"Hu~" The floating flames eroded a big goblin. When the blazing white flames came into contact with the monster, a sound of gusts of wind was heard.

In just a blink of an eye, the big goblin didn't even scream, as if he had evaporated from the face of the earth, and instantly turned into ashes, and then even the ashes were ignited.

"Tsk~" Without burning objects, the magic flames naturally dissipated. Mu Hua's expression on his face was both happy and disgusted.

At this time, except for Tina and Monday, including Tuesday, Tabesha and others all staggered far away from Mu Hua, fearing that the flames created by Mu Hua would drift onto them.

Facing a howling bear goblin again, a fire cloud appeared in front of Mu Hua, and the fire cloud swept over the bear goblin, leaving a faint shadow for a moment, and a lively bear goblin disappeared from everyone's sight again.

"It seems that I still need to learn how to control the temperature of the flame." Mu Hua muttered, and Tina and Zhou Yi, who had an affinity with the element of fire, nodded beside him.

Although he did not obtain a flame with special properties, after the intensity of the flame increased, Mu Hua experimented with goblins. Overall, it was very cool and powerful, but also very wasteful.

It was not a waste. When dealing with abyss monsters, Mu Hua usually did not let the dragon take action, because they always made the monsters tattered, which greatly affected the smelting production, not to mention Mu Hua's arson, which was difficult to leave ashes.

After burning two goblins, Mu Hua once again sprinkled the flame on a siren. The siren screamed shrilly when it was touched by the flame. In a breath, the siren died, and the charred corpse was burned to ashes in two or three breaths.

Mu Hua nodded. Even without the affinity of the fire element, it seems that the elemental resistance of the demon is still relatively strong.

"Tina." Pointing to a claw demon jumping up and down beside the Terror Rider, Tina released defensive magic in front of the claw demon, and Mu Hua waved a burst of flames towards the claw demon.

As if instinctively, the claw demon held its head with its arms to take defensive actions. The defensive barrier blocked the flames for about three seconds. When the defensive magic was broken, the claw demon ignited by the flames suffered the same fate as the Siren before.

"Defensive magic is not given for nothing." After several experiments, Mu Hua also had a general understanding of his own flames.

How to say it, among the middle and low-level monsters, he should be invincible, at least in terms of killing, he should be invincible.

Even if the defensive magic can form a certain resistance, don't forget that the flames he released at this time can't even be considered magic, and as long as the magic power is sufficient, he can continue to materialize this flame in a large area.

"Huh!" The fire wave surged again towards a Minotaur entangled with a group of Terror Riders.

The fire wave engulfed both sides of the battle. Both the Terror Rider and the Minotaur roared in pain, and both sides burst out with body-breaking energy.

The only difference was that the Minotaur dispersed the flames on his body, while the Terror Riders summoned by Mu Hua were burned to death before the flames were dispersed.

"Roar!" The magic pattern on the Minotaur's body emitted a stronger light, but a large area of ​​its skin was already burnt.

"Bang!" A fireball hit the angry Minotaur, and the roar stopped abruptly. The Minotaur's face was distorted, and the part of its body hit by the fireball was already a piece of cooked meat.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" Stimulated by the severe pain, the Minotaur's dark eyes flashed red, and he rushed towards Mu Hua regardless of anything.

"Flame impact!"

"Bang!" The flame with impact force stopped the Minotaur's collision.

The flames that enveloped the Minotaur drowned it. Although it did not push the Minotaur back, the Minotaur took two stiff steps, raised his head and lowered his arms, and his body seemed to be stiff and still.

Smoke with the aroma of meat floated over the Minotaur, and the rhythm of life disappeared from the stiff Minotaur.

"Bear!" As if ignited from within, the Minotaur's mouth and nose were the first to burst into flames.

Mu Hua waved his hand to dispel the flames on the Minotaur. Since the experiment, this was finally a creature that barely left a complete body in the attack of flames.

Magical Protection Skill Stone * 1, Physical Crystal * 2, Hundred Refining Secret Stone * 4, Minotaur Bloodline * 0.2, Soul Dust * 101, Philosopher's Stone * 18.

The Minotaur was smelted, and the flesh and blood that could almost be served directly on the table did not even have the Minotaur's tendons, and there were only two physical crystals.

To be honest, Minotaur is a good medium for keratinous skin, but it is not very suitable for smelting.

Attribute crystals basically only produce physical strength, and as for skill stones, they always produce some combat skills or magic protection skill stones. If it weren't for the ultimate power, Mu Hua would probably throw them into the blood pool.

"Now I finally understand why so many demon hunters retire every year. You look more like a ghost now." Seeing that Mu Hua no longer used his flames for experiments, Taibesha approached Mu Hua and sighed.

Compared with Mu Hua's original abilities, the flames he made now are too domineering. The absolute lethality will make people feel powerless and afraid from instinct.

Just like at this time, even Ikaros and Tuesday, while approaching Mu Hua, kept a certain distance from him.

Low-level fire element affinity can't withstand Mu Hua's fiery flames. Even if they know that Mu Hua will not hurt them, they are still subconsciously afraid that Mu Hua will accidentally "fire".

Whether it was family love or friendship, Taibesha's original feelings for Mu Hua produced an irrepressible awe between the birth and dissipation of those clusters of flames.

"It's OK, maybe a little short of it." Mu Hua patted Zhou Yi's rough skin, and the corners of his mouth curled up. The words "a little short of it" were not modesty.

A little short of it. If Zhou Yi evolved into Cerberus, he would dare to attack the three-headed hellhound in the abyss. The three-headed hellhound might be able to get hellfire, which is a qualitative change of fire. It has destructive properties other than high temperature.

"The Adventurer's Guild has the key to Panjiade Courtyard for sale. I plan to let Vivian and Barbara lead the team respectively. For the logistics team, how about we take 30% of the profit?" Taibesha asked Mu Hua.

Going to Panjiade Courtyard is naturally to hunt imps. Mu Hua has communicated with Taibesha several times about all kinds of things. Taibesha has decided to train the members of the logistics team, but she is not so selfless and fully committed.

"You can do whatever you want. Observe their character for a while. If it's suitable, you can bring them here later." Mu Hua said indifferently. As he spoke, the magician's hand caught a demon ghost in front of him.

After experiencing all kinds of things in Caines City, involving the establishment of power, Mu Hua also tried his best to adjust his mentality and try to adapt to the appointment of confidants instead of only daring to use slaves.

The world is wide, and perhaps the master and slaves can live together comfortably, but in such a big world, in the eyes of the groups outside the two, the leader whose subordinates are all slaves is garbage, and the slaves under such people are also garbage.

Since he wants to establish his own power, Mu Hua doesn't want to become that kind of garbage dump. The garbage dump will be cleaned up. Even if you are a pile of deadly nuclear waste, others can't shovel you, they will only isolate and exclude you, and no one will be willing to get along with you normally.

Grabbing a ghost, Mu Hua condensed a bone soul, threw the ghost into the bone soul, and started the strengthening spell. It was unknown whether the ghost devoured the bone soul or the bone soul devoured the ghost.

The combination of the two, a more spiritual bone soul floated beside Mu Hua, but it was a strengthened bone soul created by Mu Hua.

Mu Hua's spiritual attribute has reached 900+, and Doris plus the soul devourer also made his soul grow faster than before.

Mu Hua can keep eight or nine strengthened bone souls like the one in front of him at the same time. The bone soul is a symbol of a high-level necromancer, but if you want it to truly have the deterrence of high-level magic, you still need this strengthened style.

"The ghosts transformed by the abyss monsters are more suitable for corpses. The transformed and strengthened bone souls are too aggressive and difficult to control."

"Do you have magic props to store the strengthened bone souls? You don't want to carry it with you, do you?" Vivian said, looking at the bone souls that turned into ferocious mouths from time to time beside Mu Hua.

"No, I'll make one later. Interstitial space will also be fine, right?" Mu Hua asked.

"Yes." Vivian nodded.

"Pah!" Mu Hua raised his hand and slapped the bone souls around him. This kind of strengthened bone soul can exist for a long time, but they are as easy to be broken up as normal bone souls.

"Waste." Vivian accused with some envy. She was looking forward to Mu Hua's statement of improving attributes, and Odysseus actually asked her to be a vicious female supporting role. Go to hell with the strategy group.

Shaking his head and chuckling, Mu Hua bought himself some more physical crystals. He now has more than a thousand fishing rods. Relying on the abyss monsters alone, he can harvest one or two hundred physical crystals every day.

It won't be long before his family will have a comprehensive physical improvement.

When the physical fitness reaches 1500+, Mu Hua will absorb the tree-herding rhythm. This skill should help the golden apple tree grow and survive. If he can grow golden apples, then the warp potion will probably not be far away. (End of this chapter)

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