacked nor evacuated, and then he actually fought with some winged demons near the fortress city, as if there was an internal fight between the monsters, but it was too close to the fortress city, and the human side did not dare to ignore it.

Combined with the news brought by Odysseus about the outside of the courtyard, although it is speculated that the people who made trouble outside the courtyard may be related to Krepnos, although it is speculated that Krepnos may be deliberately pretending to contain the fighting power in the courtyard.

But the fortress city is still in an emergency state of preparation. Even if Krepnos has no intention of attacking the fortress city, if some winged demons and dragons get into the city, the newly appointed managers of the fortress city cannot afford the responsibility.

The Fortress City contacted Heyman and asked Heyman to investigate the specific situation in Caines City, but they didn't know that there were already eight dragons flying in the town.

Odysseus only knew that someone was casting a sleeping spell in the town, and the transmission coordinates of several people with keys were not located in Caines City. Some people who returned to the human world from the courtyard entrance lost contact, and there was no accurate information about the specific situation in the outside world.

Considering that the courtyard entrance might be blocked by firepower, no one was willing to take the risk of going out to withstand the obstruction of those garrison weapons. Weighing the pros and cons, the Fortress City defended against Krepnos and temporarily pushed the external situation to Heyman, ordering Heyman to provide detailed rescue information.

One hour was enough for other areas to find out the situation in the town through various means, and the information of Mu Hua and Penelope was presented to the bigwigs from all sides.

Combined with Penelope, who should not have appeared in Caines at all, and the "shackles" that lost contact with Penelope, the general situation of the incident was quickly analyzed.

In other words, the city of Caines was hit by an insect plague, a large number of humans were slaughtered, the three original sins were fighting in a tiny town, and eight dragons were howling. What kind of a hell is this situation?

The surrounding area of ​​Caines was urgently blocked, the empire was furious, and all forces were surprised. Facing a battle of the level of ghosts and gods, sending conventional troops would only increase casualties. All parties contacted strong people and rushed to Caines at high speed to try to suppress the situation.

When Tuesday dragged the Rante demon with his chopped hands and feet back to the academy, there were supersonic fighters flying over the town for reconnaissance.

However, the battle between the dragon and Penelope would not take into account the approaching fighters at all. Even two fighters were affected by the battle and were directly blown up in the air.

On the ground, the battle between Mu Hua and the great demon Barber also appeared in front of Tuesday in a weird way.

Hundreds of demons and demons gathered in the academy from nowhere. These men of Penelope did not entangle with the dragon and the terror riders. Under Barber's command, they besieged Mu Hua like a group of death warriors.

Agile figures shuttled around Mu Hua, and the attacks of the magic dragons could easily affect Mu Hua. Three magic dragons hovered in the air to prevent Barber from escaping with the help of flying ability. The terror riders drove away the enemies around Mu Hua, trying to get Mu Hua out of the chaos.

Mu Hua was a little embarrassed. The movements of these death warriors were swift and irregular, and the quality of their swords was not low. They could generally cut Mu Hua's skin.

Fortunately, Mu Hua had obtained unlimited martial arts training earlier. As the battle continued, Mu Hua's sword wielding became more and more methodical. When the bone shield was put on again, it would not be dismantled as quickly as at the beginning.

These dead warriors made Mu Hua embarrassed and caused many wounds on him. However, no matter it was fists, claws, swords, or spears of the Touch of Jealousy, with the blessing of huge force, those dead warriors could be said to be killed by a touch and shattered by a touch, which was more like highlighting Mu Hua's horror.

Barber's situation was a bit weird. Mu Hua was still fighting with the enemy. The first time he saw Barber on Tuesday, the big and strong demon was slapping himself.

Mu Hua threw Death Coil on him, well, that is, Mu Hua put a bone shield on him.

The big demon was not affected by the dead air. The dead air in nature was not much different from mineral water for the demon, but the death coil thrown by others was different. That thing was basically equivalent to sprinkling blades and glass shards in mineral water. You drink it, you drink it hard.

Because Death Coil basically had no immediate damage effect, Death Coil was easy to break. As long as the bone shield was broken, it would be eliminated. Originally, Barber didn't care much.

Hammered himself twice, huh? And, hammered again, still not removed? Hammered again, Barber was a little panicked.

Death Coil does not have an immediate damage effect, but if it is worn for a long time, the flesh and blood will rot and die, right?

There are two dragons in the sky staring at him all the time, how many layers of bone shield has this human in front of him built?

He caught himself and beat him up, and the effect of Death Coil was still there, but Mu Hua found time to save him another one.

"Burn me!" Seeing that it was not a solution to continue self-mutilation like this, Barber grabbed a nearby demon angrily.

Death Coil did not show any signs from the surface, and the demon blinked blankly, and finally, under Barber's scolding, he smashed a fireball on its leg.

"Puff~!" Just after the fireball was shot, a spear pierced the back of the demon's head and came out of his mouth, and the touch of jealousy threw the demon's body away. This group of dead soldiers who came out of nowhere had been restrained by the Terror Riders, and Mu Hua also freed his hands.

The plume-like halo on Penelope's body in the sky has disappeared. It is estimated that the energy of the mecha has been almost consumed.

Mu Hua stared at Barber while panting. He killed the big demon first. After getting rid of the big demon, he could use dispel to make Penelope cry.

"Master." Tuesday came to Mu Hua and told him that Doris was unwilling to surrender. Then he looked at Barber and asked Mu Hua if he needed her to do it.

Her limbs were chopped off and Doris had no regeneration ability, but she still maintained the state of the Rante demon. However, she was more likely to be killed by Tuesday in another state.

"It's okay if she doesn't surrender, as long as she can lay eggs. Keep an eye on her and don't let her die." Ignoring the disabled Rante demon, signaling Tuesday to guard against Barber's escape, Mu Hua held a sword and a long spear like a venomous snake spitting out its tongue around him, and walked towards Barber.

As a jealous ghost, Mu Hua is very immature.

And judging from the current situation, as a color domain demon, Barber is probably also very immature.

Original sin is mysterious and powerful, but the cultivation of abilities has its own focus, and no magic can be invincible as long as it is learned.

Mu Hua is immature, and his magic and personal attributes are not comprehensive, but just like Mu Hua's doll-like jealousy, it is estimated that most of the magic life of this Barber in front of him is also competing with the ability related to the color domain.

Barber is very powerful. If it was before the courtyard war, this big demon would probably be able to show Mu Hua eighteen kinds of appearances, but his strength is very ordinary among big demons, and his strength is not much stronger than Tuesday.

After the courtyard war, Mu Hua, who has grown greatly, can beat it with fists or jealous touch, and Penelope can't recognize it.

Mu Hua spent a lot of skill stones on jealous talent, and his combat power is basically reflected in the ability contained in jealousy. But who made Mu Hua's original direction of improvement not jealousy at all, but undead summoning.

Facing the combat power of Barber and Penelope, Mu Hua's other magics may not be up to par, but apart from jealousy, he created eight magic dragons and even dispelled krypton.

And Barber, this guy, to some extent, looks more tender than Mu Hua, especially his color range has not shown any means that can threaten Mu Hua.

At first, the body of the original sin and the big devil still gave Mu Hua a lot of psychological pressure, but as he gradually adapted to the tall and strong big devil in front of him, Barber looked quite fresh in Mu Hua's eyes.

Mu Hua thought Barber was a little fresh, but Barber's perception of Mu Hua was much worse.

Barber could clearly see the magician's hand on Mu Hua, including the tentacle branches derived from the soul. In Barber's eyes, Mu Hua was simply a tentacle monster with a bad shape.

"Damn low-level creatures!" Feeling Mu Hua's contempt, the fear in his heart was suppressed by anger. When Barber roared, countless mosquitoes gathered and buzzed, as if a huge ghost hand was slapping Mu Hua.

Barber never thought that his mosquitoes were weak. His mosquitoes could assimilate blood and ignore blood attacks, and they were also immune to water elements.

Although they were weak individually, their numbers and proliferation speed were very strong. With enough support, even top warriors could be sucked into a dry corpse by them in a short time.

"Flame coat."

"Bear~!" The bone shield dissipated, and Mu Hua was covered with a flame dress.

Mu Hua didn't know the specific situation of these mosquitoes that Barber had created, but he always thought that these mosquitoes of Barber were useless. This was a color domain demon that was a novice and picked its feet.

The flame coat conflicted with the bone shield. With it, the undead bone shield basically couldn't stay.

But Mu Hua found that these mosquitoes could eliminate the death entanglement on Barber. Countless mosquitoes swarmed towards him, and the bone shield obviously could not stay.

Under the burning of the flame coat, the black mosquito swarm could not get close to Mu Hua at all.

Not only did the mosquitoes stained with the flame coat turn into ashes in an instant, but the dense mosquitoes helped each other burn, and the giant hands of the mosquito swarm turned into giant flaming palms in an instant, like ignited gunpowder, spreading into ashes in the blink of an eye.

"Puff! Puff! Puff~~~" The spear entered the body, and the spear held by the soul tentacles pierced into the body and limbs of the big demon.

"Bang!" The big demon's sword blocked the spear, and the next moment, Barber was knocked to the ground by the huge force of the mage's hand.

The spear nailed the big demon to the ground, stepped on the big demon's body, stepped on the big demon's chest, and Mu Hua raised the sword in his hand.

"Low-class creature! I curse you, I curse you to sink in the eternal color domain! I curse you to never be redeemed!" The big demon roared fiercely, and Mu Hua paused with his raised sword.

Curse? It is not clear whether the color domain has this ability, but Mu Hua is not affected by this kind of curse now.

But the color domain? Sinking? Redemption?

Although it is not clear whether the "ancient scam" has anything to do with the color domain, the roar of the big demon still evokes Mu Hua's bad memories.





The sword that was originally chopped towards the big demon's neck changed direction, avoiding the big demon's heart. Mu Hua stepped on the big demon's body and stabbed it randomly.

Roaring, scolding, and finally gradually turned into screaming and begging for mercy.

The blood under the big demon gathered into a small river. Mu Hua stabbed and cursed: "Curse, I asked you to curse, color domain, ancient scam, you keep cursing, curse!?" (End of this chapter)

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