The Secret Garden of the Dandelion Troupe

Chapter 608 Thoughts of all parties

Mu Hua came to Wukulu Courtyard because of Tao Les, but Tao Les didn't know that the blood clan had a secret meeting with Wu Enlan.

There are Alan demons in the team of the "Information Bird". Under the current situation, Alan Demon Country can't condemn the Blood Moon City.

After all, everyone was targeting Bridges at the beginning. Alan Demon Country didn't want to make any big moves, just to express its attitude. If it can avoid fighting with the gods, there is no reason to cause trouble for itself.

Mu Hua contacted Tao Les and accused Tao Les of using him. Tao Les felt wronged in various ways, and he didn't know it would turn out like this.

And strictly speaking, it's a bit inappropriate to say that he was completely used.

After all, Asha Delong and Lili Tu promised to support Mu Hua when he made trouble in the Warcraft Courtyard in the future.

And Asha Delong didn't contact the Blood Moon City, so Abigail attributed everything to Lili Tu.

Now, Mu Hua and Abigail are basically like mascots running around the Uruk courtyard to show their faces, letting the gods here know that humans will really throw high-end combat power into this courtyard.

If it weren't for them, it is estimated that the gods here would not be so honest to sign any agreement.

Strictly speaking, coming here is not a loss for the two, and no matter who wins or loses, they can get a not-too-small reward (offering) from this courtyard regularly in the future.

But the problem is, for people of Mu Hua and Abigail's level, who wants this kind of reward? They don't want these.

"It's not worth robbing in this courtyard." Mu Hua and Abigail lay lazily by the river, feeling the emotional energy surging in the courtyard, and the two ghosts were completely out of shape.

"Still thinking about robbing? Is the revenue from robbing for half a year enough for half a month? Oh, yes, I forgot, you don't seem to have any real business yet." Abigail complained, and Mu Hua rolled his eyes.

Compared to those ghosts and gods who have at least guarded their own territory for a hundred or eighty years, Mu Hua can't really be considered to have any real business in human society now, but he also has some unreal things, such as life potions, such as elemental tears. . .

However, to be honest, the efficiency of robbery in this courtyard is really not high, because the main currency in this courtyard is still credit points.

If you want to rob people, you have to rob high-ranking officials, and if you want to rob a bank, you have to pry open the vault. Otherwise, getting some credit points is useless except for causing criticism, and it's not enough to be embarrassed to tell others.

"Why don't you ask the Blood Moon City to see where they are going to mark the private land of Wuenlanga? Let's go and blow it up there?" After drying her body, Abigail put on a comfortable long skirt and said to Mu Hua.

"I asked Shanshan to find out, but it was useless. They need to discuss this based on the final outcome of the war. These guys are smarter than each other."

"The imperial family and the blood clan don't want Bridges to move ahead of time to hide their own resources. Wuenlanga also hopes to rely on believers and Bridges to consume the blood clan's power, or even drive the blood clan out of the courtyard and re-consolidate their own rule." Mu Hua shook his head and frowned fiercely.

"If you ask me, just forget about the Blood Moon City. Bomb a few more large cities that are key to development in this courtyard. I don't believe those gods can still sit still."

"Come on, Bridges has fully opened this courtyard to adventurers. The fight between the blood clan and the believers can still be considered a war. If we attack the city again, it will be a massacre."

"Bridges just adds fuel to the flames. The adventurers spread the news and no one can stop them."

"If you are not afraid of me, it doesn't matter. At most, I will go home and keep a low profile for a few decades. You haven't even laid a solid foundation now. If your reputation is ruined, it will be a bit of a loss." Abigail said calmly.

Facing multiple targets, the Unlanga pantheon is a bit unreliable. Bridges is also decisive. He simply opened the courtyard and showed the chaos in the courtyard to the outside world.

Although it is not nice to say that a closed courtyard is used to fool the people, the world is so big. Not to mention other courtyards, there are countries in the human world that do this.

This is also the biggest reason why Mu Hua and Abigail are shrinking. The witches and the vampires are fighting with the people of God in this courtyard. No matter what means they use, the outside world can still argue about right and wrong.

And if there is no reason to continue doing what Mu Hua and Abigail did earlier, even if they are facing the emotion of the rabbit dying and the fox mourning, they will only be condemned and denounced by the outside world.

"What should we do? Go back to our own homes and find our own mothers?" Mu Hua frowned.

"Are you sure you are not afraid that Bridges will go to Caines City to cause trouble?" Abigail asked thoughtfully.

"Yes." Mu Hua nodded.

"What about the Naiden Group? I mean the kind of revenge that will end with both sides dying." Abigail asked again.

"Well? I shouldn't be afraid. I have been shifting the focus of development to the courtyard in recent years, and the patrol fleet has approved the "Puppet March"'s application for patrol in the Caines area."

"It's hard to say whether an arms smuggling group will survive or not, and my net is not so easy to tear." Mu Hua replied.

With several years of seemingly dull business, Mu Hua is no longer a brute force who works alone. Now his movements affect all aspects of his own power.

At the same time, any part of his power, who wants to move, will also move the whole body. Without a detailed plan and deployment, it is not possible for anyone to move at will.

"In that case, aren't you short of arms?" Abigail smiled maliciously.

"You mean the cemetery of arms?" Mu Hua thought.

"Well, with enough arms and weapons, I will provide manpower, organize a crusade army, and crusade against those churches that fooled humans. You and I can also hold the fort." Abigail said.

"Well... what are the conditions?" Mu Hua looked at Abigail.

According to Abigail, the so-called manpower will naturally not be monsters, and the main personnel of the crusade army must be composed of relatively ordinary humans.

It is not surprising that Abigail can transfer a group of humans who are enough to form a legion. After all, she also has her own courtyard to suppress (dominate).

If Abigail follows him to play big, it doesn't matter. If you can fight, you can fight. If you can't fight, you can run together. It involves consumption and damage, at most some of your own magic power and external things.

But if it involves these humans who form a crusade army, then the war cannot be without casualties. Abigail has no reason to provide Mu Hua with this assistance for free.

"The stockpiles in the arms cemetery are yours, but we will each take half of the laboratories, researchers, arsenals, and production lines of the Naiden Group." As expected, Abigail made a request.

"You've been thinking about these all along?" Mu Hua looked at Abigail with a suspicious expression on his face and asked.

"I've thought about it, but I'm not serious about it. I just wanted to get some of it. The formation of the expeditionary army is all for you. Isn't it to help you lead the gods out?" Abigail said as a matter of course.

"Even if I'm not there, don't you want to kill the gods? If Wuenlanga and the others don't come out, don't you have to find a way?" Mu Hua curled his lips.

It's easy to deal with the Naiden Group, but Abigail's purpose of wanting the transfiguration is very clear. If she can't get the body of the god, Mephisto can't give her the inheritance crystal of the transfiguration.

"That's different. The risks of facing the gods are still very high. It's so troublesome. I can just give up this plan." Abigail shook her head and denied it, but then she seemed too lazy to explain too much and said impatiently.

"Okay, okay, okay, even if I've been thinking about it from the beginning, just tell me whether you will do it or not?"

"Do it. I just can't stand your words for me." Mu Hua confirmed. He originally wanted to clean up the cemetery of arms. His city garrison in the Kanes Courtyard also had a great demand for arms.

"Look at your little thoughts." Abigail said disdainfully.

"When facing women, especially beautiful women, you must have the right little thoughts. Otherwise, you will suffer a great loss sooner or later." Mu Hua said seriously.

"Haha~, don't be naughty, but I like your words. Okay, you are sweet. I will contact Daryl's people. They also want to defeat the Naden Group. There is no reason to let them idle. Leave the external pressure to them."

Abigail was stunned for a moment, then realized the flattery in Mu Hua's words, but smiled cheerfully. (End of this chapter)

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