Kunna is sexy, in every sense of the word.

In a crazy night, both of them had a lot of fun. In private, Kunna is a very open-minded woman. With her mature charm, she can handle any position.

After a night of hard work, Mu Hua spent a normal night in the human world for the first time since he opened the Abyss Island.

Kunna is much older than Mu Hua, and she is also very open-minded.

The next morning, the two got up lazily, and Kunna said that Mu Hua could try to date her at any time, at least until she found a man with whom she had a permanent boyfriend.

This argument undoubtedly greatly irritated Mu Hua, who was still worried about gains and losses.

Obviously, Kunna had no intention of becoming boyfriend and girlfriend with him.

I've long heard that the culture of men and women here in Loren is much more open than that in Landon.

This time, Mu Hua had a profound understanding of the entanglement between the two, and it was hard to tell who slept with whom.

Both of them have their own lives. If one party finds a partner, both parties will stop having too close contact.

To be fair, Mu Hua likes this tone.

Kunna taught Mu Hua a good lesson. This way of thinking seems to be very common for Loren women, without any pretense of being both upright and assertive. The urge to let herself go is brewing in Mu Hua's heart.

However, thinking about the Nick he had met a few days ago, in order to prevent himself from becoming that virtuous, Mu Hua still considered going to the Abyss Island during the day to make up for the training time last night. . .

Kunna has a normal job, although she doesn't seem to mind Mu Hua's presence at her house.

But Mu Hua didn't want to break the vague boundary between the two. After Kunna went to work, Mu Hua left her apartment.

The early morning in the town was full of peace, and the rising sun cast a beautiful halo on the distant Nordre Mountains.

Mu Hua, who felt comfortable both physically and mentally, regarded it as a rainbow representing luck.

The raven sitting on Mu Hua's shoulder would greet people doing morning exercises on Mu Hua's behalf from time to time, and would occasionally attract the curious eyes of beautiful women.

"Hey, Mu, I heard that Deman got the snake fruits from you? Man, you should send them all to me. Trust me, I will give you a satisfactory price."

Nick really didn't hesitate, and Mu Hua received his call early in the morning.

I don’t know where he learned about the snake fruit, so he rushed to Mu Hua and asked to sweep the goods.

"Nick, you don't need them, just leave them to those in need."

"I can help you prepare the soul potion at any time, but I don't want to see you in a more serious situation." Ignoring Nick's atmosphere, Mu Hua refused Nick's request.

Although things like love potions and aphrodisiacs are a bit unpopular, just like all honest people don't mind keeping two kilograms of intoxicating pills. These things are probably more widely sold than most life-saving things.

He didn't have to worry about anyone buying Coiled Snake. Mu Hua didn't want Nick to fiddle around with it. After all, he had a real succubus beside him.

"Hey, man, that was a misunderstanding." Nick protested when Mu Hua brought up the embarrassing incident.

"Huh, okay, a misunderstanding. Nick, let's get this talk of love potions over with. We should all enjoy a refreshing morning."

Mu Hua dealt with it casually and hung up the communication without waiting for Nick to say anything else.

After ending the exchange with Nick, Mu Hua returned to the hotel.

Mu Hua, who stayed out all night and had a cheerful face, faced Deman's disdain.

But for the sake of Deman transferring 1.5 million credits to him, Mu Hua decided not to argue with him.

"No devil's gold coins?" Credit points were entered into the account, and these profits came from the ten Serpent Fruits given to Deman.

"Credit points are more convenient to transfer. The snake fruit sells very well. I have found different buyers for them. Believe me, customer channels are always more important than devil's gold coins." Deman looked slightly satisfied.

"Heh, as long as you like it, see if you can handle these and give me some breakfast. How about those energy potions?"

He handed over the bits and pieces he had collected from Felix last night to Deman, but Deman showed no interest in these things.

Regardless of whether Deman dislikes low-grade things, they are all picked up anyway. Mu Hua got the ideal profit from the snake fruit, and he didn't care how Deman shipped it.

"The energy potion with added ingredients is too common, so we need more high-quality customers. We need to let customers think of us directly when they have needs."

"The people I contact are all rich people. For that kind of energy potion, sometimes the amount they buy at one time even exceeds the sales volume of those black market rats in half a year."

"Of course, in order to deepen their impression, it would be better if there are also snake fruits. Once in a while, we put in some good products, and they will fall in love with us."

Deman leaned close to Mu Hua and talked to himself, but it was obvious that the sales of the energy potion were not ideal.

"Oh, the snake fruit is gone for the time being, but we should be able to get some more in a while." Mu Hua ate breakfast.

The snake fruit tree was originally a dwarf shrub. The snake fruit tree discovered earlier did not bear many fruits. After being picked, it was transplanted to the Abyss Island by Mu Hua. The fruit tree did not wither and was growing well for the time being.

The Serpent Fruit can grow for about one season a year, but there is a big time difference between the Island of the Abyss and the outside world.

Loren's day is almost equivalent to a month inside. Maybe in a few months we can see if the fruit trees will continue to bear fruit.

"Mu, you said that the Coiled Snake fruit seeds are not alive. Are you hiding something from me?"

Deman has also carefully searched for information about the snake fruit these days. He knows that the snake fruit is difficult to grow. At this time, Deman guessed whether Mu Hua found an environment like a fruit forest in the courtyard.

"Do I need to confess anything to you?" Deman pretended to be aggrieved, but unfortunately Mu Hua didn't buy it.

"Help me buy some magic stones when you have time. I need magic stones from jackals, lizards, and imps." After finishing breakfast, Mu Hua stood up and said to Deman.

"Low-level magic stone? The energy of this kind of magic stone dissipates quickly, and it is usually collected by energy companies to make energy units as soon as possible."

"No one would bother to distinguish them. How can I acquire them?" Deman said with a look of disgust.

"Then just collect some low-level magic stones. It can be higher than the price of the Adventurer's Guild. Maybe it can also help bring some guests to the hotel."

Mu Hua thought about it, and with some money in his pocket, he began to think about the skill stones that low-level monsters could melt.

"Attracting guests? Just your 1.5 million credits?" Deman questioned.

Low-level magic stones are quite cheap, and they really weigh in weight.

Some adventurers don't even bother to pick it up after killing low-level monsters, because the energy dissipates too quickly. Regardless of how much they harvest, adventurers usually deal with it directly to the adventurer union as soon as they leave the courtyard.

But no matter how cheap it is, it is still a magic stone, because it is relatively easy to obtain. If you offer a high price to buy it, a few cheaters may come and Mu Hua will use up all his money.

"I killed a demon follower last night, and there should be a reward of three million. I will transfer all the money to you and let you know the news first until the money runs out." Mu Hua frowned. He was a bit obsessed with money, but he was not a miser. .

"Did you kill the demon follower?" Deman was surprised and looked up and down at Mu Hua, who was looking fresh and fresh.

"Forget it, let's not let go of the news. I'll contact some team managers and see if we save enough money and someone else will come to the hotel to cause trouble." Deman shook his head.

It is convenient and quick to sell those low-level magic stones to the Adventurer's Guild. Offering a high price to buy them will inevitably attract some "poor ghosts". Those people come here specifically. If you can't eat their goods, something will inevitably happen.

"Okay, by the way, what's the price of Cerberus' magic stone?" Mu Hua asked again.

"I don't know, I'm not a magic material merchant, by the way..." Deman shook his head, stood up and took out a few bullets from behind the counter and handed them to Mu Hua. These were the high-end exorcism bullets that Mu Hua asked him to buy earlier.

"Oh? Are there more?" There were eight level 7 exorcism bullets and one level 8 exorcism bullet. The level 7 exorcism bullets were more than what Mu Hua asked for.

"Of course, BOSS, you should give me more trust." Deman pointed out.

He didn't like helping Mu Hua acquire those low-level magic stones, which were troublesome and unprofitable. Obviously, he was still thinking about the snake fruit tree in Mu Hua's hands.

"I have always trusted you, for example, Deman Hotel." Mu Hua spread his hands and Deman curled his lips.

"Although I don't know the price of the Cerberus Magic Stone, it can be used to make an antidote for the madness virus. The price should be much higher than the same level of magic stone."

"But there is a dog den maze in Fiona's courtyard, and there should be hellhounds there." Deman said to Mu Hua as he was about to go upstairs.

"Fiona Courtyard? Can you get the key to the courtyard?" Mu Hua turned around and asked.

"Oh, you probably can't afford the key there for the time being. If you want to go, take the courtyard entrance. Although it is a playground for the rich, there is no charge to enter." Deman shook his head.

"What, do you want to cultivate your black vicious dog? A two-headed dog or a warg? Believe me, it is definitely not a good idea to evolve a black vicious dog." Deman seemed to be making fun of Mu Hua's whims.

"No, it's a hellhound. Come on, Monday, say hello to Deman." Mu Hua summoned Monday with a smirk.

A moment later, German's terrified screams were heard in the hotel.

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