In the courtyard of Caines, the dragon flew high in the sky. Mu Hua planned to go to the Death Canyon to experiment with the specific attack effects of some magic.

There were many trivial matters in the outside world. He contacted Amos and asked him to go to the camp of the Fire Brigade in the Prison Demon Cave to get the Kraken spinal cord.

Webster contacted Odysseus and hoped that he would shoot some more passionate videos to dilute the public's attention to the Caines incident.

Originally, Odysseus planned to use the summoned beasts of Taibesha and others to explore some dangerous areas in the Goblin Kingdom. As a result, Taibesha resigned with her team and went to the Pangarde Crater to hunt ghosts.

Odysseus complained to Mu Hua. Mu Hua was willing to go to the Goblin King City to try it out, but was opposed and persuaded by the Adventurer's Guild.

The Goblin King City belongs to the command area. Even if a ghost like Mu Hua goes there to hunt demons, it does not violate the combat power restriction agreement with the monsters.

The main reason why the Adventurer's Guild opposed it was that if Mu Hua went all out, it would easily affect the growth of the number of adventurers in the Caines Courtyard.

Yes, even if we don't consider the agreement with the monsters, Mu Hua can't rush around in the courtyard with a hammer and a stick.

The courtyard is too big, and it is not something that one or two people can achieve to compete with the monsters. It's not that the strong can't kill the monsters, but that they can't do it at all.

In such a large courtyard, even if it is just a low-level monster, without a sufficient number of individual combat power, running around can't cope with the invasion of monsters.

And like Mu Hua, today he goes to the Goblin King City, tomorrow he goes to the Ice Queen, the day after tomorrow he goes to the Clever Forest to throw the Death Doom, and then reaps countless spoils.

As a result, other adventurers who are still gradually exploring, deploying tactics, and trying to find the elite monsters to split up, do you think they will cheer for you?

No, it is estimated that they are more likely to give you the middle finger, you are awesome, go fight by yourself, buddy change places!!!

Well, it's a very simple truth, so Mu Hua can't wander around, unless he wants to go to the Bloody Hills in the second half of the courtyard. Otherwise, in the first half of the buffer zone between humans and demons, Mu Hua can't mess around.

It's not that Mu Hua can't deal with monsters, but among the Goblin Kingdom, Snow Ridge Ranch, Mechanical Forest, and Death Canyon, which is the gateway to the Bloody Hills, Mu Hua is better off choosing one to attack.

If Mu Hua can harass or suppress the monsters on one or two routes, I guess everyone will like it and applaud. But if he does it everywhere and goes wherever there is benefit, then I guess no one will play with him.

It is indeed dangerous for adventurers to hunt monsters, but taking such risks to hunt monsters is also for profit. Mu Hua's selective hunting of monsters will not affect others and prevent adventurers who come to Caines from switching to other places.

It's not that the Adventurer's Guild restricts Mu Hua, but now there is only one human main city in Caines Courtyard.

The monsters in the courtyard are like fish fry in the ocean, rampant, ferocious, and can project repeatedly. Mu Hua himself hopes that more adventurers will come here, at least to build a few more human cities in the first half of this courtyard, so as to form a certain degree of stable joint defense.

Among several choices, Mu Hua prefers the Death Canyon. According to his own growth, he can attack or defend, and it does not affect the actions of other adventurers at this stage.

Of course, he has no attack plan this time. He just wants to see his current combat level, show his "fist" to the outside world, and observe the situation of the Death Canyon on the spot.

The Death Canyon is 20,000 kilometers long. If there is no magic assistance, even if the magic dragon flies, it will take more than ten hours to pass through the whole area. If it is changed to the evil dragon, it may have to rest once or twice in the middle. It can be seen that its range is wide.

The area adjacent to the eastern part of the Mechanical Forest is a low-risk area. Most of them are low-level undead, and there are a small number of demons. But if you hunt demons here, you need to guard against the cold guns from the Mechanical Forest.

As for the land travel, the best way to reach the Death Valley is to pass through the Goblin Kingdom. The eastern part of the Mechanical Forest is more like a trap. If the Mechanical Forest is not suppressed, it is not wise to try to reach the Blood Hills through here.

The eight dragons flew over here, and even if they left shadows on the ground, they did not attract the sniping of the Mechanical Forest. If it were not for the monsters being unable to identify the enemy, it is estimated that they would not want to provoke these dragons.

From south to north, a geographical fault is like a world roof across the courtyard from east to west. Across this fault is the Bloody Hills. The demons there are almost all adults. If it is not necessary, Arakone Muhua, who rules there, does not want to try to provoke them for the time being.

Before the mountain fault, the dragon turned and flew from east to west in the area of ​​the Death Valley.

The city of the lich leader Repnos is located at the west end of the valley, with the Snow Ridge Pasture as a barrier. In the entire Valley of the Dead, humans have temporarily discovered seventeen gathering places for the dead with specifications above the castle.

In addition to the undead, there are more demons here. The demons here are mainly Baran demons and monsters. Even if you see monsters and orcs here, they all look like laborers who are harshly enslaved.

It is called a canyon, but in fact it is a description after comparing with other areas. The north-south distance of the Death Canyon is also vast, close to 2,000 kilometers. The magic dragon is not flying high enough to get a glimpse of the whole ground.

"Roar!" The magic dragon flew low over a castle, attracting the roar of the undead below.

The monsters here are building a city with the castle as the center. After a rough inspection of the monsters, not to mention the half-armored Baran demons and the supervisor-like monsters, there are thousands of black-armored skeleton generals guarding the castle. The highest-ranking skeleton undead is the Death Knight. Mu Hua ignored this place, the magic dragon took off and continued to fly west.

Not seeing the Terror Knight, Mu Hua didn't want to waste time here. Although he came to experiment with his magic, Mu Hua still wanted to get some headless knights to smelt.

Mu Hua was about to leave, but the monsters below seemed to regard Mu Hua's behavior as a provocation, entrenched in the castle. Even in the face of multiple magic dragons, the monsters here were quite arrogant. Mu Hua did not attack them, but they took the lead in chasing Mu Hua.

Several death rays were easily dodged by the magic dragon. I don't know if the existence of the leader here wants to show his majesty in front of his men. There are actually two bone dragons in the air, facing the magic dragon who doesn't want to stay and pretend to chase.

"Turn around!" Standing on the dragon's head, holding the dragon's spiky horn, Mu Hua said as the dragon turned sideways.



After two breaths, the dragon could not spit out dragon fire breath, but it would be fine if the dragon spit out death breath, but Mu Hua roared from his throat, and a flame like dragon breath spurted out of his mouth. The blazing white flame instantly turned a bone dragon into a 'fire dragon'.

Others commanded the dragon they were riding to spit out breath, but Mu Hua was good, driving the dragon and spitting fire himself. . .

Dragon Breath Lungs, the skill given to Mu Hua by the Bam demon who was supposed to be Mu Hua's follower, not only allows Mu Hua to treat the fire element as pure oxygen, but also allows Mu Hua to have the ability to spit fire breath.

Speaking of which, some skill stones really can't be kryptonian randomly. Although the lungs have mutated, humans don't have other matching physiological organs. This is a skill that requires affinity with the fire element to dare to get involved. Otherwise, obtaining this ability is almost close to self-immolation.

Originally, Mu Hua's flame intensity was not very good, so he had never shown this ability. At this time, the bone dragon targeted by the magic dragon had already withstood a breath of death.

Although the bone dragon sprayed by Mu Hua has not been completely destroyed, the bones all over its body have been ignited. It is estimated that it is only a matter of time before it is burned to slag.

"Let's go!" Patting the dragon horn, Mu Hua led a group of magic dragons to continue to the west, and the bone dragon that just pretended to chase Mu Hua was fleeing in the opposite direction.

The demons in the castle below stopped roaring. When they were far away, Mu Hua seemed to see a defensive barrier rising above the castle, but in a blink of an eye, Mu Hua was far away.

Looking down from the sky, after passing two more castles where the Headless Knight was not seen, when the fourth castle appeared in Mu Hua's sight, the periphery of this castle could basically be regarded as a small city.

The walls mixed with bones were lined with air hunting crossbows, and the thickest crossbow arrows could probably be considered dragon hunting crossbows.

"Ang!" The castle was located in the center of the city. The tail of a magic dragon was wrapped around the attic on the top of the castle, and it was not seen rising into the air. The magic dragon squatted on the castle, looking up at the magic dragon led by Mu Hua, roaring in protest.

Mu Hua commanded two magic dragons to dive into the city, but before they approached the attack range of the breath, the dense rays and crossbow arrows instantly submerged the magic dragon.

The dense attack made the death mist on the magic dragon wither, and the crossbow arrows with open wings slashed at the bone wings of the magic dragon, causing the magic dragon to lose balance.

The dragon swooped down and fell into the city. At this time, hundreds of Purgatory War Horses were running in the city, and the headless knights holding heavy weapons and blunt weapons once again submerged the two dragons.

"Go down!" Mu Hua ordered, no longer ramming the city, but letting the dragons lower their flying altitude hundreds of meters away from the city wall.

"Mu Hua!!!" The roar of the demon stunned Mu Hua, who summoned the two dead dragons again.

Mu Hua looked intently, but saw a Baran demon holding a spear on the top of the castle in the city, looking at him with a ferocious face.

It's him, it's him, it's him again!

This time Mu Hua recognized this Baran demon, Zambak! The Baran demon who gave him the dimensional fragment and was crushed to death by him again on the patrol battlefield.

However, this time, this guy's other demon horn seemed to have been pricked by someone? ? ? (End of this chapter)

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