The Warcraft Courtyard is different from the Kanins Courtyard. Although it is not a complete planet, the environment layout here is not vertical and horizontal.

With Dragon Island as the center, multiple human forces are distributed around the entire courtyard. The master of the courtyard here should be a giant dragon. In essence, this is the world of dragons.

Although he did not catch the pine forest where the moon blade leopards live, Mu Hua still wandered around the mountain for a long time. Finally, under Dennis's dragging, Mu Hua stopped looking for ancient trees until midnight, and the two left the mountain.

The saltwater beach is a high-risk area where sub-dragons gather. This type of area is already a public area and does not belong to the territory of any human force in the courtyard. In the tragic screams of the giant beast, Dennis saw the horror of Mu Hua for the first time.

A crocodile-toothed spinosaur with a body length of more than 30 meters was pressed to the ground by several dragon claws. The crocodile-toothed spinosaur is a sub-dragon that feeds on flying dragons and sometimes even dares to sneak attack evil dragons.

At this time, Mu Hua, who lifted the six earth dragons into the air, was standing in front of the huge mouth of the Crocodile Tooth Spinosaurus that was big enough to swallow him in one bite. He forcefully opened the big mouth of the Crocodile Tooth Spinosaurus and poured a series of blazing white explosive fireballs into its throat.

The flesh of the Crocodile Tooth Spinosaurus contains heavy magic mixed with water elements. Their flesh can resist elemental erosion very well. Even Mu Hua's current flame can only burn the parts covered by the flame on its body, and basically cannot form a burning effect.

But when the explosive fireballs exploded in its body, it didn't take long for the neck and throat to be roasted first, and the Crocodile Tooth Spinosaurus lost its life in Dennis' eyes.

It is big, has thick meat, and is not very good at casting spells. Although it is a bit fierce, this Crocodile Tooth Spinosaurus seems to be very suitable as a meat-producing feeder.

Unfortunately, it was too big, and Mu Hua couldn't send it alive to the Abyss Island. At most, he could only kill it and stuff it into the space prop for transportation.

Mu Hua, who was originally catching a few earth dragons, encountered the attack of this crocodile-toothed spinosaurus and directly sent it to death.

The soul fire devoured the body of the crocodile-toothed spinosaurus, and in a blink of an eye, a huge dragon beast turned into dust.

A dragon beast that definitely has a combat power beyond the high level gave Mu Hua a bite skill stone. Now Mu Hua has been desensitized to this kind of production and has no feelings.

Most magic beasts don't produce Hundred Refining Secret Stones, and this crocodile-toothed spinosaurus is no exception. In addition to a pile of tendons, this dragon beast gave Mu Hua more than 20 physical crystals and a drop of dragon blood the size of a soybean.

That's right, dragon blood, physical crystals are secondary. Mu Hua is more surprised that these sub-dragons can actually produce dragon blood, not sub-dragon blood, not evil dragon blood, but dragon blood.

A drop the size of a soybean should obviously be purified. If the dragon power potion is used as a reference, about 300 to 500 portions of this blood can be regarded as a unit of dragon blood.

Asian dragon, another cost-effective monster appeared in Mu Hua's world.

Dragon blood is a top-level magic material with a wide range of applications, especially the blood of a dragon.

Mu Hua still needs to do some experiments. As far as he estimates, if you just want to get this kind of dragon blood from Asian dragons, digging out their magic cores should not have much effect.

He dragged several earth dragons caught by the touch of jealousy in front of him. Although they are only one letter different from ground dragons, these earth dragons are not dinosaurs like velociraptors.

The body length is between three and five meters, and the tail can reach eight meters. It walks on all fours, with scales and spikes on its body. It moves and runs like a cat. The leg bone joints are also the structure of cats. Only when their skin is peeled off will their bodies slightly resemble the so-called big lizards.

In terms of body structure and movement, they are much more ferocious than ground dragons, and they are also land-riding beasts favored by demons.

"Roar~!" The ferocious dragon head twisted and tried to bite Mu Hua.

"Pah~!" He raised his hand and slapped again, and the roar of a ground dragon was slapped back into its throat, making a strange sound.

The sub-dragons are not stupid, in fact, their IQ is quite high, but these ground dragons obviously don't know how to judge the situation like the moon blade leopard, and they are very stubborn. They are still very ferocious even if they are slapped.

"Pah~Pah~Pah~" Mu Hua slapped the ground dragon on the head, but it still looked fierce when it recovered.

The other ground dragons who saw this situation did not have the slightest intention of admitting defeat, and their snake-like eyes flashed with a sinister look.

"These guys are difficult to deal with." Mu Hua said casually to Dennis beside him.

"Crack!" Before he finished speaking, Mu Hua slapped the ground dragon on the head again. With the sound of bones breaking, one of the ground dragon's eyes was smashed by Mu Hua, and its neck was tilted. It seemed that the ground dragon would not live long.

"Your Majesty, generally, the tamed sub-dragons will let the dragon eggs get familiar with the trainer's breath before they hatch. Even so, the success rate of taming is not high. Most of them are tempted with something they like and cultivate feelings for a long time."

Dennis looked at the ground dragon that was slapped to death by Mu Hua, his eyes twitched, and said to Mu Hua.

The soul fire ignited, and the dead ground dragon turned into ashes. It was still biting the skill stone, but it did give dragon blood, but the amount was less than that given by the Crocodile Tooth Spinosaurus.

It was a small drop of blood, only about one-tenth of the Crocodile Tooth Spinosaurus, but compared to bleeding the giant dragon, it was better not to have too much blood.

He then started to beat up the other earth dragons, confirming that simple beatings did not seem to make them behave.

Mu Hua took out the Hell Demon Chains again, tied up their limbs and mouths, put them on the ground, and made sure they couldn't break free, then sent them to the edge of the abyss.

As for whether other training methods other than simple physical attacks can make them afraid, Mu Hua plans to try again when he returns to the Abyss Island.

"I should be able to kill these things at will, right?" After finishing off a few earth dragons, Mu Hua looked around and asked Dennis.

"Yes, you can, but you can only kill those in high-risk areas, and it's best not to release your magic dragons, even partially."

"If too many places are affected by the breath of death, it is likely to attract the migration or riot of monsters."

When Dennis said this, he pointed to the location of the earlier crocodile tooth Spinosaurus corpse, where there were still a few pieces of death breath left by the dragon claws of the magic dragon.

Those death breaths condensed and did not dissipate. If no corpses of creatures appeared nearby during this period, perhaps they would slowly dissipate after a period of time.

"Hmm." Frowning, Mu Hua nodded in the end. He could now transform his own magic power into death energy, but he could not dissipate the death energy from the outside world.

Although he could also absorb these death auras, he needed to activate the death breath, but the death breath was not drinking water, but continuously gathering water pools.

Once the death breath was activated, these pieces of death energy might be absorbed by him, but more death auras around him gathered around him, and the adverse effects on the outside world were estimated to be more serious than those pieces of death energy.

In the final analysis, the Pale Lord was still somewhat incompatible with living beings.

If he didn't need it, he didn't need it. Anyway, Mu Hua now had more than one means of attack, summoning beasts. He took out his "tetanus spear". The dragon's body was strong, but he had no means of casting spells. With Mu Hua's current ability, it was not difficult to stab them.

Mu Hua summoned the lion scorpion, and Dennis exchanged a griffin with a whistle. The two flew into the air and began to search for magic beasts in this area.

The saltwater beach borders a huge lake and sea, where the solitary crocodile-toothed Spinosaurus mainly lives. They occasionally dive into the sea to hunt, but prefer to live on land. Other monsters, including earth dragons, are like their food.

When the crocodile-toothed Spinosaurus is found, the lion scorpion dives, and Mu Hua often flashes and moves, steps on the head of the crocodile-toothed Spinosaurus, and stabs the vital points with the tetanus war spear. The blood mimicry and the strong energy penetrate the body, and the crocodile-toothed Spinosaurus often dies without being able to do anything.

After that, the body is dismantled and the teeth are extracted, and the magic core is dug out. The teeth of the crocodile-toothed Spinosaurus can also be used as materials for making high-level exorcism bullets, and Mu Hua's smelting of them is mainly for the dragon blood.

After killing several crocodile-toothed Spinosaurus, some sub-dragon monsters that can be tried to be released are also caught. The sky is gloomy and night falls.

In the midst of Dennis's grumbling, Mu Hua directly enters the Abyss Island, leaving Dennis outside, and only says to come back to hunt at dawn.

After a day of getting along, Dennis found that Mu Hua was actually quite easy to talk to, but leaving him alone in the wild in a high-risk area at the end seemed to mean that it would take a long time to build a friendship with him.

Asian dragons have a strong sense of territory. Before Mu Hua left, he killed a nearby Spinosaurus crocodile, but Dennis was still not sure about spending the night in such a place.

After all, he was a public servant, so Dennis obviously would not make things difficult for himself.

He left a few Eyes of the Watcher at the place where Mu Hua left, and Dennis also found a teleportation array and buried it nearby, then teleported away and returned to the city to rest. (End of this chapter)

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