Humans are a curious race. Everyone likes to explore other people's secrets. However, if this exploration may bring unpredictable losses to themselves, most people will wisely put away this curiosity.

Exploring other people's privacy can bring people spiritual satisfaction, which can barely be regarded as the bad nature of human beings. When invading other people's privacy does not cause any substantial harm to oneself, then this invasion may be unscrupulous.

On the contrary, if the cost-effectiveness is too low, everyone will look for other things that can meet spiritual needs, and will pay more attention to respecting other people's privacy.

As the saying goes, barefoot people are not afraid of those wearing shoes. How can we make people more harmonious? Let them think that they are wearing shoes.

From ancient times to the present, the only purpose of inciting others to make trouble has not changed, that is-he actually robbed our shoes!

With the development of Caines City, many people outside speculate that Mu Hua should have some little secrets, and Mu Hua does not seem to want to keep his secrets too tight.

Ambergris can lure monsters, wisdom fruit can help people comprehend magic, cursed spirits can help people polish their souls, and female demons may also be able to squeeze and trick some demons into signing servant contracts with humans.

These are all very valuable resources and opportunities. However, now that Mu Hua has become powerful, combined with Mu Hua's own strength, the big guys have bigger stalls than Mu Hua, and they don't want to provoke Mu Hua's revenge for plotting these things.

Not to mention Mu Hua's own external deterrence, the troublesome burden of Caines City seems to have become a weapon in Mu Hua's hands.

The people who died in vain in the city, by chance, were influenced by Mu Hua and turned into ghosts. Ghosts don't matter, but ghosts with human rights are not easy to deal with.

An unprovoked disaster, these ghost citizens can be said to have nothing overnight. A year later, the development of Caines City from time to time is always mixed with the role of these ghosts, as if they are afraid that people will forget the magic disaster.

After a year of construction, Mu Hua has helped the ghosts return to life in a sense, which seems to be a new pair of shoes for the ghosts of Caines.

Some superiors have no doubt that if anyone provokes Mu Hua, he will definitely accuse the other party of stealing people's "shoes". It is not certain whether the benefits can be obtained, but the slut will probably not be able to escape.

Some conspiracy theorists even suspect that everything in Caines City may be deliberately created by Mu Hua step by step, including waiting for the death of citizens. This is an insidious ghost god. To be able to become a ghost god at such a young age, his scheming is naturally not to be underestimated.

Caines City seems to have the potential in wealth, opportunity, power, and even strength. It is impossible to say that no one is thinking about it.

But Mu Hua cannot move, and Caines City cannot move, especially when the ghost citizens of Caines City are still a vulnerable group in the eyes of the outside world.

It is still not appropriate to be dirty with Mu Hua now. After a few years, when people have completely forgotten the Cains Demon Disaster, and the subtle propaganda has made the ghosts in Cains City less vulnerable, then maybe we can try to move them?

Cains City has initially developed. The First King came here for a stroll and left cursing, but there are some forces that are far less powerful than the King. It is possible that someone will really want to pick the fruits over there.

Tao Les also reminded Mu Hua that being too quiet is easy to be targeted by some small fish. He has the Demon Country Alan behind him, but he even threatened the upper echelons of Alan in his early years.

Mu Hua also agreed with this, but it’s a pity that Mu Hua is ‘blind’. He is struggling with his own eyes. . .

“I can’t contact Mu Hua recently. For the evil dragon, do you support installment payment?” At the teleportation array of the Court of Exile, facing the price raised by Tina again, Tao Les asked tangledly.

He needs the golden apple, not urgently, but he will try his best to get it if he has the chance. Mu Hua can make the golden apple and gave him a suitable price, but Mu Hua doesn't want money, and what he wants is a little difficult to get.

"With your relationship with the boss, it should be possible. However, for things like golden apples, you should pay the money and pick up the goods. You can catch the dragon slowly, just treat it as a deposit first." Tina said without thinking.

"Hey! Girl, don't forget that you are a demon!" Tao Lesi was angry, okay, this is considered bullying customers, right?

"Master Tao Lesi, I am a demon with a master." Tina spread her hands and said as a matter of course.

Although she was not sure whether Tao Lesi was pretending to be angry, she didn't care too much, her goods were strong enough.

Golden apples want to pay in installments? This head can't be opened, otherwise everyone will come to pay in installments, and the ones who come should be some big guys, what will happen?

I heard from my boss that some of the Laurel Shadows are still squatting in the orchard to help the golden apple trees get rid of insects all day long. It's not that only big guys can afford golden apples, but those who need golden apples are high-end combat forces.

"Mu Hua is really good at asking for it. The evil dragons are already a highly intelligent race. When they encounter threats, they usually turn into humans and hide in the crowd. There are too many of them, which is a threat to me. How long will it take me to find thirty evil dragons?"

Seeing that he couldn't scare Tina, Tao Les complained that it was not too much to exchange a golden apple for thirty evil dragons of unlimited grade and strength, but Tao Les also knew that Mu Hua wanted to live.

These evil dragons are stubborn and arrogant, and they can bite anyone they catch. At the same time, they are very smart, have strong magical talents, and are good at shapeshifting. It is very troublesome to catch them.

As for the dragons, Tao Le Si didn't think much of them. They were real superior beings. If the demon lords were vague about the concept, then the strength of adult dragons could basically be linked to the Lord of the Courtyard. The risk of killing them was high, not to mention catching them alive.

"Can you not handle ordinary dragons?" Facing Tao Le Si's complaints, Tina questioned.

"Charm is ineffective against dragons. They can resist charm with dragon power." Tao Le Si explained.

"...I'm not talking about charm." Tina had a strange expression, was silent for a while, and muttered.

She was used to Mu Hua putting Friday at home in all kinds of ways. Tina had never thought of using charm to hook up with dragons. Dragons, can't they just beat them?

"Tsk~, it's not convenient for me to walk outside. Fighting with the dragon will cause too much noise and easily cause trouble. I don't think Mu Hua is sincere in selling it."

"As for the dimensional fragment, I did find one, but it's not very habitable. The volcanic environment is suitable for practicing if you have an affinity with the fire element." Tao Lesi probably realized that he had misunderstood Tina's meaning, so he forced an explanation.

"If you have a golden apple, would you sell it sincerely? Sir, I must remind you that the boss has a good impression of you, so he gave the possibility of trading."

"I will go back and tell the boss about the dimensional fragment you mentioned, but if the environment is too bad, the fusion may even affect the original dimensional space. I don't think it's a good idea."

"Besides, even if the boss accepts it, there should be no ready-made golden apples for the time being." Tina shook her head and said.

Dimensional fragments can be fused. If Mu Hua gets dimensional fragments, he can further expand the area of ​​the Abyss Island.

Dimensional spaces with a certain area are also treasures, and they are very applicable. As long as they have an environment suitable for human survival, most people will not easily sell them after getting them.

With the improvement of strength, like Tao Lesi and Mu Hua, many of the things they need can no longer be measured by simple demon gold coins. Transactions are often exchanged with things that both parties need.

The value of dimensional fragments and golden apples is not easy to compare, because different people have different needs. For beings like Tao Lesi, golden apples and dimensional fragments can form a trading relationship.

"Okay, I know. Many of you have mastered the affinity of fire elements. Even if you don't integrate other dimensional fragments, that dimensional space can be used as a good training ground." Tao Lesi recommended.

Many of Mu Hua's men have affinity with fire elements. This is not a secret, and Tao Lesi doesn't care.

When people like them reach a certain level of strength, they will find ways to improve themselves. If they find a place where it is easier to produce elemental tears, everyone will keep it secret and wait for it. Whoever dares to touch it will be killed.

Mu Hua may have found such a place, but if you don't plan to fight with Mu Hua, it's better not to ask such questions, it's useless and annoying.

"I roughly know why you come here. This is where he usually moves. Be careful and go back after you're done."

There is no accurate explanation for the golden apple, and Tina is not in a good mood. When Tao Les said it, he showed Tina a map coordinate in the Court of Exile.

"Thank you." After a brief distraction, Tina wanted to thank Tao Les.

Tao Les suppressed the Court of Exile. His color domain protozoa covered the entire courtyard. Nothing in the courtyard could be hidden from him. This coordinate should be the location of Devitt.

The Court of Exile can be said to be Tao Les's private territory. For Tao Les, it is like Mu Hua's Abyss Island, but it is larger in scale.

As for Tina's killing of Devitt, Tao Les did not intervene and did not say much. This situation is not uncommon among the demons.

"Sir, the witch soul of the Psychic Academy has recently received some news. It seems that some abnormal demons have appeared in the northern part of the Magic Empire. Do you know about this?" Tao Les was about to leave, and Tina suddenly whispered behind Tao Les.

"..." Tao Les stopped and was silent for a while.

"These have nothing to do with me. It should be the name of the Elder Council. After all, Penelope has "created" a lot of demons. Regardless of whether there is anyone's instruction, the Elder Council thinks that they should show some attitude."

"They probably cooperated with some witches and may plan to attack some courtyards controlled by nobles."

"If they cause trouble in the human world, you can kill them if you meet them. If they are in the courtyard, you can help them." Tao Les said calmly.

"Well, the boss asked me to ask your attitude. If there is no accident, we should not meet them." Tina pointed out something. Tao Les chuckled, turned his back to Tina, waved his hand and left. (End of this chapter)

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