The Secret Garden of the Dandelion Troupe

Chapter 546 Behemoth Loves Learning

How to hook up with a Behemoth that despises the Ambergris fruit?

Fight? Don't make a fuss. The world is not that simple. It is not a wise choice to beat such an aggressive creature into a double-faced person.

The demons dared to torment the Behemoths because they did not expect them to be quiet. As long as they dared not to show their teeth to them and let them vent their anger on humans, they would just add some wild monsters to the courtyard.

Even if it would retaliate and attack the demons in the wild, it would not matter. Who cares if they killed some inferior demons?

This is probably the fundamental reason why this Behemoth is still intact.

However, this must not be played like this when it comes to Mu Hua. Seeing that this Behemoth is stubborn, Mu Hua has already considered where to drive the Hell Demon Chain into its scapula.

"Are you sure you don't plan to get along with me?" Pinching the giant ivory tooth protruding from the Behemoth's upper jaw, Mu Hua recalled everything after meeting this Behemoth.

"Hoo~Hoo~" Behemoth panted while struggling, with a disdainful expression on his big face.

"Let it go first." Mu Hua said to several Behemoth summoned beasts.

Almost at the moment when the summoned beasts let go of it, this Behemoth bared its elephant tusks and wanted to pierce Mu Hua with the tusks, while its left hand claws had already swept towards Mu Hua with a whistle.

Beating was useless, and it didn't want the ambergris fruit either. Mu Hua didn't give up and wanted to see if he could subdue this big guy with his own strength.

Behemoth's muscles are not grown on bones, but wrapped around bones. The special muscle and bone structure makes their seemingly sturdy bodies as flexible as spirit snakes.

At the same time, this kind of savage monster does not need to rely on magic and mysterious power, and can burst out explosive power comparable to extreme strength with their bodies.

As the king of land warfare, under the same conditions, Minotaur also belongs to the small fresh series in front of them.

It is said that orcs value strength. To deal with this monster that is regarded as a totem by orcs, showing pure strength, well, it is useless. . .

Because of the size difference, if Mu Hua used his hands to break the Behemoth, he could tear off pieces of meat from it, but it was difficult to suppress it.

After all, this kind of savage monster is big. If you stretch out your palm to grab its neck, it is at most like the two-finger Zen of girls.

It is normal to tear off the piece of skin and flesh you grabbed during the struggle. It is difficult to hold it down with broken bones. There is no reason to say that you can be captured by you, right?

Without getting the blood and qi to transform, Mu Hua could only use the touch of jealousy to catch the Behemoth and play a bondage game.

The Behemoth floating in the air was put into eighteen different postures by Mu Hua. It is hard to describe that this guy's seemingly bulky body is really soft.

The arm and shoulder joints can be twisted 360 degrees three times without any problem. When the back is folded in half and the forehead is against the buttocks, it will only wheeze twice.

The innate holy body of a boxer. It is difficult to accurately judge the attack distance of such a guy in a battle, because even without magic, their hands and feet can really be extended to a certain extent.

Mu Hua fiddled with the Behemoth while praising it softly in a good voice, but the obedient Behemoth did not appear. As Mu Hua played more and more tricks, the shame and anger in the Behemoth's little eyes seemed to be more and more irrational. . .

What to do? Kill it, or shoot some physical crystals, violently fall asleep, and then let Tina burn it?

900+ physical strength, getting to 2000+ is only 2,000 physical strength crystals. After 2000 physical strength, four physical strength crystals can increase a little physical strength, and Mu Hua's physical strength exceeds 3,000, but it takes eight physical strength crystals to increase a little.

Now Mu Hua's spending on physical crystals is basically random. He takes commissions from the monster corpses that his subordinates get, and spends the rest on them randomly. He really has no shortage of physical crystals.

It's no big deal to spend two thousand physical crystals to strengthen Tina's signature ability. Anyway, he only has about 200 physical crystals.

The sooner he spends, the sooner he will be upset. He estimates that when his physical strength reaches 4,000, he will still be stuck in the life level. Even if he doesn't get stuck, he will probably be able to improve his physical strength by more than 16 physical crystals.

"Kill him?" Mu Hua looked at Tina and deliberately asked loudly. As a result, the behemoth that was rolled into a ball by Mu Hua still had only anger that was close to dementia in his eyes.

"Look." Tina shrugged. She saw that Mu Hua was a little reluctant.

This behemoth's claws are really good. Although the attributes are not high, one of Mu Hua's soul tentacles was hooked off by its claws. It takes time to recover from the damage.

Such a huge difference in physique can pose a threat to Mu Hua. They are like natural sword holders, not demons. This kind of monster is really rare.

Mu Hua was silent, quietly looking at the Behemoth in front of him. It was strange that this guy was angry, but a trace of jealousy was constantly transmitted from him to Mu Hua.

Jealous? How could there be jealousy? What is this guy jealous of? Mu Hua frowned and thought.

Speaking of which, when he first saw those Behemoth summoned beasts, this guy seemed to have a jealous emotion. Jealous of the other party for being a summoned beast? Impossible, even a fool would not be so mean.

Strength? Tina is stronger than it, but I didn't see it jealous of Tina.

Magic? A Behemoth is jealous of other creatures for being able to use magic? With such a strong physical talent, he should be proud of his own specialties. What does it mean to be jealous of magic?

I don’t know if it’s a habit developed when being tormented by demons. This Behemoth didn’t communicate with him, and Mu Hua was a little confused.

The soul tentacles pulled Behemoth, who was still experiencing the bondage play, in front of him. Facing the other party's eyes that seemed to want to tear it apart, Mu Hua took out a fireball skill stone and slammed it on Behemoth.

"Hmm?" As the skill was activated, the fierce light in Behemoth's eyes faded. It was unknown whether it was due to his posture, but Behemoth made a strange sound.

Confused, curious, and a little excited, Behemoth's eyes were full of expression. It seemed to be useful. Mu Hua took out another lightning arrow skill stone and slapped it on his body.

"You... did... me, what?" For the first time since he met Mu Hua, Behemoth spoke the demon language that Mu Hua could understand.

"Magic, I gave you magic, do you still want it?" Seeing that the fierce light in Behemoth's eyes had faded, Mu Hua spoke softly with a kind look.

"Yes! Learn magic and become powerful." Behemoth's big face, like a hairy hippo, was full of desire.

"Then I will be your teacher. You must respect me in the future. Orcs will also listen to the master, right? Do you know what a master means? Shaman, elder, parent." Mu Hua explained carefully, fearing that the Behemoth in front of him, who had some cognitive problems, would not understand.

Isn't that a problem? With such a strong physical condition, a creature like Behemoth, instead of developing its melee martial arts to the limit, learns magic for no reason. Is magic as good as your claws?

Mu Hua estimated that the Behemoth in front of him was probably captured by the devil when he was young, and had never been influenced by his own kind, so he didn't know his selling point at all.

But the four Behemoth summoned beasts nearby seemed to have discovered the situation here. They squatted on the ground with a wronged look on their faces, drawing circles on the ground with their scary claws.

They also seemed to want to learn magic? Could it be that Behemoth is keen on learning magic? The more funny, the easier it is to learn?

They have all become summoned beasts, and the skill stones cannot be shot on them. These Behemoth summoned beasts are definitely out of the question, but their reactions also made Mu Hua's eyebrows jump.

Damn it, knowing that he wanted to subdue Behemoth and knowing that Behemoth "loves to learn", these four guys squatted beside and watched the excitement for a long time, and talked about eating the dragon enthusiastically, but didn't give any suggestions.

"Pah!" The wizard's hand swung out, and the guy who just said that he was good at eating dragons was slapped to the ground. The other three summoned beasts dragged the guy's big feet in shame and moved away from Mu Hua.

"Can you still... give me magic inheritance?" He didn't answer the topic about the master. This Behemoth is not stupid. It also knows about magic inheritance.

"Yes, the wizard's hand, the armor of the stone king, the flame star, oh, affinity with the fire element, with element affinity, it is safe to cast magic. I will give you any magic you want. Just say what pose you want to pose and spit." Mu Hua took it all. Isn't it magic?

Mu Hua said while snapping randomly. Several skill stones, even the tears of water and fire elements, were slapped on Behemoth. Seeing that Behemoth's little eyes were a little confused, Tina rolled her eyes.

The boss of his own family now looks like a dog who is happy to get a pet, anxious to pet the dog, and crazy about showing goodwill.

"I... don't want to be... them..." Behemoth had a big tongue, and two elements or something like that were on his body, making him feel uncomfortable and wanting to vomit, but he was very happy. However, he turned his head to look at the four Behemoth summoned beasts, and he didn't want to be a summoned beast.

"Of course, no problem, they are all trash, but you are different." Mu Hua had no moral integrity at all, and his face was full of smiles like an old father.

He thought directly about the summoned beasts. This child is really pitiful and has a future.

"..." The four Behemoth summoned beasts, four pairs of small eyes looked at the Behemoth who looked down on them strangely, and were glared at by Mu Hua, and then turned their heads to the side, which was considered to be putting away the gaze that was quite caring.

While talking, Mu Hua gave up the servant contract and took out a slavery contract from the space props. Summoned beasts, it's impossible. How could his own Behemoth be allowed to be a summoned beast?

Come on, be good, sign this dependent contract first, don't delay us from continuing to learn magic. (End of this chapter)

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