The Secret Garden of the Dandelion Troupe

Chapter 570 Long Live Understanding

More than 20 demon mechas with shoulder heights exceeding 30 meters, these things can't be stuffed into the storage space of the Burning Source Furnace, which already has a lot of things.

However, Mu Hua also has his own storage space brought by space magic. With the improvement of properties, his storage space is now larger than the storage space equipped with the Burning Source Furnace.

The mechas are stuffed inside, and the pile of containers on the floating platform takes up more space than the mechas, and the overall value of these things may not be much lower than the mechas themselves.

Sure enough, there are ammunition, energy units, and mecha attack modules. After barely stuffing them into the storage space, Mu Hua's tail behind him started to shake again.

Beautiful, comfortable, it is indeed better to steal than to buy, and it is better to rob than to steal. Robbery and the like can really make people happy physically and mentally in many cases.

Originally, he wanted to drag away the huge floating platform, but after thinking about it, he decided to hide his merits and fame. Mu Hua stuffed all the petrified transformed demons into the storage space of the Burning Source Furnace and flew high into the sky to meet Tricia.

After traveling through three areas in one day, even though the flying speed of the dragon was not slow, it was getting late and it was time to find a place to rest.

It took too long to get back to the hot spring town, and Mu Hua did not immediately return to the human world or the Abyss Island. He hummed the song "The Little Girl Picking Mushrooms" all the way, but he took Tricia to the city station of Cuiyu Cangting.

A fortress city built on a higher ground in a hilly area about 700 kilometers northeast of the fortress city.

A circular city wall with a diameter of about 1.5 kilometers, with two layers of inner and outer walls. At this time, a new outer city wall has expanded outward by about two kilometers. Cuiyu Cangting is stepping up the expansion of this large city.

The foundation of these old brigades is really amazing. Here are the six main combat teams of Cuiyu Cangting, with more than 7,000 combat personnel.

It is hard to say whether they are laborers or logistics teams. Even in the dangerous mechanical forest, Cuiyu Cangting has transferred more than 20,000 city builders.

In addition to magic such as early warning defense, the expansion area is also covered by energy fields. Five large-scale energy field generators are arranged in different directions, and the inner city area with the highest defense strength is covered by several layers of energy fields.

Faced with this level of defense, even Mu Hua has to enter from the main gate obediently. If he wants to control the dragon to land directly in the city, he will only hit the defense circle.

"Mr. Mu Hua, why are you here?" Before the dragon approached, the city had received a warning notice from the drone.

In the expansion area that looked like a large construction site, Alsop Jeremy, the leader of the Jade Cang Court, brought some people to meet Mu Hua.

Compared with Cooper, who is gentle in appearance but hot-tempered in trouble, and Sweet, who is always savage in disaster annihilation.

Alsop is not cold and indifferent, nor does he have a sophisticated way of dealing with things. It is not appropriate to say that he is elegant. It is a rough description. He has a kind of elegance that always keeps a certain distance from people.

"Captain Elsop, are the people here okay?" Mu Hua and Elsop were not very familiar with each other, but they had a lot of contact. There was no handshake or hug. Facing Elsop's question, Mu Hua asked with a mysterious expression.

"Hmm? Not bad." Elsop's expression was serious and he said with some seriousness.

"Haha, I just encountered a monster transport team and robbed some of their things. I happened to be near you, so I came to sit with you." Seeing Elsop nod, Mu Hua smiled heartily.

"Nearby" is basically nonsense. The place where he robbed the demon mecha is about 2,000 kilometers away from Elsop. It takes about an hour for the demon dragon to fly here at full speed at supersonic speed.

When Mu Hua was talking nonsense, empty! empty! empty! released several large demon-shaped mechas.

Elsop's expression was briefly stunned, and the appearance of several large mechas also made some people nearby stop and watch.

Mu Hua's current location was not far from the construction site of the outer city wall expansion. The sky was gloomy, and under the cover of the city wall, although the situation inside the wall could not be seen from the outside, the lights were on in the city, and the more than 30-meter-long ferocious mechas were as conspicuous as they could be inside the city wall.

"How about it, good stuff, right? I got more than 20, and there are still a lot of supplies." Mu Hua said in a show-off manner, and the air, the air was launched again.

At this time, Mu Hua's expression was rippling, because the backbones of the brigade behind Elsop had already exuded jealousy.

A wisp of jealousy penetrated into Mu Hua's body. Although Elsop could not perceive the emotional energy, Elsop's expression was not very good at this time.

As Mu Hua threw out more and more mechas and supply containers, looking at these completely new things and thinking about Mu Hua's robbery, even Elsop had a wisp of jealousy floating out of him, which penetrated into Mu Hua's body.

"Mu Hua... Lord, you are going too far!? Do you want them to talk nonsense or not?!" Elsop's cheeks moved on his calm face, as if he was grinding his teeth.

"Hey~, try not to talk nonsense, captain, I can't help it, right? You know, I need to hold back the elemental spirits, and the original sin energy is in short supply. Help, help." Mu Hua said with a smile.

At this time, people farther away didn't know what was going on with these mecha weapons, but they didn't feel jealous of Mu Hua.

But the members of the brigade behind Elsop who came to meet Mu Hua, wow, especially those who thought that Mu Hua had hijacked this batch of mechas not far from them, the jealousy they felt towards Mu Hua made Mu Hua feel very comfortable.

"You..." Alsop raised his eyebrows. Well, this guy can also make other elemental elves?

"Ha, captain, you don't have any loss. Who told you to have so many people here? Help me spread it? Here, this is a gift. Take it back and study it?" Mu Hua said with a smile. While speaking, he made another metal Baroque statue and put it aside.

"You... OK, good, no problem! Blair, go and spread the news. Lord, move these away, don't get in the way!"

Alsop gritted his teeth in anger, but couldn't explain why. He told his men and pointed at the mechas and containers that Mu Hua had placed in a piece. After saying something to Mu Hua, he turned around and left angrily.

Well, just like Mu Hua said, Alsop really didn't have any loss. Mu Hua didn't do anything. He just ran over his head to make him and his men envious and jealous.

But it's really annoying to toss like this.

What did Mu Hua come for? Well, he just came here to collect a wave of jealousy. He picked up a bunch of such powerful mechas. Are you envious? Don't be envious. Just be more jealous. We are short of that stuff now. . .

Let alone Alsop. After figuring out Mu Hua's intention, even the members of the brigade who came with Alsop looked unhappy. This guy is a bad guy. Sure enough, ghosts and gods are all bad guys!

No matter how everyone feels, Mu Hua can only helplessly accept their jealousy.

And as the good comrade named Blair threw those things at Mu Hua and took pictures, I don't know what he sent in the communication group. In the end, a large amount of silver threads containing jealousy in the city rushed to Mu Hua like geese returning to their nests.

Alas~, how to say it, Mu Hua is indeed a bit of a demon, but there is no way, jealousy, if he doesn't do demons, where does the jealousy come from?

Relying on oneself to absorb the free jealous energy from the outside world is not very efficient, and this method of being hated is more effective.

To be honest, many demons actually like to make trouble. Mu Hua originally thought that it was some kind of custom or that they had a problem with their brains.

But now, Mu Hua seems to have a better understanding of those demons. He doesn't want people to envy, hate, and hate him, but who can blame the original sin energy...

Long live understanding! (End of this chapter)

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