"Click, click~"

In the dim cave, the skeleton warrior made the sound of bones rubbing together as he walked.

Walking through a narrow cave passage, the fluorescent stones exude the halo of moonlight, and the psychedelic light brings a dreamlike light to the cave.

The Dog Cave Maze is a maze hidden in the mountain. The spacious caves are connected by complex forks. In addition to the hollow mountain, the entire maze also includes a larger area leading underground.

This is a gathering place for monsters in Fiona's courtyard. There are a large number of middle and low-level monsters living here, of which dog monsters are the most common. People usually call this maze the Dog Cave Maze.

Medusa and the Goblin General were fished out on the Island of the Abyss. These two existences made Mu Hua lose his fishing rod again.

While he needed to hunt monsters and stock up on fishing rods, the black vicious dog seemed to be easier to refine the bite skill stone, so Mu Hua also focused on this dog cave maze.

Monday's LV5 bite was able to bite off the bear goblin's calf, which gave Mu Hua hope of throwing less fishing rods.

The raven bumped into the cave to explore the way. The skeleton warriors formed a guard team and killed some scattered monsters along the way. Mu Hua checked the map and came to an empty dog's nest in the shallow part of the maze.

"Bang! Bang!" Gunshots were heard in the cave. It seemed that it was not only Mu Hua, but also other hunting teams here.

It is a sunken rocky terrain, with some huge stone pillars scattered in the open space. Many deep caves less than one meter high can be seen on the surrounding mountain walls. These caves are usually the lairs of black vicious dogs.

"Skeleton Undead! Moton, pull back!" Mu Hua's appearance drew exclamations, and a team of five adventurers appeared on Mu Hua's path.

First, a warrior holding a big sword swung his sword to fight off four or five black dogs that besieged him. Under the cover of a priest holding a shield and hammer, the five-man team quickly gathered.

"Demon hunt!" Mu Hua raised his wrist and spoke first.

"Demon hunt!" The adventurer on the opposite side who was guarding against the skeleton warrior also raised his wrist.

The normal color of the adventurer bracelet made both parties relax their vigilance a little, and the open authentication information allowed both parties to confirm the authenticity of the other party's bracelet.

"Kill!" After confirming the identities of both parties, Mu Hua ordered to kill several black vicious dogs that had chased them nearby.

The skeleton warrior swung his sword forward, and the LV10 skeleton warrior's constitution reached 60 points.

Even if they are besieged by two or three black vicious dogs, the skeleton warriors who have no pain and no fear can still fight them.

The average physical constitution of an ordinary black vicious dog is below 40, and its level is difficult to exceed level 30. The black vicious dog brought by the devil earlier was definitely an abnormal product.

Not to mention the skeleton warriors, Monday's physique now exceeds 200. Facing the black vicious dogs in these kennels, they will definitely be crunched one by one.

And Tuesday also left Mu Hua's body at this time.

Compared to the Cerberus and Skeleton Warriors, it was much weirder here on Tuesday, because the group of adventurers who met Mu Hua only saw a wave-edged sword floating in the air.

When the wave-edged sword stabbed the black vicious dog approaching Mu Hua from time to time, these adventurers obviously did not think that the wave-edged sword was controlled by Mu Hua with the hand of a mage, against the backdrop of a bunch of skeleton warriors.

"Do you want to come together?" Killing the nearby dogs that were confused by his arrival, Mu Hua rarely experienced the feeling of using a large number to swipe children.

"Poof~" The body of the black vicious dog that did not dissipate was thrown into the furnace, leaving a dust on the ground, and the corners of the eyes of several adventurers twitched.

"No need." The leading epee warrior shook his head and refused.

Together? What a joke.

The eccentric temperament of the Necromancer can be tolerated, but this must be an alchemist, right? With your efficiency in collecting corpses, if we are with you, we will probably miss nothing.

Several adventurers refused to 'form a team' and Mu Hua didn't force it.

Putting some distance between himself and several adventurers, Mu Hua walked towards the other end of the cave. The adventurers also began to collect the corpses of the black vicious dogs they had killed, dismantling the canine teeth and some parts that could be sold for money.

This cave is very large, and there are many dog ​​caves on the mountain. A rugged road leading to the cave on the other side is at least one or two kilometers long.

This adventurer team has a comprehensive mix, including warrior forwards, sacrificial buffs, long-range shooters, and even a dismantler who collects trophies.

However, in addition to the canine teeth and fangs of the black vicious dog, they could only dig out the black vicious dog's magic core.

Leaving behind bloody dog ​​corpses on the ground, they would throw those dog corpses in front of the dog holes to provoke the black vicious dogs in the dog's nest. Mu Hua secretly complained that their method of collecting trophies was wasteful.

Waste is waste. There are many black and evil dogs in the dog den, and Mu Hua would not pick up the 'garbage' thrown away by others in front of them.

Even if you are a big girl, you should be more reserved at least.

After putting some distance between himself and the group of adventurers, he found a stone pillar and made sure that he would not be accidentally injured by the opponent's long-range attack. Mu Hua began to ask the skeleton warriors to throw goblin essence into some dog holes.

Well, it's a potion made from male goblin eggs, also known as stench potion.

As soon as the goblin essence came out, the dog holes immediately exploded. The skeleton warrior only threw two bottles, and angry dogs rushed out of dozens of dog holes.

The scene of one to two hundred black vicious dogs pouring out of the cave together was quite spectacular. The faces of the group of black vicious dogs were ferocious, with saliva dripping from their outturned teeth. It was unclear whether they were showing their ferocity or being stink. . .

"Roar~!" Monday roared excitedly, rushing past the skeleton warriors and becoming the vanguard of the dog pack.

Because Mu Hua told it that killing black vicious dogs would help it improve its biting skills, Monday even Goblin Essence no longer disliked it and attacked the black vicious dogs ferociously.

Cerberus are actually not afraid of group battles, because their snake tails can drive the enemy into madness without distinguishing between friend and foe.

After all, they are a pack of dogs, and there is a tendency for skeleton warriors to be tortured when fighting with black vicious dogs.

Especially the black vicious dogs that were bitten by Monday's snake tail. Although they bite whoever they catch, and although they will attack other black vicious dogs, these poisoned black vicious dogs are obviously more desperate than ordinary black vicious dogs. Some.

Mu Hua held a gun and began to provide remote support to the skeleton warriors. Occasionally, the black dogs that came near Mu Hua would be stabbed to death one by one by Tuesday with a wave blade sword.

Well, the black dog couldn't see Tuesday. In the chaotic environment, Tuesday would stab a child with a knife.

Is Tuesday so domineering? Haha, don’t look at Tuesday’s comparison with Mu Hua, but how can a ‘ghost’ not be overbearing?

In this world, some magic and some magical creatures are really so unreasonable.

"Da da~ da da~"



There were gunshots, beast roars, and dogs barking. Mu Hua was fighting fiercely. In less than ten minutes, hundreds of black vicious dogs had been maimed by Mu Hua.

The Skeleton Warriors were summoned again to hunt down the Black Evil Dogs that were still active on Monday. The Skeleton Warriors began to perform last-ditch attacks on the Black Evil Dogs that were not completely dead.

Although they kept a safe distance, Mu Hua's movements definitely couldn't be hidden from the previous group of adventurers.

Seeing how efficient Mu Hua was at killing dogs, the adventurers began to consider the feasibility of cooperating with Mu Hua.

But then came the process of Mu Hua collecting the body. . .

Mu Hua was seen walking across the battlefield, and the dog corpses and even the blood on the ground turned into dust.

It's clean, environmentally friendly, and it's like everything you encounter is a projection monster.

A group of adventurers looked at each other and shook their heads. The necromancer was indeed not a good partner, especially since the necromancer also had a part-time job as an alchemist.

You're just an alchemist, go rub the magic stone, bet, bet, and maybe you'll get rich. What does it mean to come here and beat a dog?

Black Dog Tendon*223, Constitution Crystal*12, Hundred Refining Secret Stone*2, Soul Dust*45, Philosopher's Stone*6.

There are more than 160 black evil dogs, only about 20 of which are projections.

The black evil dogs whose projections descended basically left some bits and pieces of animal teeth and skins behind after their death.

Apart from the hard-to-find magic stones, the only item of value they left behind was a pair of soft leather boots that could be sized according to the size of the wearer.

This kind of malleable change is common to hell equipment, and the adjustment range also has a certain limit.

As for the dog corpses, after a series of repeated meltings, Mu Hua was quite surprised by what came out.

A total of 12 physique crystals were produced, and two Hundred Refining Secret Stones were also given.

After all, the black vicious dogs who follow the devil are not on the same level. In many cases, it takes more than a dozen of these black vicious dogs in the cave to barely melt a bite skill stone.

However, nineteen bite skill stones were thrown by Mu Hua on Monday.

The bite of LV8, when I caught a rock dug out of nowhere on Monday, it was so satisfying.

Although the mouth is full of foam, it's a bit embarrassing, cough. . .

Well, it's a fierce one. . .

Please recommend, please collect

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