The Secret Garden of the Dandelion Troupe

Chapter 590: Vampire Marriage

As far as Mu Hua knows, the so-called gods are roughly equivalent to the level of the lords of hell, and it depends on how much faith they have.

It's not that there are no demon kings who come out in the guise of gods, but that kind of existence will definitely not come to cooperate with some nobles of the Magic Empire in the human world to run a courtyard. Even if they want to be gods, they will find a complete world to be gods.

And the true ancestors of the blood clan are probably equivalent to vampires who can play with the power of faith. To put it bluntly, the Blood Moon City wants to rob the angels here to see if they can create a god for their own family.

It's a big pattern, so big that Mu Hua can't adapt to it for a while. Mu Hua is still at the stage of trying to see if he has the ability to destroy the world. . .

Earlier, Shan Na told Mu Hua that this time the Blood Moon City paid a lot of attention to the Ukuru Courtyard, and there is already a tendency to treat this courtyard as the second Blood Moon City.

Bridges took advantage of Penelope, but Penelope has been a villain for so many years. It is hard to say whether it was because of the situation or Penelope was also calculating against Bridges. In short, Bridges may have really stepped on the tail of the lion this time.

"The Imperial Family has hinted that they will support me. As you said, the Black Witch Academy, the Night Hunters, and the Alan Demon Kingdom have all shown their ill will towards Bridges."

"Not only that, Mu, do you know? Bridges colluded with the Naden Group to smuggle some second-hand arms, but in recent years they have imitated magic weapons on their own. The scale of the arms cemetery in the Ukulu Courtyard has become larger and larger, which has had a negative impact on the Daryl Group."

"The Daryl Group, including General Barr, may take action against Bridges."

"If there is support from the troops of the Blood Moon City, Bridges is not as strong as they look."

"Mu, this is an opportunity for me, and I don't need to do anything. I just need to help them temporarily manage this place on behalf of the Empire when Bridges can't maintain the stability of this courtyard." In the guest room, Webster explained to Mu Hua.

"Barr?" Mu Hua frowned. The fourth kingship, General Barr.

It is said that this is the first faction to promote magic technology among humans. At the same time, it also occupies a large share of the sales of magic weapons and magic scrolls on the market.

"Hehe, according to what you said, Bridges really offended a lot of people. You have brought up the fourth one, so what about the fifth one? This place can also be considered the kingdom of angels, right? The church here seems to be called the Holy Temple." Mu Hua questioned.

"This place is indeed related to Mostima, but it is mainly because Bridges wants to be involved with that person, which is another reason why the royal family is dissatisfied with them."

"Mu, this is Loren after all, not the Holy Court Star." Webster said confidently.

The fifth king, Mostima, mainly plays with faith and has a close relationship with the angel clan. It is said that on the Holy Court Star, he not only fights with demons, but also fights with some forces of different gods.

As for Loren Star, let alone, after all, there are five or six kings squatting here. He is probably an outsider and probably dare not come out casually.

"The current registered population of Wukulu Courtyard is more than 900 million, of which at least 500 million are accustomed to the divine system. Bridges has always restricted the external exchanges of this courtyard. It is inevitable that the empire is worried about them." Mu Hua thought about Mostima, and Elzak interjected.

"The negotiations between the Blood Moon Capital and the Imperial Royal Family include opening the courtyard and popularizing magical knowledge, but the blood clan does not participate in the management of the courtyard, and will not even operate industries in the courtyard."

"The Elders Council values ​​the faith foundation here. The royal family has acquiesced to the blood clan's large-scale entry into this courtyard. Even if a war breaks out, Bridges should find it difficult to obtain assistance from the empire." Elzak said.

Wukulu Courtyard is not a small town. Five hundred million people who are accustomed to the divine system are also quite exaggerated. These people do not have a clear understanding of the outside world. If they rush out of the courtyard, it will be really scary.

Because of the special nature of divine arts, these people can use divine arts, but they may not be as stable as spellcasters. After all, the divine arts they use still need to borrow the power of faith from the gods.

If they are allowed to borrow at will, the gods will also suffer from famine. . .

However, after all, there are so many people. If these people are really fooled into running to the human world to cause trouble, persuasion is useless, and killing them is impossible. Now Bridges is pretending to be confused and playing trust with the empire.

But, if it were you, would you trust him?

Originally, it would be fine if the noble faction did not take power, but now the northern nobles have taken over the local power. It would be a miracle if Bridges did not send out some bishops, fanatics and the like to help them handle affairs in such a big stall in the north of the empire.

No matter what Bridges said, he would not let the people in the courtyard come out, and the royal family would not trust him.

This is probably a sharp turn for the worse after prosperity. Not to mention the adventurer forces, just in the imperial political circles, regardless of fear or jealousy, Bridges has unknowingly made himself the target of public criticism.

Of course, Bridges also has his own source of confidence. I think they have also won over some forces. Now it is probably the so-called struggle stage.

And this stage is still a weak link for Mu Hua for the time being. He doesn't even have the qualifications to play, so his purpose is: kill a lot!

Well, behind closed doors, hundreds of millions of people died and the outside world doesn't know the details. It's okay as long as it doesn't affect the outside world. There are people above to take the responsibility, and no one minds.

"Originally I thought the radicals of the blood clan were troublesome, but now it seems that you, the returners, are more fond of making trouble." Mu Hua glanced at Elzak with a little disdain.

There is no need to talk about the three major factions of the blood clan. The radicals are probably delayed by their names. In fact, those guys can be simply understood as a group of demon hunters who always want to prove themselves. They squat in the courtyard all day long and play big games with monsters. In fact, there are not so many troubles.

On the contrary, the so-called returners, today they make demons enter the world, tomorrow they make nobles dependent, and they also jump up and down when they encounter some political issues.

This wave of wanting to attack the Ukuru Courtyard was also advocated by the returners. If the prediction is correct, if there is a conflict with the forces in this courtyard, it is estimated that the unlucky radicals will be the ones who rush to the front.

"You all have such good ideas, but you can't avoid the high-level combat power in this courtyard. Do you have someone who can fight with the gods?" Mu Hua looked at Webster, turned his head and asked Elzak again.

"Mu, the fundamental reason why the Empire has tolerated this courtyard for so many years is that the courtyard key of this courtyard is in the hands of the royal family." Webster shook his head and smiled.

"Don't care if it's an angel or a god. They have no foundation here. Tell Bird and Blood Moon Capital only need to face the believers and the Knights' Inquisition in this courtyard, and at most some angels born in the last two or three hundred years."

"Those high-level combat forces you mentioned, hiding behind to support Bridges is fine. If they really do something radical, someone will naturally deal with them. Perhaps, aren't you the catalyst that prompted them to be radical?" Webster's expression at this time was quite playful.

"..." Mu Hua was silent. He had thought about this.

It's not easy for the royal power to interfere in the affairs of other people's courtyards. Even if there is a civil strife in the courtyard, the imperial royal family has not spoken yet, and the royal power is not easy to jump out and speak.

But if some gods emerge in the courtyard and kill humans, it is natural for the royal power to roll up his sleeves and run over.

After all, it is still a closed courtyard, which is destined to be different from those open courtyards in essence. It is not part of the human world, nor part of the adventurer world.

A private courtyard can be barely understood as a different world. If you don't keep pace with us, you may do something that hinders us. If we use the standard we treat "our own people" to treat you, wouldn't it be a bit cheap?

In the end, whether there is internal strife or not, whether there is war or not, and even whether the dead are human beings, how many people will die, etc., are not important in essence. What is important is that everyone is not holding back, but just lacks some reasons to fart out.

Mu Hua understands what Webster means. The Blood Moon City and the Telling Bird are not going to fight against the gods, they are going to deal with the believers of the gods, and without the believers, the gods are probably not much gods.

Drive away the gods here, demolish Bridges's Knights' Court, Webster will manage this courtyard on behalf of the empire, and the blood clan will rebuild Protestantism. In the future, the value generated by this courtyard will be shared equally between Webster and the royal family. Well, this is probably their idea.

"So you are going to hand over Annie and Kevin to the blood clan?" In a struggle, only winning or losing matters. The fight has not started yet. You don't have to keep ruining other people's business, Mu Hua asked Webster unhappily.

Webster really didn't need to do anything about the Ukulu Courtyard, at least not during the struggle.

However, as an imperial noble who openly supports the blood clan, he always has to make some statements.

For example, let Annie marry a blood clan member, and let Kevin marry him a blood clan daughter-in-law. Marriage is a routine operation.

"What's the matter with handing over or not? Annie and Kevin will get married. You know Annie's situation. Marrying a blood clan member won't be a disadvantage. Kevin himself doesn't oppose the blood clan." Webster rolled his eyes and said unhappily.

"Okay, since you have decided to marry the blood clan, how about the people on my side?" Since he met Webster, Mu Hua knew that this guy was not a person who would listen to advice. He turned to point to Elzak and the other two and said to Webster.

"You...what are you doing here?" Webster was stunned.

"The number of spies sent to me by Blood Moon City in recent years is almost enough to form a company. If I hadn't been busy, I would have packed up the elders and taken them home."

"They are all pure blood and have a high status in the blood clan. Instead of getting involved with that damn elder council, you might as well choose them."

"If you can really replace Bridges in the future, it won't be good for the blood clan to dominate this courtyard, right?"

"The blood clan wants to establish a faith here, and I am also going to come here to get involved. When the blood clan establishes their own, I am also going to develop the Aqua sect here, what do you think?" Mu Hua asked.

"...Aqua... sect? Isn't yours fake?" Webster looked strange.

"Aren't there gods here? Kill a few and it might become real." Mu Hua explained.

"Killing gods...? Are you serious?" Webster was surprised.

"Just give it a try. You guys are all so stubborn, so it shouldn't matter if I give it a try, right?" Mu Hua spread his hands.

"But... isn't Aqua the goddess of water?" Webster questioned. The blood clan wants the blood clan's true ancestor, so you want a few blood clan members to help you get the elemental gods?

"The Aqua sect doesn't need them. They are close to me, but they are not my subordinates. I just introduced them to you."

"You can let Annie and Kevin get along with them. They are simpler than the ones introduced to you by the blood clan." Mu Hua looked at Elzac and the other two.

"The three of them?" Webster also looked at the three. After carefully examining Elzac, he looked back and forth between Olivia and Setsuna. It seemed that there was one more person. Was he asking him to help Kevin pick a wife?

"Well, forget about Setsuna. I'm afraid Kevin can't handle it." Compared with the mature Olivia, Webster seemed to be more interested in the quiet and melancholy Setsuna. Mu Hua guessed Webster's doubts and couldn't help but stop him.

Because it involved the future development of the blood clan, Elzac and Olivia didn't mind being associated with Webster, and Mu Hua's introduction was not nonsense.

However, they were not vampires without roots, and they were not dependent on Mu Hua. At most, they were dissatisfied with some of the people in power in the clan and were closer to Mu Hua.

The three of them followed Mu Hua, mainly to see if he could really compete with the Council of Elders. If they could use Mu Hua to gain more power in the blood clan, they would have to wait and see about future cooperation or dependence.

Elzac and Olivia wanted to get married, and Mu Hua was the matchmaker, or Elzac also wanted to use Webster to gain some power in the clan through the incident at the Ukuru Courtyard.

These are all quite normal life management.

As for introducing Setsuna to Kevin? Oh, don't make a fuss, I guess Kevin's fate is too bad... (End of this chapter)

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